Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 316 Unknown battlefield, strange sniping

In some space and time that cannot be observed by the naked eye.

A peerless battle breaks out, and the terrifying aura that permeates it is enough to compress the void to the point of distortion!

Blood rain fell in the sky.

Terrifying and strange creatures kept crawling out of the boundless tomb. Every time they took a step, their human characteristics became one more point. It was as if at this moment, the two completely different temperaments of the weird and the sacred were merged by someone. These powerful forces are forcibly blended together.

Opposite these strange creatures, there was a row of tall figures standing, with auras like Yuan Zhiyue, staring at the strange creatures that kept emerging.

They are natural disaster-level powerhouses from major holy cities.

Such a lineup can be considered extremely luxurious, but in this battle, it seemed quite decadent.

In the center of the killing, energy was raging, the void was trembling, and many strong human beings were fighting wildly with strange creatures, the momentum was shocking.


With a loud roar, a man's long hair was fluttering, and his fists were fierce and fierce. He defeated several strange creatures in succession. His body was covered in blood, and he escaped from the whirlpool of the battlefield with a domineering attitude. , return to the rear.

"Wang Ming, how are you? Are you okay?" As soon as this person came back, a large group of people came forward and asked worriedly.

The strong man named Wang Ming flicked his hair, his eyes flashed with light, he panted heavily, and he replied nonchalantly: "I won't die yet."

"However, we were assigned to stop these weird creatures from invading the real world, and I'm afraid we will completely fail!"

"Although these gadgets are not very powerful, there are too many of them. Moreover, the weird graveyard can continuously resurrect the weird creatures we kill. How to fight such infinite resurrection!"

It's fine if I don't say it, but the more I say it, the angrier it becomes.

It was too frustrating.

With so many natural disaster level experts, they were unable to block this weird loophole that invaded reality.

If word gets out, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of jokes.

However, an extraordinary person who was seriously injured and had several deep visible bone wounds on his body patted his shoulder with a smile and comforted: "No wonder we, we thought we had grabbed a good job and could stay away from the battlefield. , but who would have thought that the weirdness here can be revived infinitely!"

"Unless we pull the big guys on the battlefield over, there is no way we can put an end to it!"

When he heard this, Wang Ming became a little impatient: "Then we will just have to do nothing. We have paid such a high price, but in the end, it still won't help!"

"You can't say that." At this time, a female natural disaster level expert said.

"All our efforts are not without effect. At least they delay the invasion of the weird world into the real world."

"Now, we still need to wait patiently for the results of the big boss battle. They are still the key to this battle!"

Wang Ming slowly closed his eyes, panting heavily, and then shook his head: "No, I have to kill a few more weird creatures to torture me like this. I will never let them easily invade the real world!"

Say it.

He pumped up all his energy and blood, and once again, like a meteor, he slammed into the center of the battlefield!

Even before the female natural disaster level expert could stop her, another person beside her interrupted: "Bai Lin, you don't have to worry about Wang Ming. No one can control his stubborn temper. Anyway, he has mastered a bit of the law of life, just like the invincible Xiaoqiang."

"At this time, he is just angry at these weird creatures that can recover better than him."

"Besides, this place is too weird. It seems to contain some kind of death aura. Perhaps Wang Ming can understand the deeper laws of life through this, which is not a good thing."

When Bai Lin heard this, she couldn't help rolling her eyes: "Mastering the law of life doesn't mean you won't die. This kind of battle with no end in sight is simply unbearable without a break!"

"By the way, how many weird creatures spared us today and invaded the real world."

At this time, an extraordinary person wearing glasses said slowly: "Twenty-five heads."

"This is what I observed..."

"So many, ten more than the day before!" Bai Lin gritted her teeth and couldn't believe it.

You must know that all of these weird creatures have source-level strength. Once they invade the real world, they can endlessly split into weird creatures. Unless they are top-level destruction-level transcendent beings, they cannot compete with them.

And those top destructive level extraordinary beings are all based in the Holy City.

This means that outside the Holy City, the danger level of those areas where humans have lost their activities will increase by several levels!

If this continues.

In the near future, except for the Holy City, there will really be no place suitable for human survival.

"When will the results of that battlefield come out?" Bai Lin raised her head and looked higher up.

Other natural disaster-level extraordinary people shook their heads: "The world is about to be destroyed, and the horror that breaks out in the dying struggle is simply beyond our imagination. However, this time it happened to connect with the world we are in. I I don’t think things are that simple.”

"Of course it's not simple. Extraordinary eras were shattered one after another. Countless powerful men shattered the void and left their legacy in all realms. Unexpectedly, in the end, those worlds were shattered one after another. Only the real world and ordinary humans remained standing!"

"Gods are dead, demons are destroyed, but ordinary people are passing it on from generation to generation. I feel there must be something weird in it."

Bai Lin withdrew her gaze, looked at her companions who were fighting with the strange creatures, and sneered: "Natural disaster level... If we were in ancient times, we would be considered semi-immortal level beings, but in a world like this, I still feel that I can’t move forward, and I wonder what level I need to advance to before I can be free.”

His words revealed deep helplessness.

Such emotions seemed to have infected everyone present, causing the atmosphere to suddenly become very depressed.


A slightly older natural disaster-level person stood up: "Don't ever think like this. Only by climbing up step by step can we get a glimpse of hope. A big boss once said , these weirdness are due to the unwillingness of those transcendent beings who once fell into despair, sacrificed their flesh and blood, and were captured by some idea in the universe, forming an alternative existence."

"Our generation must not repeat the same mistakes."

"Even if you die, you must die cleanly and openly, without leaving any threat to future generations!"

"All weirdness will end in our generation."

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