Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 315 Weird secrets, two completely different paths of evolution

Under the gray sky, a pair of smooth, white, flawless arms reached down, and gently fiddled with it. The original direction of the change turned and spread towards the beast tide.

"Is that a weird creature, or a human..." At this time, Su Qi took a breath and couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Nie Bao and others looked solemn and said with great fear: "This thing is difficult to deal with. We'd better not meet it!"

As soon as these words came out.

Su Qi and Pei Jing couldn't help but look sideways. You must know that these people originally came for the disaster. One second they wanted to rush into the changed world, but now they were so frightened that they felt like they had lost their souls. They suddenly realized that this The thing is not simple.

Nie Bao was worried about Su Qi's young impulsiveness, so he quickly lowered his voice and explained: "You should know that even though human extraordinary beings have been suppressed by ferocious beasts from all walks of life, the Supreme Court has always been certain that the non-human path is the wrong direction of evolution."

"That's part of the reason."

"Non-human aliens gradually lose their human characteristics along the way, but weird creatures are different. They seem to have been trying to return to human form."

"So many people believe that the human form will be the final form."

"Although it is sometimes difficult for us to distinguish the levels of weird creatures, one thing is generally recognized, that is, the more human characteristics a weird creature shows, the more terrifying it is!"

Having said this, Nie Bao paused for a moment, and then continued: "Of course, with just one pair of hands, we cannot be sure whether it is a strange creature. There are also many human beings in many different worlds. These people we Often called ancient ancestors, they may be the descendants of extraordinary beings from a certain period of time.”

"Such beings are also very difficult to mess with. The extraordinary inheritance among them has never been cut off, and their understanding of extraordinary power far exceeds ours."

"In short, when you encounter any human beings outside the real world, you cannot take it lightly!"

As veteran extraordinary beings who have fought in other worlds many times, people like Nie Bao are well-informed and have mastered many unknown secrets.

Hearing this, Su Qi's heart moved and he couldn't help but ask: "These weird creatures are eager to reshape the human form. So in the Holy City... are there some weird creatures walking in the human world?"

Hearing this, Nie Bao and others looked at each other in confusion, and finally replied slowly: "Yes, there are even some extraordinary people who cannot survive the catastrophe of weirdness and have their bodies taken over by weirdness."

Suddenly, Su Qi became interested: "Then the attitude of high-level human beings towards this is..."

"Of course I'll hit you when you show your head." Nie Bao said with a guilty conscience.

Su Qi took a long look at the other party and immediately guessed that things were definitely not as simple as he said.

This is not difficult to understand.

Thinking about it from his perspective, if a group of extraordinary people were invaded by Weirdness in District 9, his first thought would not be to completely eliminate them, but to use these people to find out the true purpose of Weirdness' arrival.

After all, with such weirdness, there is the possibility of communication.

If it was just for recovery, that would be fine, but I might be harboring other ulterior secrets.

Pei Jing was also shocked when he heard the news.

Although he was also born in the Holy City, his level was too low at that time, and he had not yet been able to come into contact with many deep-seated things.


They have now confirmed the change of direction, and District 9 has temporarily gained a breather.


After observing for a while, Su Qi and others left the place and returned to the ninth area.

"Did you succeed?"

As soon as he returned to District 9, Lin Nan couldn't wait to rush over.

After receiving Su Qi's affirmative answer, he finally let out a long breath. It must be said that this sudden change always made him restless, for fear of repeating what happened in the 14th District.


Pei Jing sorted out their handling methods and asked Lin Nan to convey them to other districts.


When the people in charge of other city districts happily handed over this plan to the destructive-level extraordinary beings stationed there, all they received was disdain.

Some people even think that guys like Nie Bao, who have not participated in the conquest of other worlds for many years, have lost their edge.

For them, wouldn't it be a good thing if something unexpected happened in advance? In the process of fighting against it, they might have the opportunity to touch the manifestation of heavenly law from another world and gain the hope of being promoted to the natural disaster level.


in the next few days.

Lin Nan then received urgent reports from several urban areas. The beast tide was attacking the city, and the strangeness began to spread.

"These guys are so abominable!"

"Obviously, the correct solution has been given. With step-by-step operations, a lot of unnecessary losses can be avoided, but they insist on doing the opposite!"

This made him so angry that he could even imagine how many people among them were in dire straits.

However, Xia Shengxuan on the side was not too surprised by this: "Isn't this what we expected? They all came here with their own purposes. No matter what the result is, they can leave with their butts pat." People, these people are hard to rely on.”

Lin Nan hesitated to speak, and finally sighed: "Anyway, with these guys here, we can at least provide greater protection."

Speaking of which.

Lin Nan could only suppress his anxious mood. Now, he had too many things to do, and he could no longer focus on paying attention to other urban areas.

After Su Qi got the news, he was also a little angry, but also a little helpless.

As the saying goes, there will be some misfortunes in the life of the king outside.

What's more, he is not the 'king' of these people. How can he change these people's minds with just one sentence?


Soon, Su Qi thought about the reaction of Nie Bao and others when he released the news about the suspected manifestation of Heavenly Dao in District 13 in order to stop Nie Bao and others from acting recklessly.


Su Qi immediately contacted Lin Nan and asked him to release the news to see what effect it would have.

as expected.

After Su Qi released the news, Lin Nan got news that some city-destroying extraordinary beings had taken the initiative to go out of the city to force the beast tide to change its route.

"Su Qi, you are so amazing. I didn't expect that such a sentence could make these unruly guys calm down!" Lin Nan excitedly reported to Su Qihui.

Su Qize shook his head.

"It's none of my business. I can change these guys who are so stupid because of their power. The only way is to use more power!"

"Now, I guess they will be more interested in District 13. I hope they don't get too excited and rush straight into District 13."

Although, District 13 is the source of the disaster.

But he knew very well that if he wanted to completely prevent this disaster, the key point was not the Thirteenth District, but the unknown battlefield, where the top human beings faced off against a strange world.

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