Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 314 Observing changes, jade hands in the dark

"It's too early to say this now." Pei Jing looked solemnly into the distance.

"This beast tide was indeed led elsewhere by us, but don't forget that the real threat is the mutation that drives away the beast tide!"

"The mutation can deter the beast tide."

"They will also be attracted by the beast tide."

"Now, we need to confirm the direction of the mutation's spread and whether it has changed as a result."

As soon as these words came out, everyone understood instantly.

Nie Bao and the others were even more eager to give it a try. After all, the purpose of their trip was for this disaster.

Now that they have the opportunity to come into contact with the mutation, and with the two geniuses Su Qi and Pei Jing sitting in charge, they have less worries.

after all.

Judging from the burst of power just now, they knew that these two people were not only talented, but they even showed signs of being able to catch up with them in strength.

Now, they are treated as equals.

"Okay, then let's go against the direction of the beast tide, trace the source, and take a look at the spread of the mutation!" Nie Bao was high-spirited and had no objections.


The seven people turned into Jinghong and galloped forward at extremely fast speeds, passing by the tide of beasts.

Along the way.

Nie Bao and others couldn't help but glance at Su Qi secretly. They could hardly hide the shock in their eyes. With just a few gestures, they easily eliminated an impending disaster, which could be considered a bit of quick wit.

What really shocked them was that at such a young age, this person had the temperament to remain unchanged despite the collapse of Mount Tai. This was really terrifying.

Often those who can reach this level are either people with rich experience or people who have enough confidence to solve problems.

It is clear.

Su Qi is the latter.

This means that the other party does not take this beast tide to heart at all.

To know.

Although they are now able to redirect the beast tide, at that critical moment, any carelessness may lead to completely different consequences. No matter how sophisticated the plan is, it is not enough to face the huge and rapidly changing situation. .


This person also has a plan if his plan fails!

He is even sure to use his absolute strength to reverse the situation that is out of control!

That is to completely defeat this beast tide!

Nie Bao thought about it carefully and realized that with their current strength, they could probably resist the tide of beasts that covered the sky just now, but it would definitely not be easy.

If you are not careful, you may even hurt yourself.

In other words, he was not completely sure that he could lead everyone to completely defeat the beast tide.

If Su Qi can do it, his strength should not be as simple as it appears on the surface.

However, he was just thinking about it.

Everyone passed through a devastated land that was ravaged beyond recognition by the beast tide.


There are warning signs in my heart!

A chilling feeling of oppression came over me.


Everyone stopped and used secret techniques to cover up their auras, for fear of being noticed by some existence in the mutation.

after all.

With their vitality and vitality, their attraction to certain beings is even greater than that of a large number of ferocious beasts. The reason why they had to come alone to investigate was because all the monitoring base stations along the way were destroyed. , as a last resort.

"what is that……"


Nie Bao and others saw the sky high in the sky, as if the ink had been accidentally knocked over and rendered by the gods.

And, under that shadow.

Countless strange scenery appeared chaotically, with rivers pouring into the sky, giant peaks lying on their sides on the earth, and countless weird-shaped trees moving without wind, like confused ghosts waving.

Nie Bao stared at the changed world with very complicated emotions.

I was both excited and inexplicably afraid.

In fact, he had done in-depth research on the whole story of this change when he was in District 9.

But now, seeing all this with his own eyes still made him shudder.

"How to say?"

"How about we break into it and take a look?"

At this time, Nie Bao struggled for a moment and then cast a questioning look at the others.

Su Qi glanced at the other party.

I immediately realized that Mr. Jiang was right. These people should not be treated like ordinary destructive level extraordinary beings. It seemed more appropriate to call them 'desperados'.

Even though they came here under the guise of opportunity, in fact, it was for the so-called first-line possibility of promotion.


Su Qi would not look at the other party through colored glasses because of this.

After all, not everyone is a saint, even he himself has some selfish motives.

Being selfish is a perfectly normal thing. On the contrary, the filth hidden behind some people who appear to be sanctimonious may be even more heinous.

"Don't be impatient for a moment." Su Qi said at this time.

"I understand your urgency. I have personally experienced the destruction of the Thirteenth District and the Fourteenth District. If I am not wrong, I have also encountered the manifestation of the heavenly way in the other world that you want to find. Pass."

"It shouldn't happen in a place like this now."


Hearing this, Nie Bao and others were shocked. Although it was not a secret that these Destruction Level Extraordinaries came for the manifestation of the Heavenly Way from another world, Su Qi now said that he had seen the manifestation of the Heavenly Way from another world. , it doesn’t look like he’s trying to fool them.

As a result, several people looked horrified, and immediately turned their gaze from the mutated world to Su Qi, and asked anxiously: "Su, Su Xiannephew... If so, is there really a manifestation of heavenly law from another world?" Can you tell us the news? Even if we can use this to advance to the natural disaster level, we will definitely follow your lead from now on!"

Su Qi smiled slightly and didn't pay too much attention to this.

"There is no need for this. This is not a secret that cannot be told. Once upon a time, a strange outbreak occurred in the Thirteenth District. After the whole city moved, a beast head that covered the sky appeared in the sky and wiped out the entire city. , just when we thought we were doomed, a human voice sounded, instantly defeating them."

"If I'm not wrong, the beast's head pointing to the sky and blocking out the sun should be the manifestation of heaven from another world..."

"But after that, something happened in the 14th District, and strange things invaded me. I didn't feel that breath again. Therefore, I think that the so-called manifestation of heavenly law from another world should not have been truly manifested yet. Or it may still be dormant in the Thirteenth District, otherwise the Fourteenth District will not be an empty city now, but will be directly wiped out."

At this time, Nie Bao and others were extremely excited when they heard these secrets, and were just about to ask more questions.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he casually caught sight of a snow-white jade hand stretching out in the changed world, as if gently fiddling with something!

this moment.

Not only Nie Bao and others, but even Su Qi and Pei Jing suddenly felt chills running down their spines, and they didn't dare to breathe out.

That is……

Human arm!

Strange creature?


Su Qi has also seen many strange creatures, even many humanoid creatures, but he has never seen this kind of arm that has no alien characteristics and is exactly like a human woman!

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