Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 313: Beasts collided and were forced to change course!

The wilderness is vast and vast. There are divine birds striking the sky above and ferocious beasts escaping below. There is complete chaos here!


A roar spread hundreds of miles, and there was a giant beast in some kind of cracked mountain. Feeling the spiritual pressure from the sky, it rushed out with its whole body covered in fire.


A scream pierced through the cracked gold and stone, and in a low cloud, several vicious birds were forced out of their bodies and fled in terror.

The tide of beasts spread all over the mountains and plains. When encountering mountains and plains, and wading through water, all obstacles were violently crushed over. They were like avalanches, rolling bigger and bigger. The ferocious beasts along the way were frightened and ran wildly, and soon merged into the tide of beasts. Among them, he turned into one of them and rushed towards the more distant end of the earth.

Different from the past, this time the beast tide is completely man-made. Seven destruction-level powerhouses headed by Su Qi formed a divine bird formation to deter the beasts!

The purpose is very simple, to attack the beast tide with the beast tide, in an attempt to completely change the direction of the beast tide, and buy more time for District 9.

Just less than a day and a half.

The beast tide led by Su Qi has reached a considerable scale, but he knows very well that the impact of the two beast tides will not simply eliminate both sides, but will devour each other and eventually evolve into a larger scale. Beast tide.


At the moment when these two beast tides impact, there will be a brief relaxation time, which is the best time to change the direction of the beast tide's impact!

It didn't take long.

The void ahead trembled, the earth shook like a drum, smoke and dust rose into the sky, and a sense of raging and violent oppression surged over the sky and appeared in the perceptions of Su Qi and others.

A few people briefly made eye contact and realized that they were facing a real beast wave head on!


The seven people pushed their mental power to the extreme without any reservation, creating a magical resonance through the divine bird formation. A mental pressure that was ten times higher than before swept forward like a tide in an instant.

Vaguely, there is a hazy shadow of a divine bird, like a god overlooking the world!

That terrifying aura instantly caused the beast tide to run at a new height. The two beast tides collided firmly together, as if they were going to crush the world.

Puff puff puff puff!

At this moment, the frightened ferocious beasts also noticed the herd of beasts attacking from the front. Even if they instinctively wanted to avoid it, it was of no avail, because as long as they slowed down a little, they would be forcibly pushed by the ferocious beasts coming from behind. Push forward!

In the blink of an eye, countless ferocious beasts collided together, blood spattered everywhere, arms were broken, and even some weaker ferocious beasts were directly squeezed into pulp!


Extremely bloody!

The desire to survive was maximized, and countless ferocious beasts roared, opened their bloody mouths, and spit out gorgeous energy beams, trying to carve out a bloody path.


In this level of collision, individual strength has become minimal.

Even if he struggled desperately, it would be of no avail and he could not escape from the tide of beasts.


In the middle of the night, a loud roar penetrated the sky and the earth, and even the clouds high in the sky were shaken away.

Su Qi and others also noticed that the two beast tides suddenly came to a standstill at this time.

"It's still not enough. The beast tide on the opposite side is obviously larger. After this short collision, I'm afraid it will be swallowed up instantly and form a backlash!"

"Well, it seems that we can only seize the opportunity to kill through this place and completely disperse the beast tide!"

Nie Bao looked serious and quickly made an accurate analysis.

However, Su Qi had a different view: "There is no need to work so hard. All beings that are coerced by the general trend will lose their rationality and follow blindly. But now, the short gap formed by the impact of a moment will allow them to temporarily return to their rationality." , now, just need a little guidance..."

"You can change the direction of the beast tide."

Hearing this, Nie Bao and the others couldn't help but be stunned.

What does this mean?

What if sanity briefly returns?

Is it possible that you go down and reason with them, or should we change the direction?

And the next second.

Su Qi gave the answer.

I saw him directly summoning the Hammer of Divine Punishment, turning on the God's Favorite state, adding countless boosting buffs, and the energy and blood all over his body exploded like a volcano, and he swung towards the ground!

The target he was attacking was not a tide of beasts.

But behind the beast tide, the terrifying energy instantly tore a bottomless trench out of the earth, and the aftermath swept out, throwing a large number of ferocious beasts directly into the air.

at the same time.

In the trench, there was violent lava mixed with the power of Qi and blood, rising into the sky, forming an extremely shocking scene!

The world is shattered and the earth is shattered!

With the power of Qi and blood, he refined the earth into molten lava and pulled out a trench that was hundreds of miles long!

In an instant, countless ferocious beasts were frightened and looked sideways and hurriedly avoided.

this moment.

Nie Bao and others instantly understood Su Qi's thoughts.

That's right.

In the past, the beast tide encountered mountains and rivers and waded through water because they themselves were too powerful and unstoppable, and nothing could hinder their pace.

But now, the two tides of beasts are colliding together and their progress is blocked. They will make the final choice after the collision.

What Su Qi is doing now is to block their route to the ninth area.

Even if such cracks seem a bit insignificant under the overthrow of the beast tide, sometimes these inconspicuous obstacles can play a key role. After all, for any living species, in a crisis, You will always subconsciously choose a relatively smooth road.

"Do it!"

"Force them deeper into the wilderness!"

In an instant, Nie Bao roared, moved the long knife in his hand, and waved out several extremely sharp auras, cutting the earth.

Pei Jing and others scattered out, looking for a suitable position to launch a fierce attack.

In just a few minutes, this piece of land was like plasticine that anyone could manipulate. The landscape was completely changed, and countless crisscrossing ravines were torn around the edge of the beast tide.


As expected.

Some ferocious beasts who were about to evacuate subconsciously turned their heads and looked in the other direction when they saw several powerful extraordinary beings standing in the sky like needles in the sky, with energy raging and the earth devastated. The road was flat and nothing could be produced. The smell of menace.

It goes without saying how to choose.

Breathing heavily, he ran deep into the wilderness in a flash.

At first, only the ferocious beasts on the edge of the beast tide fled. Gradually, more and more ferocious beasts joined the fleeing ranks. The long embankment of thousands of miles collapsed in the ant nest, one block after another.

Nie Bao and others were surprised to find that the dense beast tide was changing its course right under their noses!

Moreover, their exertion was not even considered a warm-up exercise, and was far from as brutal as imagined.


"Is it solved easily like this?"

They looked at each other, obviously in disbelief.

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