Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 312: Driving away ferocious beasts and mastering mystical skills


The ferocious beasts scattered in the wilderness near District 9 are completely opposite.

Under this terrifying pressure, they were trembling and terrified, and were forced to flee in all directions!

This scene fell into Su Qi's eyes and instantly aroused his interest.


Under the threat of the strange aura, the panicked beasts will form a tide of beasts and sweep everything away as they run away.

That destructive level aura should also be able to do this.

This way.

Two beast tides with completely opposite directions may be able to save more energy by impacting together.


Su Qi quickly informed others of this idea.

When Nie Bao and others heard this idea, they were happy at first, and then slapped their heads with extremely ashamed and angry expressions on their faces.


Driving away ferocious beasts to achieve a certain goal is a common method used by the Scourge Legion to conquer other worlds. Whether it is used to deal with hostile forces or to enter some forbidden areas, the effect is very good.


They came out this time to show their faces in front of Su Qi.

But I never expected that this method would come from the mouth of a young boy who had never stepped into another world.

Who is the experienced extraordinary person?

However, they comforted themselves silently in their hearts: "It's not a big deal. It's just that the few of us haven't stepped into another world for too long, and we didn't remember many things for a while."

In order to save face, Nie Bao took the initiative and said: "Nephew Su Xian, we have mastered a secret technique of combined attack that can maximize mental deterrence!"

"In this way, I will teach you and Pei Jing the secret technique first. If you can't understand it in a short time, don't worry. Just follow us and think that we are the leader and reach a consensus."

Say it.

He then transmitted the secret technique to Su Qi and Pei Jing's spiritual perceptions through his spiritual thoughts.

This is a method unique to the Destruction level. If the target is a transcendent person below the Apostle level, the mental strength is not enough and it is impossible to receive the information mixed with their spiritual thoughts.

Then, he winked at the other companions, and the five of them instantly accelerated and flew forward.

Like a flock of wild geese, arranged in a herringbone shape, the spiritual power overflows during the boiling process, and they join together.


Su Qi could sense that the spiritual power of these people had some kind of strange resonance, rising rapidly at a terrifying speed, and seemed to form an invisible divine bird, exuding a domineering spiritual pressure that looked down upon all things.

He was immediately frightened by the running ferocious beast under his feet. He took three steps in two steps, wishing he had a few more legs, and ran away in a hurry to speed up.

For a while.

The earth shook and the mountains shook, the entire dense forest trembled, rows of towering trees fell to the ground, and dust rose into the sky, blocking out the sun.

Along the way, ferocious beasts kept joining the fleeing team, creating an indescribable emotion that infected each other.


"As expected of a destructive powerhouse who has experienced battles in other worlds. I just mentioned it casually, and they showed corresponding methods. It seems that they are not as simple as imagined. Maybe there are many things in them that can be explored deeply. come out."

When Su Qi saw this scene, he couldn't help but get excited.

However, he soon focused his attention on the spiritual mysticism. Although this secretive art was somewhat complicated, the spiritual ideas taught by Nie Bao were very detailed.

The requirements for whether the spiritual power is strong or not are not high. The main difficulty lies in testing the accuracy of the extraordinary master's spiritual power.

And this.

It happens to be what Su Qi is best at.

Having experienced the state of God's Favored One so many times, whether it is the deconstruction of energy or the mastery of spiritual power, it has reached an incredible level.


In almost less than a minute, Su Qi completely mastered this secret technique.

On Pei Jing's side, although the speed was a little slower, he could still master it within five minutes. After all, he had forcibly entered the destruction level twenty years ago. After suffering mental damage over the years, it was difficult for him to Being in control is not an exercise.

In addition, during this period of time, he has been practicing with Su Qi, and the transformation of his breathing method has made him understand the extraordinary power much more deeply.


Originally, the formation was only led by five people from Nie Bao, but two spiritual powers were added at once.

This made the five Nie Bao people stunned and extremely shocked.

If the information is correct, these two people should have just entered the destruction level. Why are they so skilled in mastering spiritual power? Even some high-level destruction level extraordinary people have to spend a lot of money when they come into contact with this secret technique. Consider it carefully for a long time.

"Is this...the difference between me and a real genius!?"

Seeing this, Nie Bao and the other five people all showed bitter expressions.

Once upon a time, they were also called geniuses. Even if they stayed in the destruction level realm for many years, they were still respected in the family.

Never imagined.

These two people are so perverted. Comparing them, they are no different from trash!


What shocked him was yet to come.


In the process of the spiritual power of Su Qi and Pei Jing being merged, Nie Bao could still clearly sense the youthfulness of the two people's use of spiritual magic. For this reason, he also took the initiative to mobilize his spiritual power. , like a leading wild goose, silently leading the flow of spiritual power of these two people.

But just when he was still a little proud.

Suddenly, he felt that behind him, the secret technique was activated to a terrifying degree, not only was he completely separated from his grasp.

It thrives in an extremely terrifying manner!

It was as if a little wild goose transformed into a peerless divine bird in the blink of an eye.

It's like a small fish that suddenly grows into a huge whale!

Even the structure of the formation changed at this moment. Nie Bao, who was originally in the leading position, suddenly felt a lightness in his body and mind, as if there was a strong backing behind him as a thrust, pushing him forward steadily.


Sensing this state, Nie Bao and the other five people all felt their scalps go numb and collectively gasped.

I go!

Do you want to be so perverted!

Is this what is so unbelievable about the young Holy Lord!

They took advantage of the situation to sense Pei Jing's use of secret skills, and compared the two, they felt a little normal.

At this time.

Nie Bao couldn't help but say: "Nephew Su Xian, we should change our positions so that we can maximize the power of the formation."

As he said that, he couldn't help but show a look of shame on his face.

"Is this still possible?"

Su Qi was stunned for a moment, and then quickly exchanged positions with Nie Bao.

In an instant, the momentum of the combined attack formation became different. Su Qi was in the leading position, and his spiritual magic was activated to the extreme, radiating to everyone in the formation.

Not only did everyone’s burden suddenly lighten a lot.

The power of the formation instantly changed, and there was even a loud roar!

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