Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 309 Secret talk after the meeting, the truth behind the disaster

"Nephew Su Xian, when I was in the Holy City, I often heard Qingwei talking about you. Now that I see you, you are indeed a dragon among people."

"By the way, I can roughly guess some of your intentions in the meeting. Although the starting point is good, there are some things I think I still need to mention to you." After the meeting, everyone dispersed. Jiang from Sun Yao Holy City The old man found Su Qi.

As soon as he heard the other party mention Jiang Qingwei, Su Qi immediately knew the other party's identity.

I was just about to ask Jiang Qingwei how she was doing and whether she was doing well in the Holy City, but then I thought about it and swallowed the polite words on my lips.

after all.

The Holy City is the last pure land of mankind.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jiang Qingwei has returned to the Holy City family with such qualifications.

When he said this, he was suspected of not trusting other people's family systems, so he brushed off the topic and said humbly: "If Mr. Jiang has any advice, it doesn't matter."

Mr. Jiang seemed extremely helpful to Su Qi's gesture, and the smile on his face became brighter.

When it was confirmed that this son would be promoted to the Destruction Level, he was once worried that Su Qi would be too sharp and domineering. Not only was this the case for the younger generation of Destruction Level Transcendents in the Holy City, but even he was not immune to this when he was promoted to the Destruction Level.

This realm, in ancient times, was already considered to be the level of a feudal official.

And Su Qi can still maintain such a humble attitude, which shows that his character is extraordinary.

But if the other party knew that Su Qi had just been promoted to the destruction level and dared to plot the weirdness of the source level, I'm afraid he would have to change his mind a lot.

This is also Su Qi's consistent style.

Inner saint and outer king.

"That's it." The old man surnamed Jiang thought for a moment and said slowly.

"I think you may have oversimplified this disaster."

"Perhaps you still don't know that in the battlefield that we can't see, there are already strong human beings who have blocked most of the disasters for us. Now that we are shown in front of us, the mutation that has invaded the real world is just that An insignificant part of the battlefield is revealed.”

"Think about it from another angle, that is, the strong humans cannot completely control the situation and allow mutations to invade the real world!"

"If I were you, I would firmly hold all the destructive power that can be gathered in my own hands. In fact, these people cannot play a vital role in the outcome of the disaster, but they are important to the safety of District 9. It’s really critical.”

"Because, once the situation deteriorates, those strong human beings will not let these destructive-level extraordinary beings die. They will naturally provide some protection. Instead, they will completely disperse it. The protection may become selective."

“In troubled times, sometimes you have to think more about yourself in order to go further.”

Listening to the teachings of the old man named Jiang, Su Qi not only felt a strong sense of love and care, but was also shocked by the truth of the disaster.

He never expected it.

A disaster that could sweep dozens of urban areas turned out to be just the tip of the changes!

This is really appalling.

For a moment, he recalled the scene when that terrifying existence manifested itself when District 13 was destroyed.


This involves fighting at a higher level.

Su Qi asked repeatedly: "You mean, we people are simply unable to withstand this disaster?"

The old man surnamed Jiang shook his head: "Not necessarily, what I just said is just the worst result. If the top human beings win, or control the mutation invasion and no longer escalate, it shouldn't be a problem for us people to resist .”

Having said this, Su Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

But the worry in his heart still lingers. It's not that he is afraid, but that he doesn't like things that are beyond his control.


Su Qi had no regrets about sending these extraordinary beings out.

If the Ninth District cannot even protect itself, then no matter how many destruction-level guards are there, it will be in vain.

It's not that he looks down on these destructive extraordinary beings, but that he has full confidence in his own combat power. Judging from the aura of these people, it shouldn't be a problem to kill half of them, not just all of them.

That's right.

Although these Destruction Level Extraordinaries belong to a relatively top group, it is an indisputable fact that their vitality and blood have begun to decline.

"More." The old man surnamed Jiang continued.

"You have to take your time to use the five Destruction Level Extraordinaries who were stationed in the ninth area by drawing lots. They belong to Jingxue Holy City. Even though they are all at the forty-seventh or eighth level, as far as I know, they The five of them haven’t stepped out of the Holy City for a long time.”

"The destruction-level extraordinary people in our holy city are occasionally recruited to join the ranks of the Scourge Legion in conquering other worlds. Oh, I forgot to tell you that the Scourge Legion refers to a team led by a natural disaster-level powerhouse. They go to other worlds in advance. Eliminate some signs of invasion and at the same time obtain some special resources for mankind."

"This indicates that their condition may not be very good, and they do not have enough confidence to resist their own strange calamity. This trip is probably a desperate attempt."

"For this reason, don't be blinded by their positive side. If you use them too much, once a strange disaster breaks out, it may cause backlash."

At this point, his tone suddenly became a bit arrogant: "I am different from them. I have truly stepped into the forty-ninth level. I am called up to join the Scourge Legion every year and conquer other worlds."

It looks like your kid didn't tamper with the lottery just now, that's the loss of District 9.

Su Qi nodded while listening.

But he didn't pay too much attention to the destruction-level transcendent in Jingxue Holy City.

A life-and-death fight would be better. He was even more worried about the other party's digging and didn't dare to rush forward.

As for the weirdness entrenched in the mysterious path, Su Qi had long wanted to see it.

The breath of the Supreme Holy Lord can interfere with the strange arrival, which proves that those things that are soft and afraid of hard can still be dealt with, and he also wants to see if he can resist it.

after all.

He had just been promoted to the destruction level, and he didn't know when the first strange disaster would occur.

It is good to practice in advance and accumulate some experience.

Next, the two talked for a long time. Su Qi could tell that the other party was sincerely thinking about him, and Jiang Qingwei's relationship should be indispensable.

By the time Su Qi walked out of the conference room, he had a deeper understanding of the Holy City and these destructive extraordinary beings, and was no longer clueless.


He summoned Pei Jing, Lin Nan and others to tell them the truth behind the disaster.

Everyone was horrified to learn this inside information.

It is true that it is a good thing to have more powerful extraordinary beings fighting at the front.

But it also heralds disaster, which can escalate at any time.

However, Pei Jing's focus was on the manifestation of the heavenly way in the other world. Although he knew that there was still a long way to go before he could reach the natural disaster level, Su Qi was different.

This guy might be suddenly promoted one day.

Although the manifestation of the heavenly way from another world is somewhat inferior to the promotion of local extraordinary people, it can also be used as a stepping stone.

After all, stones from other mountains can attack jade.

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