Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 308 The situation is tense, Su Qi’s proposal


"Which holy city has fewer natural disaster-level warriors? In terms of strength, our Holy City of Baichu is even better. The natural disaster army has conquered several alien worlds, making it the best in the world!"

As soon as they saw someone starting, others immediately followed and introduced the advantages of their own holy city.

"Fuck your mother!"

"You, the Scourge Legion of Baichu Holy City, do things that I would not even bother to mention. They specifically look for some foreign races that can communicate with each other. After reaching some kind of agreement, they declare to the outside world that they have captured that foreign world. You don't even have the dignity to do so!"

"How dare you... dare to slander the natural disaster legions of our Holy City of Baichu, even if you have the ability to do so in front of the natural disaster-level powerful men of our Holy City!"

"Okay, you guys, don't argue anymore. The strength of each holy city has its own level. It's hard to argue clearly at the moment. However, our super ancient holy city is different. It has the strongest historical accumulation. The first holy master can be traced back to heaven and earth. At the beginning of the great cataclysm, it participated in the development of extraordinary power, and its foundation is unmatched by other holy cities."

"The proportion of promotions to natural disaster level is the highest. It is wisest to choose our holy city."

"Don't talk about quantity, talk about proportion. What kind of rogue are you, the ancient holy city, trying to do? Why don't you talk about yourself? You have wasted hundreds of years in the destruction level realm. Has the foundation of your ancient holy city given you any help?"

At this time, the strong man from the Super Ancient Holy City, whose face was red from the rebuke, immediately stood up and slapped the case, staring angrily: "I am settling, do you understand? If you don't understand, let's go to the wilderness first and do it." If I don’t knock you down, I’ll turn around and leave immediately!”

"It's what I asked for."

"Even those old-fashioned people in your Holy City have the nerve to jump out!"

For a while.

The atmosphere in the party hall was tense. From bragging at the beginning, it suddenly progressed to attacking the opponent.

It seemed like there would be a big fight the next second.

However, all of this was within Su Qi's expectations, so he was not too surprised.

This is inevitable.

after all.

Extraordinary people prefer to use their fists to reason, which is easy, effective and convenient.

However, Su Qi naturally would not sit back and watch the situation get out of hand, so he said very sincerely: "Everyone, stop for a moment. I have clearly felt your support for me. It's just that you all have your own reasons. I am in a remote urban area like District 9 and know very little about the situation in the Holy City."

"It will be a while..."

"It's better to trouble everyone to show it to each other."

"I have an immature idea, but I don't know how to express it."

At this time, Su Qi pretended to be inexperienced in the world, which instantly aroused everyone's protective feelings. They were afraid that Su Qi would be deceived by other extraordinary people in the Holy City, so they immediately asked Su Qi to express his thoughts.

Su Qi paused and looked a little embarrassed: "Look, this disaster is coming. It is too early to discuss the future of a junior like me."

"It's better that we each choose to station in different urban areas."

"Wouldn't it be better to demonstrate the strength of the major holy cities with their achievements in resisting disasters, so that they can be seen clearly without hurting their friendship?"

As soon as these words came out.

The party hall fell silent instantly, and everyone began to think about the feasibility of Su Qi's proposal.

If Pei Jing had said these words, these old foxes would even think that the other party was using them as spearmen. However, Su Qi's sincerity and even a little recklessness made them more convinced.

No wonder he was.

After all, coming from such a remote place, it is reasonable to feel dizzy when faced with the olive branches offered by major holy cities.

Someone immediately said: "This method works, but I'm afraid some people don't dare to compare."

"Who wouldn't dare?"

"You just keep talking and look at me. What do you mean?"

However, some people said very shrewdly: "This is okay, then I will choose District 9."

"No, it's more appropriate for me to be in charge of District 9!"

Seeing that the argument was about to start, Su Qi quickly said: "This is not a problem. We can use the oldest drawing method, which may be more fair."

After Su Qi said these words, the old man in the hall who called himself Sunlight Holy City frequently winked at Su Qi.

Regarding this old man, Su Qi probably knew in his heart that, as expected, he should be a destructive powerhouse from the Jiang family, and possibly an elder of Jiang Qingwei.

Just, within the current scene.

He must make a bowl of water even, so that he can persuade these extraordinary beings to devote themselves wholeheartedly to resisting disasters.

This is the truest thought in his heart.

after all.

Now that he and Pei Jing have been promoted to the level of destruction, coupled with his own extraordinary abilities that enhance his strength, he cannot say that he is invincible in the level of destruction, but it is not far behind. Being in the ninth district is no longer a big problem, and other districts need it more. These destructive powerhouses.

this moment.

Pei Jing also understood Su Qi's intention, and he took a deep look at his student.

Unexpectedly, Su Qi could come up with such a plan to kill two birds with one stone, which could not only appease everyone's emotions, but also drive them to do their best to resist the disaster.

To know.

These veteran destruction-level transcendent beings, at such an age, are accustomed to going their own way in the Holy City. When they come to this area, they are even more unruly wild horses. It is difficult to impress them with ordinary words.


Su Qi informed the staff of the City Lord's Mansion to start the lottery process.

For a moment, the guests present became nervous. Even if they couldn't draw the ninth district, they would still draw the place closest to the ninth district. This way, if something happened, they could come to support immediately and perform well. Give it a try and brush up your favor.

This is a rare opportunity.

If this young man really rises to the level of the Supreme Holy Lord in the near future, then this favor will be of immeasurable value.

over time.

When the random inspection results come out, naturally some people are sad and some are happy.

But there is nothing they can do about this fairest way of drawing lots.

I had to secretly think of a way to replace it with others.

It should be impossible for inducements to succeed...

Then there is only coercion.


This kind of thing should be done in secret, and you must not show your unbearable side.

So, each one remembered certain people with strange expressions.

I began to think in my mind that after leaving the ninth area and entering the wilderness, the second round of the competition would begin.

Although Su Qi knew very well about this kind of thing, there was nothing he could do about it. The law of the jungle had been like this since ancient times.

At least, he has minimized the conflicts between these people, and the rest can only be allowed to develop.

In the second half of the party, Su Qixun naturally asked the elders for information about the major holy cities. For this, the destruction-level experts were naturally very happy and wanted to talk about all the highlights of their holy cities. The opportunity aroused Su Qi's interest.

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