Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 310 Secrets from another world, the outbreak of beast tide

After those destructive level transcendental beings reluctantly left for other cities.

Su Qi spent some time and communicated several times with the five Destruction Level Transcendents who were drawn to station in the Ninth District.

On the one hand, it is to show the sincerity of District 9.

On the other hand, it is to ask the other party for some knowledge about the cultivation of the destruction level realm.

Even for Su Qi, who has access to the Arad continent, this knowledge is of little use, but it can also be used to improve the relationship between the two parties.

after all.

in the next period of time.

They will be teammates fighting side by side, whether it is Su Qi or the other party. The closer relationship at this time is also to deal with future disasters and to ease differences when they arise.

at the same time.

Su Qi also learned from them some secrets about the Holy City's Scourge Legion's conquest of other worlds.

for example.

After entering another world, the enemies faced by extraordinary beings are not only aliens, but also extraordinary beings who are also human beings.

Legions from different holy cities, and even legions from a unified holy city, often fight each other, and they will be even more cruel!


The heavenly ways of other worlds will suppress the strength of extraordinary beings.

If you want to restore your strength, the most effective way is to hunt humans to gain recognition from the heavens in other worlds, so that your strength can be liberated from suppression.

most of the time.

For extraordinary beings above the level of destruction, once any conflicts arise, most of them will choose to resolve them in battles in other worlds.

After returning to the real world, everyone showed their harmonious side.

after all.

The life-and-death fight between extraordinary beings above the destruction level affects too wide a range. It is an iron law expressly prohibited by the Holy City!


One of them, an old man named Nie Bao, proudly showed Su Qi the trophies he had captured in another world.

It is an extremely sharp long knife!

It is somewhat similar to the ancient weapons owned by the three sisters Shen Chan, but the aura they reveal is even better!

"Hehe, in another world, in addition to obtaining various resources, it is even possible to harvest this top secret treasure. Don't underestimate this knife. It can increase my combat power by about 40%, which is much higher. The ability manifested by some divine weapons.”

"You know, the ability of a magic weapon to manifest depends on luck. The magic weapons that some people manifest are just superficial and have limited bonuses to their strength. Some people can't even manifest a magic weapon in their lifetime."

"But these secret treasures from another world are different. As long as they can be found, their power is very terrifying."

"I once saw someone get an ancient bronze pagoda. Once he sacrifices it, he can become stronger and stronger, and he can even refine masters who are several levels higher than him!"

When Su Qi heard this, he couldn't help but secretly clicked his tongue.

Before that, he had learned that many ancient ruins had appeared in some other worlds, which were suspected to be left by ancient humans.

Some of these secret treasures have been stored to this day and have not been eroded by time. They are definitely of great origin.

Although Su Qi owns the Hammer of Divine Punishment and has no urgent need for these secret treasures, it would be quite interesting if the extraordinary beings in District 9 could each have such a weapon.


Su Qi's cleaning company is also operating efficiently.

Now that he has been promoted to the destruction level, the amount of animal meat he can purify in a day has increased several times. With the disaster approaching, he will naturally supply the ninth area vigorously.

In this critical moment of life and death, it is extremely crucial for the extraordinary people in the city to be able to increase their strength by one point.

at the same time.

The training building is also open every day.

Groups of extraordinary beings entered it one after another, and Su Qi personally guided them to transform their breathing methods. The mental outlook of each extraordinary person who came out had a great change.

There are even some extraordinary people with special talents who have made even more amazing progress.

I have realized most of the breathing rhythms, and the energy I can absorb is instantly several levels higher than before, and my state has improved by leaps and bounds!


In the ninth district.

A group of once-buried geniuses suddenly emerged.

No matter what the outside world says, these extraordinary beings know very well that they are not geniuses, and their previous cultivation progress was even more disastrous. Their transformations were all brought about by the cultivation building.

This scene was naturally difficult to escape from the eyes of the five Destruction-level extraordinary beings from the Holy City of Pure Snow.

They were dumbfounded.

It even felt like I was still in the Holy City.

Isn’t it said that the resources in this area are barren and hope has long been cut off?

Why do they see completely different things.

The promotion speed of ordinary extraordinary people in the city is comparable to some areas in the Holy City!

"It is rumored that the Ninth District has cooperated with the conservative faction of the Hua Shen Cult. This seems to be true. Only the foundation of that ancient force can create all this."

Nie Bao's analysis quickly attracted the approval of other companions.

After all, they really couldn't imagine how such a remote urban area could burst out with such vitality.

"It's bad. If Su Qi is secretly cultivated by the conservative faction of the Evolutionary Cult, his value will be greatly reduced in the eyes of the Holy City's senior officials." Someone worried.

Nie Bao's eyes flashed, he thought for a while, and said in a faint tone: "That shouldn't be the case."

"If Su Qi really has the qualifications to attack the Supreme Holy Lord, let alone the conservative faction of the Evolution God Cult behind him, even if he is cultivated by a foreign race, he will be recognized!"

"Besides, the Cult of Evolution..."

"At our level, I guess there are not many people who secretly cooperate with them. After all..."

At this point, Nie Bao's tone paused.

Others also knew what Nie Bao meant by cooperation.

After being promoted to the destruction level, extraordinary people will always be tortured by strange disasters. Every time they go to other worlds to fight, they have to be on tenterhooks.

However, non-human beings do not have such troubles.


During the outbreak of the strange catastrophe, many people, after realizing that they are unable to contend, will choose to actively accept the pollution and step into the inhuman path!

the reason is simple.

On the one hand, he died directly from being snatched away by strange things, and on the other hand, he was invaded by polluted traits and died slowly!

How to choose, needless to say!

In order to leave a way out for themselves, many forces in the Holy City will maintain a certain relationship with the Hua Shen Cult.

Regarding everything in District 9, they were just watching silently and had no intention of intervening. After all, they were born in the Holy City and their horizons had been broadened to a very high level. This development could still be tolerated.


Everyone in District 9 has undergone an astonishing transformation and is actively preparing for war.

At the same time, groups of extraordinary people were constantly entering and exiting the wilderness, maintaining the normal operation of various monitoring base stations.

Such days did not last long.

A piece of bad news suddenly came.

Five thousand kilometers away from District 9, a large-scale killing of ferocious beasts broke out, the mutation spread intensified, and several monitoring base stations were destroyed!


The whole city was terrified.

Because this is how District 14 was destroyed!

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