Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 307 The party begins, and the ideal self comes into reality

A high-sounding party theme, inviting high-sounding extraordinary people.

In fact, everyone knew very well what the real purpose of this gathering was.

The meeting place was a conference hall in the city lord's mansion.

A huge round table, hundreds of chairs, no other staff, no security personnel, everything is simple.

after all.

Such a group with extraordinary strength can almost run sideways in this area. Even if the Evolution God Sect wants to test its edge, it will have to pay a huge price.


Destruction-level extraordinary beings from major holy cities rushed into the arena one after another, vying for the position closest to the main seat.

In any case, there is nothing wrong with the first-come-first-served approach.

There are also some confident strong men who did not join in the farce of fighting for positions. Their expressions are extremely calm, showing that they are different from others, such as the several destruction-level strong men headed by Jiang Lao in Sun Yao Holy City, or other original The Holy City that maintains a relatively good cooperative relationship with District 9...

Logically speaking.

With their strength and seniority, even if they sit in the main seat, it is more than enough, but these people, without exception, have reserved the main seat for today's protagonist.

Good thing.

As this was their first contact, everyone was relatively restrained, at least on the surface maintaining their strong demeanor.

In addition, Lin Nan was thoughtful and arranged a large round table meeting to avoid the appearance of some gunpowder.

After everyone sat down, they kept looking towards the door. For a moment, they felt a little uneasy for some unknown reason.

"Su Qi, everyone is here, and you are still standing here in a daze. There is a meeting coming soon. Could it be that you haven't figured out how to deal with those guys yet? It's okay. As long as I'm here, no one can force you. Do things you don’t want to do.”

In another part of the city lord's palace, when Su Qi was lost in thought, Pei Jing came over.

He is the nominal host of this meeting, and he is also the leader of the meeting. After all, he comes from a family that is nobler than anyone here and belongs to the direct lineage of the Supreme Holy Lord!

Su Qi saw Principal Pei coming to urge him, and smiled slightly: "I'm not worried about these guys, I'm just thinking that the current situation of human beings is worrying, why are the internal struggles among human beings intensifying?"

I heard Su Qi mention this issue.

Pei Jing couldn't help but suddenly realized that some memories seemed to be touched, and he replied in a faint tone: "I also had this question when I was young."

"An elder told me so."

"Only fighting against each other can give birth to real hope, and it also means that real hope has not yet come."

"On the contrary, if there is peace and unity among human beings, that will be an extremely critical moment."

"It wasn't until I was in charge of the Ninth District that I gradually realized the truth. Taking this area as an example, when there is an interest dispute between the Ninth District and other urban districts, what will you think about? Without exception, priority will be given to ensuring that the Ninth District It’s for the benefit of District 9.”


"Because, in your mind, I believe that District 9 has the hope of transforming into a super city."

"What if there was a person like you in every city?"

"Battles are inevitable. This also means that each party has full self-confidence. Only through countless collisions and frictions can the real king be determined."

"It sounds like there is some truth in it." Su Qi was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

It's just that he was bored here and had random thoughts.


He didn't just put on airs and wait for a price, and he didn't even think about which holy city to choose.

In his mind, which holy city to go to and how to go were just trivial matters. The most important thing at the moment was to deal with the disaster that others did not pay too much attention to.

The reason why we need to show off the destruction-level powerhouses from the major holy cities first is just to pave the way for the next performance.

After all, those people are not fuel-efficient. It is estimated that it will be difficult to move these people without Su Qi making a clear statement.

After staying for a while.

Su Qi felt that time was almost up, so he followed Pei Jing all the way to the party hall.

When he stepped into the hall, he instantly attracted everyone's attention.


The destructive powerhouses in the hall couldn't help but feel in a trance when they saw this handsome young man walking in the sunshine, and the expressions on their faces were extremely complicated.

Envy, jealousy, excitement, emotion...

All the emotions blended together at this moment, forming some kind of incomprehensible meaning.

once Upon a time.

This is what they imagine themselves to be like.

Young and energetic, with unparalleled talent, he is favored by all the stars, and is the target of the top forces from all over the world.

The imagination shines into reality, but the protagonist is not himself.

Pei Jing didn't look sideways as he led Su Qi to the empty seat directly above the round table.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. Our Ninth District is honored to be able to welcome such a large number of distinguished guests. If there is any lack of hospitality, please forgive us. After all, the Ninth District is just a small place and is far inferior to the Holy City. .”

At the beginning of the party, Pei Jing praised the arrival of these destructive extraordinary beings.

Although he knew that most of the people here were here for Su Qi, no matter what, he was very grateful that these people could lend a helping hand at this critical moment.

However, others seemed a little impatient with such words.

Some people even couldn't hold it back, worried that Pei Jing would keep talking about this nonsense for some time, so they couldn't help but say: "Pei Jing, time is running out now. If there are any unnecessary words, let's skip it for the time being. Regarding the person beside you, You are a young talent, don’t you want to introduce him to all of us?”

As soon as these words came out.

Su Qi immediately realized how much these people valued him.

Although he was somewhat uncomfortable with such a scene, he had to deal with all parties in order to resist the disaster.

So, he slowly stood up and said with a smile: "Hello everyone, my name is Su Qi. I am just a newcomer who has just been promoted to the Destruction Level. I still have insufficient experience. I hope you can give me more support in the future."

The words fell.

The whole place was boiling, and everyone's eyes were filled with indescribable enthusiasm.

When Pei Jing saw this, he couldn't help but cursed secretly: "These old fat men are all like hungry ghosts in lust."

In fact, he seems a bit arrogant on the inside.


No matter what choices Su Qi makes or what achievements he achieves in the future, he will be Su Qi's enlightenment mentor!

This will be unmatched by anyone.

at this time.

In the hall, an old man said excitedly: "Nephew Su Xian, I am not worthy of your support, but if you are willing to follow me to the Sunlight Holy City, not to mention the natural disaster-level powerhouse, even the Supreme Holy Lord may personally teach you! "

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