Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 306: A big tree attracts the wind and attracts attention

at the same time.

On the other side, after dozens of days of long journey.

Su Qi and others finally escorted the people of District 14 over safely.

Fortunately, due to the last great migration, the infrastructure in District 9 has been in a state of rapid expansion. Although it is a bit difficult to accommodate these people, it is not impossible.

So he left all matters to Lin Nan.


He has more important things to do.

That is the hundreds of destruction-level extraordinary beings who arrived in the ninth area.

Almost the moment he arrived, he felt countless spiritual powers projected from the city.


Those Destruction Level Transcendents seemed to have reached some kind of agreement. They did not come out first, but were patiently waiting and watching.

To this.

Pei Jing couldn't help but sigh: "A big tree attracts the wind. Your move is to attract hundreds of destruction-level extraordinary beings. This matter must be handled properly, after all, it may affect the situation of resisting the disaster."

Su Qi nodded.


"I see."

"It's easier to ask the gods than to send them away. These guys can't be easily dismissed with a few words. However, it's not a bad thing. At least they can ensure that they do their best to resist this disaster."

Hearing this, Pei Jing glanced at Su Qi in surprise: "Oh, so you already have a countermeasure in mind."

Su Qi gave him a reassuring look: "I can't tell you what the countermeasures are. I just have a little idea of ​​the general direction."

"Let's not talk about other things. We have spent a lot of energy along the way. Let's take a rest for now."

Pei Jing saw Su Qi's confident look and didn't say anything more.

after all.

In his plan, Su Qi also needs to go to the Holy City to experience it. In any case, the Holy City is always the gathering place of the strongest power of mankind today, including most of the world's heritage and resources. , rare treasures, extraordinary knowledge, and all kinds of secrets are not comparable to the ninth district.

If Su Qi wants to climb to a higher level, he must step into it.


Which holy city to choose is particularly important.

Usually, this first choice is easily marked.

For example, he was born in Jiuyuan Holy City, and he would carry this identity mark wherever he went.

Even if he has betrayed Jiuyuan Holy City, other holy cities will not dare to accept him easily. After all, there is no peace between the holy cities and they are also full of various calculations.

In troubled times, people's hearts are like frost.

All human beings are like worms thrown out to feed, fighting each other to become the most powerful transcendent and stabilize this shaky situation.


On the issue of choosing the Holy City, Pei Jing did not give any suggestions and let Su Qi make the decision on his own, because he knew that no matter where Su Qi went, he would always regard District 9 as his hometown. This was enough. .


After the two entered the city, they returned to their respective residences and turned a blind eye to all the gazes directed at them.

This move seemed particularly meaningful in the eyes of other Destruction Level Transcendents.

"Hey, do you see clearly? This guy's aura is extraordinary. Even I can't see through it. Is he really that powerful?"

"Aura can't be faked. I can tell at a glance that this kid has indeed entered the level of destruction!"

"According to the information we collected in District 9, there is no discrepancy between this information and the reported information. Unless Pei Jing risks the disdain of the world and unites the whole city to fake it, he is definitely a young Holy Lord!"

"Now he has not met us for a while. He is probably selling for the price. I hope everyone will not be impulsive and be patient!"

"Can't be caught by it!"

"Although we are very eager to recruit him, he has stepped into the destruction level and is about to face a terrible and strange disaster. He may not be very eager to seek a holy city as a refuge."

"Instead of us fighting to the death, it is better to let him make a choice. No matter what the outcome is, I hope that the price paid by everyone can be minimized."

That's what they say, but that's not what everyone thinks.

after all……

This is a peerless genius with the appearance of a Holy Lord!

Normally, extraordinary people would fight each other for some extraordinary opportunities. Now if they want to fight for it peacefully, even a fool would not believe it!

I'm afraid that once Su Qi gives the initial choice, there will be various price hikes, and then there will be a real fight!

This is like the ancient art of following the dragon.

Can it be given up?

Even if they don't want to fight, after waiting, the elders and younger ones in the family will jump out and poke them in the back!

This is not a personal matter, but is related to the well-being of countless generations of people!

However, before the other party's intention is unclear, everyone can still restrain themselves, at least not to act too anxious, too strong and brutal, for fear of scaring the other party away.

Anyway, they have already determined it in their hearts.

Su Qi.

The only choice is to go with them. Otherwise, there is absolutely no possibility. Whoever robs will die!

For a while.

The atmosphere in the city became extremely strange with Su Qi's return.

There seemed to be a pair of eyes scanning constantly in the dark. Many people were both urgent and had to adopt this calm posture.


They also began to establish ties with the Holy City.

I want to send this news back to the Holy City where I belong as soon as possible. This will not only establish my own merits, but also win the support of the Holy City’s senior management for more prices, so that they will not fall behind in the second round of competition. Get downwind!

Regarding all this, Su Qi simply chose to ignore it.

After he slept happily, he began to practice day after day, using the Heavenly Reflection True Crystal to try to gain more power in the mysterious way.

However, we are still in the mature stage of big data, and the harvest is pitiful.

Three days later.

The Destruction Level Extraordinaries in the city began to be unable to sit still. Although they clearly knew that this was Su Qi's move for sale, but as time passed by, the power of shaking the sky was at their fingertips, and they were afraid that something unexpected would happen. , a certain force has secretly contacted Su Qi through a method unknown to them.

That's bad!

So, they directly put pressure on Lin Nan.

The general idea is, oops, I heard that a great junior has emerged from District 9. As seniors, of course we, as seniors, must use some high-sounding words like this to promote him.

Lin Nan's expression suddenly became extremely strange.

We all know who we are, so there is no need to pretend like this.

Although he complained like this in his heart, he was in this position and it was obviously hard to offend these people. Therefore, with Su Qi's consent, he arranged a grand meeting.

Of course.

The theme is - "Discussing ways to resist disasters."

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