Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 305 Jiuyuan Holy City, people with evil intentions

"I heard that Pei Jing taught... a super genius who was promoted to the destruction level within a year of awakening?"

In District 10, in a magnificent villa, five Destruction Level Extraordinaries were sitting there, talking with indifferent expressions.

They came from Jiuyuan Holy City. Before coming here, they had received instructions from some important figures in the Holy City to 'take care' of Pei Jing.

after all.

Pei Jing had embarrassed many people when he rebelled against Jiuyuan Holy City.

Now that there is news that Pei Jing has been promoted to the destruction level, it has naturally aroused the sensitive nerves of many big shots.

Some people even said that if someone could make Pei Jing unable to attach himself to a certain holy city, he would obtain a supreme secret technique.

This statement that one cannot be attached to a certain holy city is somewhat intriguing.

It’s okay to be crippled, but better to be dead.

In short, these five people were carefully selected, and they were very restrained against Pei Jing in terms of combat power and extraordinary ways.


"This is just a bait that Pei Jing threw out to lure other powerful people to take the bait when he realized that he was in a worrying situation. You know, before this news was released, there were very few destructive-level extraordinary people who chose to garrison in the ninth district. And now there are No matter what the situation is, if you think about it with your brain, you will know that there is a big problem."

"Taking a step back, even if Pei Jing really discovers a peerless genius, it would be too much of a coincidence if he doesn't reveal it sooner or later, but it happens at this juncture!"

A deep voice analyzed matter-of-factly. The speaker was a middle-aged man with stubble on his face. His eyes were extremely narrow and narrow, and it seemed that he could hardly open them. However, there was a sharpness in them that no one could ignore. , just by looking at him, you can feel goosebumps rising on your skin, as if you have been scratched by a sharp and cold sword.

This person's name is Lu Zhan, and he masters a certain ancient sword immortal path.

The top expert among the destructive level, it is said that he has experienced twelve strange catastrophes. Every time strange things happened, he was killed by his sword. His strength was extremely terrifying.

Some people even say that Lu Zhan is one of the few terrifying figures in the Destruction level realm who can walk around the world at will without relying on the aura of the Supreme Holy Lord. If he had not had the confidence to resist the weirdness of the natural disaster level, he would have been promoted long ago.


This statement is also doubted by many people.

After all, how can a person who has lived in the holy city for a long time and is not troubled by strange disasters suppress his own realm?

Even though the authenticity of it needs to be verified, Lu Zhan's strength is recognized by many people in Jiuyuan Holy City. Otherwise, he would not be chosen to take action this time.

"Well, there are too many things in it that cannot stand scrutiny."

"However, Pei Jing cannot afford to play tricks on hundreds of destruction-level experts. Therefore, I think the guy named Su Qi may be a destruction-level transcendent, but he may have found some way to cover up his bone age. Secret method, I want to use this gimmick to allow District 9 to survive this disaster."

A woman who looks to be only about eighteen years old, has amazing beauty, her eyebrows, eyes, nose, and mouth are just right, but when combined together, people can't help but feel a bit weird.

Especially following the four Destruction Level Extraordinaries on an equal footing.

If someone underestimates her because of her appearance, the end will be disastrous!


The actual age of this woman is as high as 200 years old, making her the oldest among these people!

Her strength is also very scary, and the way she masters it is almost never revealed. It is quite mysterious, and most people who have seen her take action cannot recall it at all.

For many people in Jiuyuan Holy City.

Tong Qi.

It appears in some weird places all year round.

Beyond that, there is very little information.

"In any case, there are now a large number of destruction-level extraordinary beings gathered in District 9. This is an indisputable fact."

"And we..."

"Although I pride myself on being in the Destruction Level and fearing no one, it is not easy to attack Pei Jing under the eyes of so many people."

"How should we take this step now? Let's talk about it. Chen Luo, don't hug that pillar all day long and say nothing. If you have any suggestions, please say a few words." After Tong Qi said that, she turned to her side. He turned his head and looked at an old-looking companion sitting upright next to him.

Chen Luo was seen stroking an extremely thick iron rod with both hands without any other movements. He was like a sculpture. From beginning to end, he almost never spoke.

The iron rod was engraved with strange patterns and exuded an extremely strange aura.

It looked extremely heavy, as if it was compressing the void to the point of distortion.

That was the divine weapon manifested by Chen Luo, but for some unknown reason, this person was all attracted to the divine weapon, to a morbid level. He actually wanted to spend his whole life trying to reunite this divine weapon. Out in the real world!

Although many people sneered at Chen Luo's actions, no one dared to look down upon him.

After all, an item that can make it disappear in history is so powerful that it can be condensed to such a degree. There are rumors that he has been able to exert 80% of the power of that strange magic weapon.

When he heard Tong Qi's roll call, Chen Luo's hand movements stopped and he corrected: "This is not a pillar, it is called a giant tower, and it is a weapon of the gods."

Hear the words.

Everyone looked at each other with unexpected expressions, and then selectively skipped Chen Luo, and it was the next silver-haired middle-aged man's turn to speak.

This man was dressed in silver and dressed in retro style. He looked very elegant, but the sinister smile on his face ruined this temperament.

"I don't have any other hobbies. I just like to torture and kill so-called geniuses."

"If you don't dare, why don't you let me be the vanguard to test their strength? Some people dare to call themselves geniuses in front of me. Killing such people is the most satisfying thing."

As he spoke, he licked his lips sinisterly, as if thinking of something happy, his body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

When the last person saw this pervert Ning Zhengnan showing such an expression, he quickly stopped him: "Ning Zhengnan, you should at least restrain yourself. The instructions we received were not to deal with Pei Jing in an aboveboard manner. Don't act recklessly. Once the big shots from above are prevented from stepping down, be careful not to reap the consequences for you!"

Ning Zhengnan snorted coldly, with a tone full of disdain: "Lu Chengjian, as the heir to the power of the Shadow Assassin, is so timid and fearful, and his future achievements will be limited."

Then he changed the topic: "Compared to people like Pei Jing, the big people above are the ones I want to kill the most. They are hypocritical and condescending. It would be more fun to kill them!"

When Lu Chengjian heard the other party poking at his heart like this, his face suddenly turned gloomy: "You don't need to worry about my achievements. It's more than enough to kill you now anyway!"

"Is it?"


"Okay!" At this time, Lu Zhan slapped the chair and shouted to everyone: "Let's wait and see about this first. Disaster is about to happen, and then everything will be in chaos. It's not too late for us to look for opportunities!"

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