Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 304: The snipe and the clam are fighting, stay away decisively

This sudden injury made the disaster-level beast instantly realize where the biggest threat came from.


The disaster-level eyes were about to burst, and the energy aura was boiling. He jumped up suddenly, and swooped down to kill the source of the strangeness in an instant.


A claw fell, and the energy rolled, hitting the strange source. With a thunderous sound, the energy continued to rage and disintegrate like a landslide and tsunami.

The ground nearby was overturned!

Part of the strange source was blown away.

The disaster-level ferocious beast also had multiple holes pierced through its body, exuding a pungent bloody smell.

The killing intent reached its peak at this moment!

And this scene is exactly what Su Qi and the others want to see.

Almost at the same time, Pei Jing activated the power of time and space and tried his best to erase himself and Su Qi from time, causing the two terrifying beings to fight each other.


The moment he lost Su Qi's breath, the strange source went crazy, and the disordered power in his body suddenly bloomed. Even the void around him began to collapse. Countless tentacles flew wildly, as if they were going to blast everything in front of him into powder.

Bang bang bang!

In a matter of seconds, the two sides collided hundreds of times. The terrifying and disorderly power breathed out sharp breaths, and its power was terrifying, penetrating through the body of the disaster-level beast again and again.


The vitality of the disaster-level ferocious beast is so powerful.

Coupled with the terrifying self-healing ability of the pollution characteristics in the body, the two sides were instantly inseparable from each other. The shocking fluctuations were like a tenth-level wind mercilessly ravaging this world, almost destroying Su Qi and the others' figures hidden in time. Shocked.


The two of them were very decisive. After seeing that their goal was achieved, they evacuated decisively.

At this level, if the strength is not too different, it will be easy to tell the winner, but it will be extremely difficult to tell the difference between life and death.

Not to mention the strange creatures and ferocious beasts, all of which are invincible. No matter what the outcome of this battle is, they will still be given enough time to complete their final migration.


Even if they were far away from the center of the battle, they could still feel the astonishing fluctuations coming from behind them.

At the same time, Su Qi couldn't help but wonder, what was the power controlled by that strange source?

It seems to be the nemesis of everything, able to disintegrate everything, which is really incredible.

This was the first time he had seen this kind of power. It was so powerful that it was a bit ridiculous, and it was unreasonably powerful.

The attacks of the God's Favored One were all disintegrated. Even the divine power of Chaos, which is famous for its chaos, could not stop it. It is not difficult to see that the level of that kind of power is very high!

Good thing.

That kind of power is not so easy to control. Even if it is a strange source, using that kind of energy will affect itself.

"Su Qi, what are you thinking about?" Pei Jing seemed to notice something was wrong with Su Qi's expression and couldn't help but ask.

Su Qi thought for a moment and asked, "Principal, do you think there is a kind of power that can surpass all powers?"


"Why did you suddenly think of this question?"

"However, there are high and low levels of power. It is not surprising that this kind of power appears. For example, the power of pollution characteristics is higher than most extraordinary powers." Pei Jing replied, suddenly thinking of something. .

"You mean, the power of that strange source is weird?"

Su Qi nodded: "Well, for a moment, I felt a little powerless."

"This is normal. According to the sayings in the supernatural world, strange creatures may have mastered the power of some broken rules. This is an absolutely powerful force."


"It's even higher than the power of rules."

Hearing this, Pei Jing couldn't help but feel a little lost.

However, now was not the time to delve deeper. The two just exchanged a few words and hurried back to the 14th District.

When they return.

All the people are ready to go.

have to say.

Xia Shengxuan's vision was still very vicious. At that critical moment, even if Pei Jing had no time to explain too much, he could still accurately judge the situation and act decisively.

This also buys the best time for the Great Migration.

"The great migration in District 14 begins now!"

As soon as Pei Jing returned, he used his mental power to spread his voice to every corner of the city.

at this time.

When Xia Shengxuan and Xiaoyan looked up, they were overjoyed to see Su Qi and the others back safe and sound.

"Boss Pei, have you dealt with that weird thing?"

Pei Jing simply explained: "Don't worry about the strange attack for the time being. It can't take action for the time being. Let's leave here first."

Hear the words.

Xia Shengxuan's expression relaxed.

At the beginning of the Great Migration, the people in this city were most worried. Some people would be strangely polluted and bring this pollution to District 9. Now that Pei Jing has said this, it means that there is no need to worry about this kind of pollution for the time being. situation occurs.

Start the Great Migration immediately.

And at this time.

The people in the city were even more excited.

They have long wanted to escape from this ghost place. God knows what kind of fearful life it is for ordinary people to live surrounded by a group of strange creatures.


Everyone was just excited in their hearts, but on the surface they were very restrained and did not dare to make any noise, for fear of disturbing Wei Wei and getting into trouble.

after all.

Before that, the weird smile that infected most people was still vivid in his mind.

No one wants to do it again.


A large group of people left District 14 without saying a word.

Except for the dull roar of the loading car, there was almost no sound. There was no need to even remind. Everyone was self-disciplined to the extreme.

at the same time.

In District 9, Lin Nan seemed to have a huge headache at the moment.

What kind of experience is it to have nearly a hundred destructive level extraordinary people staying here?

It was both exciting and frightening.

What's exciting is that District 9's reputation has been established and recognized by all parties, so in the next disaster, there is a high probability that it will get help from these strong people.


However, no one in this group of people is a simple person.

As if to show off their strength, their auras rose to the sky one by one, like peacocks with their tails spread, wanting to outshine the others.

He knew very well that what these destructive-level experts did was just a prelude to the subsequent fight for Su Qi. Once Su Qi returned and was promoted to a destructive-level extraordinary person less than a year after awakening, it would surely lead to even greater consequences. dispute.

Just thinking about that scene makes me feel overwhelmed.

"Su Qi, Su Qi, you really make people love and hate you. How many people here think highly of you, how many people will target you."

"After all, no matter what the choice is, there will never be an approach that satisfies so many forces."

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