Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 272 Mechanical Fortress, I’m not the kind of person you think

Lin Nan didn't answer.

Obviously he knew that he was unreasonable, but the situation was urgent and he really had no other choice.

We can only take a risk and see if we can force out the destruction-level experts from the Supreme Court and find a helper for Boss Pei.

As for whether this extreme approach would cause dissatisfaction with the destruction-level powerhouse, that was not within his scope of consideration.

It’s not like the Supreme Court has never been offended.

In the adult world, as long as the interests are in place, any hatred or resentment will disappear.

Seeing Lin Nan's serious expression, Chu Qingfeng knew that the other party was serious and would never give up easily unless he dug something out of his place.

So, he sighed and stopped pretending: "Aren't you afraid of annoying me by pointing so many God-Splitting Cannons at a Destroyer?"

Hearing this, Lin Nan finally smiled.

"If you help drive the powerful destroyer of the Evolution God Cult away from the ninth district, I am willing to give you a hundred Heavenly Reflection True Crystals."


Chu Qingfeng's hands under his sleeves couldn't help but tremble.

"I'm not the person you think I am."

"If you kill one person, you will be rewarded ten times!" Lin Nan's eyes flashed fiercely.

Chu Qingfeng took a breath of cold air: "Well, I've had a lot of fun in District 9 these years, so why would I ignore it?"

"Every time I kill one more person, I will add a thousand Heavenly Reflection True Crystals. Maybe I can't get too many now, but two or three thousand can still be cashed in directly!" Lin Nan said seriously.


Chu Qingfeng only felt his heartbeat skipping a beat at a certain moment.

It has to be said that this temptation is too great. If the Supreme Court could be so generous in approving funds, I am afraid that he would have caught the destruction-level non-human aliens of the Evolution God Cult and dug up the coordinates of the different world where they are located.

"Haha, Brother Lin, you are out of sight now."

"Inhumans and aliens are causing chaos, and it is our duty as the Supreme Court to suppress them!"

In an instant, Chu Qingfeng's whole temperament changed 180 degrees, and all his wildness was restrained. His voice changed and he suddenly asked: "But then again, why don't those people behind the cleanup company take action... …”

Lin Nan knew that the other party was talking about the conservative faction, but the conservative faction in District 9 was completely false, so he answered ambiguously: "I don't know about this. If I can contact them, I won't bother you to take action. "

Chu Qingfeng nodded.

I just think that the conservative faction may leave only one cooperation stronghold in the Ninth District, or there may be something to temporarily leave the Ninth District.

"Have the people around the clean-up company been evacuated? I may not be able to hold back if we take action later."

Lin Nandao glanced at the message on the communicator: "Everyone has been evacuated."

The cleaning company belongs to the core industry of District 9. In order to prevent others from prying, the surrounding area is almost deserted except for a military base. Now, Qiu Ran has led the troops to assist Chen Zhen in evacuating the people and isolating the battlefield. Therefore, basically everyone except Pei Apart from Jing, Su Qi and Wang Zhen, there was no one else.

Afterwards, Chu Qingfeng stopped dragging and walked out slowly. In the eyes of everyone, he jumped into the air and rushed towards the cleaning company. At the same time, racks of ancient machinery appeared around his body.

Of course, a large part of the reason why he acted so eagerly was that he sensed that the auras of the five destructive-level inhuman aliens were all falling, and one of them fell so sharply that he couldn't help but feel the energy that could knock the opponent out. The illusion of being slapped to death.

This means that Pei Jing can really resist the five destruction-level forces on his own, and is even waiting for an opportunity to kill one of them.

"Now or never!"

Chu Qingfeng realized that this was an excellent opportunity. Not only could he complete the task of the Supreme Court, but he could also make a lot of money!

Less than a minute.

Chu Qingfeng came to the sky above the cleaning company. After carefully sensing it, he suddenly raised his hand.

At the same time, an old-fashioned light curtain appeared in front of him. The light curtain was surrounded by many beams of light, as if it had penetrated into the void and absorbed energy.

Follow the fingertips to connect the dots.

The words '9-1 started successfully' flashed on the light screen.

In an instant, in the deep mountains outside District 9, countless mechanical bodies took off and gathered at extremely fast speeds.

Assembled into a huge mechanical fortress, completely wrapping the cleaning company inside.

This thing is one of Chu Qingfeng's trump cards.

Not only can it absorb and resolve all energy attacks, it can even drain out all energy substances in the confined space.

All parts are made of special materials from another world. They are extremely strong and can withstand the impact of destructive power.

In a word.

In the mechanical fortress, all recovery methods are directly ineffective. No matter how strong the healing ability of the non-human alien pollution characteristics is, it must absorb the energy floating in the void to exert its repairing ability.

Therefore, here, whether it is an extraordinary person or a non-human alien, the consumption of using extraordinary abilities will increase exponentially!

Unless the enemies inside can detect it immediately and blast this mechanical fortress to pieces with all their strength.

"what is that!?"

Just as Chu Qingfeng activated the power of the mechanical fortress and extracted all the energy substances inside, he suddenly discovered that the energy density of the training building in the company was extremely terrifying, as if it had become substantial, and there was no leakage at all.

So, he teleported over directly to find out.

After all, he was worried that this abundant energy would bring uncertainty to the next battle.

However, at this moment.

A familiar figure appeared and blocked Chu Qingfeng's way.

"Brother Wang, I was entrusted to come here to help. Now I have to arrange some things. There seems to be something weird in this training building. You must tell me. Otherwise, if unknown variables occur, it may bring huge disaster to the ninth district. "

Wang Zhen saw that Chu Qingfeng had changed from his usual greedy and insatiable attitude and was replaced by an extremely solemn look, and felt a little uncomfortable for a while.


This person is the destruction-level powerhouse placed in District 9 by the Supreme Court!

Even though his identity had changed, Wang Zhen still said in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "There is an important figure in our company who is in retreat, and I hope Brother Chu will forgive me."

Upon hearing this.

Chu Qingfeng instantly realized that there was a high probability that the person inside the training building was a conservative and destructive-level expert!

Only destruction-level power can resist the extraction power of the mechanical fortress!

Is he injured, or has he broken through a certain realm...

He focused his gaze and took a deep look at the training building: "In that case, I won't bother you. However, I still hope you can inform the other party that Pei Jing cannot stop those five inhuman beings."

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