Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 271 In a desperate situation, good people should be pointed at with cannons?


Pei Jing's teleportation speed was so fast that he left phantoms in the void.

The five archbishops of the Evolutionary Cult were all surrounded by Pei Jing's figure. Space-time spears were thrown out at various tricky angles, piercing into the inhuman bodies with curved corners.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse!

From one person resisting Pei Jing and buying time for others to break through the time realm, it instantly turned into a situation where four people protect one person!

Feeling Lai Jun's aura becoming more and more decadent, the four archbishops' eyes were splitting and their teeth were about to be broken.

They had never thought that five destructive-level experts would join forces and be surrounded and beaten by one person, especially by one person!

The most terrifying thing is that once the opponent's attack fails to break through their defense, they will decisively withdraw it and then find an angle to thrust out, seemingly unwilling to waste any power!

"How dare you come at me!"

One of them was furious, obviously angry at Pei Jing's actions, and at the same time trying to anger Pei Jing and share some of the attack with Lai Jun.

When this weird field can no longer be maintained, the part of their lost power will return, and they will make the other party look good!

The four of them emitted a dark light, as if communicating together, forming an all-round barrier, completely protecting Lai Jun.


Pei Jing was in no hurry, like an experienced hunter, patiently looking for opportunities.

after all.

Here, most of the opponent's strength has been cut off. If it's just a competition of consumption, it's not necessarily who can hold on first.

at the same time.

in the real world.

Although the staff of the cleanup company were not able to witness this shocking battle between the destructive levels, they could still sense terrifying fluctuations in the void, as if they were transmitted through different time and space.

Like thunder in the day, it is breathtaking.

At this time, Wang Zhen realized that the teacher had taken action, so he decisively dismissed all the staff.

Then he reported it to the city lord and asked them to evacuate nearby people.


As long as a trace of destructive power is leaked, to ordinary people, it will be a disaster like a collapse of the sky!

"Evolution God Cult, you are ignoring the overall situation and using destructive power in the city. Aren't you afraid of causing the Holy City's wrath!?" When Lin Nan heard the news, he couldn't help but smash the desk in front of him with a palm.

Even the eye sockets are about to burst, and the chest is heaving, but after thinking about it, besides feeling a deep powerlessness, I am still powerless! ! !

"What's going on with Su Qi? Has it affected him?" Lin Nan asked eagerly towards the light curtain.

Wang Zhen replied: "It's okay for the time being, I'll be guarding near the training building now!"

"You..." Lin Nan's tone paused, and then he shook his head: "No, their goal is to clean up the company. It is too dangerous for Su Qi to stay there. You can think of a way to see if you can notify Su Qi. Transfer!"

In his mind, the value of the cleaning company and Su Qi are not equal at all. The cleaning company with Su Qi is the real hope of District 9.

In the light curtain, Wang Zhen sighed: "I tried, but the training building seems to be completely enveloped by some powerful aura. No matter how I shout or release my mental power, it can't penetrate."

As soon as I heard this.

Lin Nan shuddered slightly, as if his whole body fell directly into the ice cellar.

At this time, Wang Zhen suddenly seemed to think of something and said repeatedly: "City Lord, you might as well go find Chu Qingfeng of the Supreme Court, he..."

"Maybe there's a way!"

"Chu Qingfeng!?"

Lin Nan was not unfamiliar with this name. Although everyone had always suspected that this person had a secret, they had never thought about how Chu Qingfeng could help the current situation.

Time was running out, so Wang Zhen kept his story short: "After I was promoted to the apostle level, I once felt the aura of shocking secrets in this person. Even if this person is not a Destruction Level Extraordinary, then he is very close to a Destruction Level Extraordinary." close!"


"I'm going right now!"

At this time, Lin Nan didn't have time to distinguish between true and false. Since Wang Zhen said so, he could only act as a doctor to see if he could get some help for Boss Pei!

Boss Pei has just been promoted to the destruction level, and he has to fight one against five, which is really worrying.


He took no one with him, soared into the sky and galloped towards the branch of the Supreme Court.

On the way, he sent an order to Qiu Ran to move all the God-Splitting Cannons to the entrance of the Supreme Court branch!

After receiving the instruction, Qiu Ran was like an ant on a hot pot, jumping around.

He already knows everything that happened to the Cleaning Company, and is now mobilizing the army to surround the Cleaning Company. Regardless of whether he is an opponent or not, as long as he sees the Destruction-level Extraordinary of the Evolution God Religion, he will first receive a round of baptism of fire.

At least it might be a dignified death.

Unexpectedly, at such a critical moment, Lin Nan would issue an order to surround the branch of the Supreme Court.

In the past, he was absolutely willing, but now.

Qiu Ran struggled for a moment and stamped his foot: "Oh, never mind, here, you, you... use my order to mobilize all the God-Splitting Cannons to aim at the Supreme Court branch!"

At this time, in the branch court of the Supreme Court.

Chu Qingfeng knew nothing about this, and all his attention now was on the cleaning company.

If he wasn't worried about being exposed, he would have even wanted to run over.

Now, all we have to do is wait for the outcome of the battle.

If Pei Jing could get a 4-6 lead with his opponent, he would take action decisively and kill an archbishop!


Pei Jing was completely suppressed and beaten.

Then he would have no choice but to run away.

Just as he was concentrating on sensing the battle in the direction of the cleanup company, suddenly, a fiery figure broke in.

Chu Qingfeng took a closer look: "City Master Lin..."

The surprise on his face instantly turned into a harmless smile.

"I wonder what you did when you came here..."

But before he could finish his polite words, he was directly interrupted by Lin Nan: "Stop, I'm not here to listen to nonsense. There are five destruction-level non-human aliens coming to cause trouble. They urgently need your help. You can ask for any conditions." open!"

The words just fell.

Chu Qingfeng was about to make a surprised expression, but was stared at by Lin Nan's cold eyes.

"Don't talk about those who have it but don't have it. If you can help me with this, District 9 owes you a favor. If you can't help me, then there is no need to exist."

"What do you mean there is no need to exist..." Chu Qingfeng blinked. In his life, he had seen various gestures of asking for help, but he had never seen this kind of thing.

Immediately afterwards.

As he recovered his mental power, he suddenly sensed a God-breaking cannon placed at the gate of the Supreme Court.

Suddenly, Chu Qingfeng's face darkened: "No, City Master Lin, you are not interesting anymore."

"The person who is causing trouble for you is probably the destruction-level powerhouse of the Evolution God Sect..."


"Then your cannon is not aimed at them, but at me!?" Chu Qingfeng's fat face showed a raging look for the first time.

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