Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 273: Killing one person in reverse, Pei Jing’s ultimate kill

at this time.

On the top floor of the training building, Su Qi was not aware of anything happening outside.

His spirit seemed to have left his body and merged into the spiritual world.

In this bizarre spiritual world, there is chaos all around, as if there is no material existence, but there are countless mixed sounds coming from all the time, as if hundreds of millions of people are whispering.

However, Su Qi had no reaction.

Or it could be said that he seemed to have forgotten who he was, where he came from, and where he was going.

He was confused and confused, like a walking corpse.


"What do I want to do here?"


"I can't remember a little bit."

"Hey, who am I?"

The feeling of forgetting everything, like amnesia, made him feel extremely at ease, and even had the urge to sleep here forever.


The lingering confusion in his heart drove him to move forward step by step. Even if he didn't know where he was going, he seemed to keep walking until he forgot all the confusion in his heart.

Unknown space and time.

The battle between Pei Jing and the five archbishops of the Evolution Cult has entered a fierce stage.

Under his siege after round, the inhuman alien with curved horns had been stabbed with holes all over his body, and his aura dropped to the apostle level.

Now, with just one blow, he can completely obliterate the opponent!

It is a pity that the other four archbishops will not give him this opportunity at all. In addition, he has consumed a lot of power and can no longer maintain the time domain.

Seeing that Pei Jing's offensive slowed down, the four archbishops seemed to have noticed something, and their faces were full of teasing smiles: "Huh? Why don't you continue? It won't work so soon?"

"Hey, you are already very impressive for being able to force the five of us to this point. Now you just wait for death. Don't worry, I won't kill you all at once. I will definitely make you taste all the pain and kneel down. Come down and beg me to finish you off!"

At this time, their eyes were full of cruelty.

It was true that the other party had tortured him so much that even though he had a terrifying strength, he was being whittled down again and again by the other side, unable to display it at all!

However, Pei Jing ignored the other party's threat and said calmly: "Don't worry, I can still hold on for a while. As for whether he can hold on, that's not necessarily true."

The words fell.

Pei Jing then changed his strategy and abandoned the space-time spear. A constantly changing ball of light appeared in his hands, as if it was filled with distorted time.

It exploded in an instant.

Two is born, two is born three, and three is born all things!

The light balls quickly split into countless pieces, and then, the light emitted by all the light balls became more and more dazzling, and the terrifying power of time and space exploded in an instant, each forming a mighty torrent and blasting towards the other.

Covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

The supreme power is exploding!

The four non-human beings instantly felt extremely frightened, as if they were facing a mighty and unstoppable trend!

Any resistance will be like a mantis trying to control the chariot!

"not good!"

"I can't force it!"

Their hearts were beating wildly, and they made a choice in an instant. They decisively removed the integrated protective shield and pulled Lai Jun to run away!

Boom, boom, boom!

Mushroom clouds rose one after another, mixed with unparalleled power, causing a series of big explosions!


One of them was an inhuman being who couldn't escape. After running a few hundred miles, he was overtaken by a big explosion. The terrifying force exploded behind him in an instant, leaving him bloody and bloody, and even pushed him hundreds of meters away. inside!

One blow.

Most of the body of a destruction-level inhuman alien was exploded.

Fortunately, Lai Jun, who was reduced to the apostle level, was taken away by others in advance, otherwise this blow would definitely kill him!

"Pei Jing!"

"I am going to kill you!"

The destructive-level inhuman alien whose body was blown apart in half had his face distorted to the extreme. The pollution trait could repair his damaged body, but it couldn't make up for the pain he suffered and the reduced strength!

That's right!

Within the realm of time and space, all attacks by Pei Jing will directly reduce the enemy's strength!

"It's a pity that they still reacted." Pei Jing's face turned pale for a moment. The time blasting ball was different from the time and space spear. Although it had stronger attack power, it was slower than it.

If it could reach the speed of a space-time spear, this blow would definitely be able to kill that guy!


He still didn't give up.

Crazyly squeezing out the last strength from the body, crossing endless distances in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, he came to the opponent's side, his big hand was wrapped with astonishing power of time and space, he suddenly grabbed it and grabbed Lai Jun's neck.

"you dare!"

Seeing Lai Jun being caught by Pei Jing, the eyes of the other four people were about to burst. Four skinny fists, packed with unparalleled power, also hit Pei Jing!

at this time.

As long as Pei Jing lets go and uses the characteristics of the time domain, he can easily avoid it.

However, this meant that his killing plan failed.

Therefore, Pei Jing's gaze was sharp, and he did not dodge. His five thick fingers instantly exerted force, as if crushing time, and directly crushed the inhuman alien with the curved horns on his head!

Bang bang bang!

at the same time.

He was also punched four times, and the terrifying force exploded in an instant, knocking him out, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.


"he died!?"

The remaining four archbishops of the Evolutionary Cult looked at the headless corpse with dull eyes, and were speechless for a while.

In the headless corpse, the pollution characteristics flowed out feebly, but it was unable to repair any broken heads. Obviously, the activity of the pollution characteristics had reached its limit.

This also represents the death of a destructive level powerhouse.

At this time, Pei Jing also sensed all this, and regardless of the pain on his body, he laughed loudly: "It's really fun!"

"I just got promoted to the destruction level and killed a destruction level sacrificer. This is my declaration!"

"My time is back!"

Seeing the arrogant Pei Jing, the four Archbishops of the Evolution Cult gnashed their teeth. They never thought that one of them would be killed against five against one. This was simply a shame for them!

Since it is a shame, it can only be washed away with blood!

"Pei Jing!"

"You are dead!"

"No one will save you today, I said so!"

Feeling that the power of the domain had become unstable due to Pei Jing's injury, the four archbishops of the Evolutionary Cult instantly burst out with extremely terrifying attacks, directly tearing a hole in the domain!

For a moment.

Light and shadow fade.

The realm of time completely collapsed!

Everyone returned to the real world again, but before they could recover their lost power, they saw a towering mechanical fortress like a cloud.

Like a cage.

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