Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 204: Full power, strange spread

"You can tell a little bit, but not much."

Xia Shengxuan looked a little confused and said bravely.

After so many years, he actually once again felt the ignorance and ignorance he felt when he faced his teacher, and it was even worse.

He really couldn't tell the slightest bit of rhythm.

Su Qi frowned, and after thinking for a while, he suddenly understood.

This kind of demonstration has no effect at all.

Equivalent to the previous life, when Einstein's theory of relativity first came out, only a few people could understand its meaning.

Not to mention the changes in breathing rhythm brought about by the state of God's Favorite, which still points directly to the mystery of the avenue.

On the other hand, Su Qi's understanding was still lacking.

It can't be expressed in a more understandable way, and he can't even record it in writing now.

"Let me think about it..."

Su Qi fell into deep thought.

In fact, he didn't get any real god-level breathing techniques.

But in the state of God's Favorite, the breathing method changes involuntarily, and the breathing rhythm and frequency are forcibly reversed.

In this way...

Does it mean that if he maximizes the absorption power, it may also affect Lao Xia's breathing rhythm?

That's right.

It's worth a try!

However, to maximize the absorption power, you have to enter the state of God's Favorite. Now the time in the state of God's Favorite cannot be used easily. After all, it has been used for ten minutes at the City Lord's Mansion.

Then take advantage of the zero refresh time!

Thinking of this, Su Qi said: "I have an idea. Let's try again tonight."

To this.

Xia Shengxuan was even more confused.

Will the presentation be better at night?

What kind of metaphysics is there?

the other side.

Qiu Ran led an army to attack in the wilderness, accompanied by many extraordinary people from other plutocratic forces.

Wang Zhen also sent a large number of people to clean up the company, including Qu Xiaoyao, Xie Tianchen and other young leaders from major families.

Today, the cleaning companies in District 9 are booming.

Anyone who is not blind knows that this place will be the core of the future.

Therefore, the major families very shrewdly sent their clansmen in through various connections.

Even a peerless genius like Su Qi is willing to hold a director position in this cleaning company. The power behind it is unimaginable!

After Yun Jin broke through her inner demons, her previous hesitancy seemed to lay a solid foundation for her. With abundant resources, her realm has advanced by leaps and bounds, and she has now been promoted to the overlord level.

This trip was also accompanied by military support.

She had naturally heard about the disaster in District 19, but when she knew that Su Qi had already gone there, she felt less solemn than others.

After all, she had truly seen Su Qi create miracles time and time again.

He's there.

This operation should go very smoothly.

Along the way, they encountered many ferocious beasts, as if they were attracted by the previous great migration. Even if they were killed in a batch, they still attracted a steady stream of nearby ferocious beasts to wander here.

Fortunately, this team is basically composed of extraordinary beings above the Overlord level.

Even though the personal strength of the army is slightly inferior, due to the sufficient financial resources of the Ninth District, a new batch of weapons and equipment has been replaced, and under the combined firepower, it is even better than the average overlord-level transcendent.

Although the current boundary is still some distance from the Thirteenth District.

However, they discovered many strange phenomena.

For example, there is a mountain top suspended in mid-air.

There is another strange building that pokes out of a certain mountain, and there are also some towering trees growing together. It is extremely weird, as if the world has gone crazy.

Qiu Ran glanced over and his heart sank.

Unexpectedly, the scope of world integration has expanded to this point.

It seems that this catastrophe is not as optimistic as they imagined.

As we get closer to District 13, there are more and more strange sights.

Everyone's spirits can't help but become tense. Compared to the ferocious beasts, this unknown weirdness is even more frightening.

"what is that!?"

"Is it a ferocious beast?"

In the team, someone in front warned in horror.

Everyone immediately became vigilant. Following the man's gaze, they saw a huge black figure quietly entrenched on the lake.

like a statue.

It looked particularly weird under the pouring moonlight.

Qiu Ran looked hard and said calmly: "Everyone, please don't act rashly. Judging from the news brought by District 13, it seems that these strange figures have not invaded yet and will not pose a threat to us."

Everyone swallowed, and before setting off, City Lord Lin Nan distributed the collected information to everyone.

With this kind of weird stuff, it's best not to act hastily unless necessary, to avoid triggering something weird.

even so.

But seeing something like this for the first time was still heart-stopping.

Thinking that such ghosts can be found everywhere in District 13, everyone felt even more numb.

Although it is not suitable to walk in the wilderness at night, and the strange appearance caused by the great fusion of the world has added risks to the outer reaches of the wilderness, the Thirteenth District is now in dire straits, and they have to take the risk and move forward.


There are nearly twenty apostle-level extraordinary beings in this team!

Among them, the group who said nothing and attracted many people's attention were the law enforcement officers of the Supreme Court.


This time, Zuo Qing and the others did not stay in District 9 to rest, but continued to return to District 13 without stopping.

The tragedy of the last great migration caused them great inner suffering.

Nearly 100,000 people remain in the wilderness forever.

Now that they have enough manpower, they want to make up for something.


Su Qi looked at the time.

Then he started his own attempt. He directly took out ten king-level ferocious beast crystal cores and activated the state of God's Favorite.

All the secret energy contained in it was drawn out instantly, forming an extremely bright picture.

On weekdays.

He only consumes one king-level ferocious beast crystal core at a time.

But this time, Su Qi planned to use full power and directly use ten king-level ferocious beast crystal cores.

The purpose is to confirm the suspicion in my heart.

Even at full power, his body may not be able to digest it for a while, resulting in waste.

However, if he can really affect the changes in Lao Xia's breathing rhythm, it means that in the near future, he will be able to artificially create a large number of extraordinary masters!

This is qualitatively different from creating a powerful inhuman alien.


An extraordinary person is an improvement without flaws or hidden dangers.

Although Xiaoyan is able to filter out purer power of chaos through disaster-level ferocious beasts, this does not mean that there are no hidden dangers.

after all.

That could very well be the source of the demise of other worlds.

Su Qi had to think carefully about this.

Feeling the boiling and rolling energy, Xia Shengxuan couldn't help showing a look of horror on his face, and he took a deep breath: "Xiao Qi, you must be playing too much."

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