Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 203 Prepare for a rainy day and teach god-level breathing techniques

In the city lord's palace, the three sisters Su Qi and Shen Chan communicated with each other.

From the fact that the support troops of the Ninth District have accessed the communication channel of the Thirteenth District, it is not difficult to conclude that they should arrive within three days.

As long as no other variables occur in these three days, this disaster will be over for the time being.


Su Qi took this opportunity to browse through the strange reports from District 13. Unfortunately, he did not find any particularly useful information.

However, he already has some conjectures in his mind about the key to this world integration.

Most likely they will be those huge humanoid figures in the sky.

After experiencing the gaze of the visible heaven on the other side just now, Su Qi guessed that those beings might be some human beings who mistakenly entered another world, experienced some kind of indescribable alienation, and used them as beacons to start this world war. Fusion.

According to Lao Xia's description of the key things in the world's great integration, almost all have one thing in common, that is, they must contain the rich flavor of this world.

At least an extraordinary person above the apostle level.

Therefore, Su Qi asked Shen Chan to investigate the information about the apostle-level extraordinary people in the history of District 13.

For the Thirteenth District, there are not many people at this level, only close to a hundred.

Su Qi carefully looked through the life information of these people, and found that almost every apostle-level ending could be traced.

"Is it an apostle-level transcendent who existed before the establishment of District 13, or an apostle-level person who came from other places?"

Although figuring out the identities of these extraordinary beings will not be of much help in ending the process of world integration, it can be used to confirm the real key things.

After all, this is just Su Qi's guess.

The key thing may be something else, I don't know.

In any case, having more information can be considered a precautionary measure.

It would be better if the world integration process here ends early and does not affect other urban areas.


If the situation develops as he expected, a life form from another world invades by using the way of heaven, and is sensed by the top extraordinary people in this world, and a war breaks out between the two sides. It is estimated that in that level of battle, no matter what it is, The key things will be turned into powder, thus halting the process of world integration.

But having said that, this kind of thing that even I can think of, that kind of terrifying existence that can control the way of heaven, it is impossible not to consider it, I am afraid that I can’t tell what back-up plan I have buried in advance.

In short, all Su Qi can do now is to think about things in the worst direction.

In the face of this level of disaster, his strength is still lacking.

Otherwise, once you have destructive level strength, plus one of the top remaining abilities in the path to the Apocalypse, no matter what key objects you have, destroy them all and forcibly stop the world integration process!

After a brief chat.

Su Qi left the City Lord's Mansion and returned to Blackwater Lake.

At this time, Xiaoyan handed over several more king-level ferocious beast crystal cores. It seemed that during the time he left, the ferocious beasts in the dimensional passage still refused to give up and were struggling a lot.

Putting aside the world fusion, this is definitely a good place to spawn monsters.

Xiaoyan assists in manipulating the corpses of disaster-level ferocious beasts to spawn monsters. He is responsible for taking care of the situation and blessing the status to earn spirituality.

In addition, Fan Shixing and Xiao Yan took the inhuman path, absorbing the pollution characteristics released after the death of the vicious beast to improve themselves. Therefore, the crystal core of the vicious beast naturally belonged to Su Qixia and Shengxuan.

Not only is the division of labor clear, but even the loot can be distributed reasonably.

This combination is simply perfect.

Su Qi practiced with a ferocious beast crystal core, and soon absorbed all the energy contained in it.

As his level improved, he was able to activate the state of God's Favored One every day.

His understanding of energy has reached an astonishing level. It still took him a while to fully absorb the king-level ferocious beast crystal core that he had hunted in the dimensional passage. The current progress is almost Do it one piece at a time.

Su Qi glanced at Lao Xia who was still practicing bitterly while holding a king-level ferocious beast crystal core.

This progress.

In less than ten days and half a month, I probably wouldn’t be able to absorb it all.

The efficiency is really too low.

His mind moved. Based on his current understanding of energy, and the fact that in the state of God's Favorite, the breathing rhythm subtly becomes more magical, is it possible to try to get Lao Xia to change the breathing rhythm, thereby improving the efficiency of cultivation.

This world integration crisis has sounded the alarm for Su Qi.

On the extraordinary journey, dangers are everywhere, and if you don't advance, you will retreat. While ensuring your own steady improvement, you must also help those who are walking with you to improve as much as possible.

"Mr. Xia, your absorption efficiency is a bit low."

Hearing this, Xia Shengxuan's face darkened.

What he practiced was a more detailed version of the 'Gods and Demons Suppressing Prison Breathing Method', which was circulated in the hands of the Supreme Holy Lord.

No one has ever dared to say that he absorbs energy too slowly.


Over the past few days, he had indeed witnessed Su Qi's almost abnormal absorption efficiency, but in his heart he attributed it to the extraordinary monster's physique.

did not expect.

Su Qi actually directly questioned the 'God and Demon Prison Suppressing Breathing Method'.

However, Su Qi did not explain too much, but demonstrated on the spot.

He picked up a king-level ferocious beast crystal core, and after closing his eyes, the crystal core instantly erupted with brilliant light, overflowing with light mist visible to the naked eye, and rushed into every pore of Su Qi's body.

This is the light attribute crystal core specially selected by Su Qi.

The purpose is to reduce the energy conversion steps so that Lao Xia can more intuitively feel the breathing rhythm in this process.

Xia Shengxuan and the others were surprised. Even though the other two did not need the breathing method at all, they were also curious about Su Qi's unusual speed in cultivation.

However, the three of them stared at each other for a long time, looking confused.

Is there any special breathing rhythm here?

Why is it no different from ordinary people breathing?

Even though Xia Shengxuan had been immersed in the top breathing method of 'Gods and Demons Suppress Prison' for many years, he could not detect the slightest rhythm from Su Qi's demonstration.

"Do you understand?" Su Qi had slowed down his breathing rhythm as much as possible in order to reveal more details.

Xia Shengxuan shook his head.

If it weren't for the energy of the king-level ferocious beast crystal core in Su Qi's hand being extracted in a form visible to the naked eye, he would even suspect that Su Qi was deceiving him.

"You didn't realize it at all?" Su Qi felt a little incredible.

After all, Lao Xia is a genuine high-level apostle-level transcendent, a very high-level existence in terms of talent and realm.

Why couldn't even he get a glimpse of it?

However, Su Qi ignored it.

For someone who has never really understood the meaning of each function.

Every function question actually looks almost the same.

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