Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 205 Miraculous Breathing, Support Troops Arrive

No matter how talented he is, no matter how evil his physique is.

There has to be some reasoning.

The quality of the secret energy contained in the crystal core of a king-level ferocious beast is enough for an apostle-level transcendent to exert all his efforts to absorb it.

Use ten pieces together.

This is equivalent to someone else playing against one Go master, but you directly playing against ten Go masters at the same time.

The difficulty is self-evident.

Not to mention, even if it can be absorbed at the same time, the body may not be able to withstand such a huge influx of energy at the same time!

Xia Shengxuan was so horrified by Su Qi's manipulation that his scalp went numb.

You simply don’t regard yourself as a human being!

Su Qi ignored Lao Xia's surprise, and there was no fluctuation in his eyes. They were calm, profound, and the same as ever.

It is in sharp contrast to the secret energy that was pulled out and boiling and restless in the air.

Like a god who holds the truth in the world.

Breathe in and out.


A shocking scene appeared.

I saw the huge secret energy floating in the air, like seawater pouring back, overwhelmingly pouring into his body, creating an extremely gorgeous and dazzling scene, as if the Milky Way was upside down, flooding the entire battlefield.

This moment.

Xia Shengxuan, who was next to him, could even clearly feel the joy and excitement coming from those secret energies.


But he didn't have time to be shocked.

He also captured a certain rhythm in Su Qi's breathing, a sound like a big drum, which seemed to be pointing directly to the road.

This made Xia Shengxuan's body suddenly shake.

But when he wanted to figure it out carefully, he felt like he was listening to a book from heaven.

The feeling of neither going up nor coming down made him go crazy, and he was so anxious that he couldn't help stamping his feet and scratching his head.

Su Qi glanced at Lao Xia and saw that there seemed to be some success, so he increased the absorption power again.




At this moment, even the void resonated.

However, after the breathing method has been improved to this level, the price you have to pay is that the meridians throughout the body will swell greatly.

As a result, a large amount of secret energy could not be absorbed, but instead filled every pore on his body, making his whole body bloom with infinite light.

In an instant.

The expression on Xia Shengxuan's face froze, full of shock, and he had an experience like enlightenment.

Because he could detect that the shocked breathing rhythm seemed to be driven by some kind of rhythm and changed uncontrollably.

at the same time.

The crystal core of the ferocious beast in his hand trembled, and the ice attribute secret energy contained in it was pulled out, forming two frost dragons visible to the naked eye, entangling him, and then slammed into his body.

If he hadn't stayed in this realm for many years and tortured his bones and meridians for a long time.

He even felt that he would be exploded by this huge energy!

in addition.

Xia Shengxuan knew that now was not the time to indulge in the joy brought by this absorption efficiency. What was more important was to remember this breathing rhythm!

He calmed down and racked his brains to remember the priorities in his current breathing rhythm.

a long time.

It wasn't until Su Qi felt that his body's absorption reached a certain limit that he stopped.

At this time, Xia Shengxuan discovered that the energy of the ferocious beast crystal core in his hand had dropped by almost half. Such a short period of practice was worth five days of hard training!

But now, he was trying to remember that mysterious breathing rhythm.

But I found that there were too many details that I couldn't remember.

This kind of thing went in one ear and out the other, going through it in his mind without leaving much regret, which made him very annoyed.

"How?" Su Qi asked.

This attempt is related to his future layout.

Xia Shengxuan pondered for a moment and replied: "I remember some."

As he spoke, he began to imitate.

However, no matter how he imitated it, he still felt like he was holding a tight breath in his chest, his head became dizzy, and he coughed violently as if he was choking on water.

The ferocious beast crystal core energy in his hand was completely motionless.

The atmosphere suddenly became weird.

He could even vaguely hear the crows of a row of crows.

It’s better not to learn.

Why is it that after learning it, it becomes more like someone else’s imitation and completely useless?

At this time, Su Qi's expression became strange, and he comforted: "It's okay, this is the first time. If I take you a few more times, you may be able to understand more."

It seems that the rhythm of this breathing method is still too magical.

Unless he personally leads, ordinary people will not be able to even get started.

This also means that he cannot significantly improve the strength of the extraordinary people in the city by popularizing higher-level breathing techniques like Principal Pei.

It is still possible to cultivate some extraordinary people.

However, like just now, use full power.

This would cause another waste of energy for Su Qi himself.

After all, by using ten king-level ferocious beast crystal cores at one time, he absorbed less than half of the energy. Most of it was spilled out, and it also made his body feel full.

Similar to ordinary people who suffer from short-term anorexia after overeating.

Of course.

This attempt was not a complete failure.

At least he could see from Lao Xia's imitation that he was more or less imitating it.

Moreover, his words of comfort to Lao Xia came from the bottom of his heart. If he could lead Lao Xia to get into that kind of breathing rhythm and understand more, it might be of infinite use.

Xia Shengxuan silently practiced several times on the side, but to no avail.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration rising in my heart.

Could it be...

Are my qualifications really that bad?

Three days in a row.

The battle at the heavenly level that Su Qi expected did not break out, or maybe it broke out in a place that he was not aware of. This is unknown.

However, the strange phenomena in the city continued, and the huge figures in the air became more solid, as if they were manifesting in the real world at any time.

The ferocious beasts in the dimensional channel have an impact frequency that has increased to another level.

So much so that Su Qi had to spend a lot of effort to press them back again.

Some weird mountains and rivers appeared one after another.

There are even many towering trees that sprout directly from the residents' buildings.

It was as if they had received some kind of tacit permission to completely wipe out this area and return it to its original state.

Even those people who had experienced Su Qi's 'miracle', washed their bodies, and regained hope could not help but fall into panic again.


If you don't escape anymore.

I'm afraid they don't even have a place to stand.

the other side.

The Ninth District support team finally arrived here.

They looked at those terrifying figures in the sky, and even though they were mentally prepared, they still felt inexplicable heart palpitations.

"Is this still the world we live in!?"

"If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn't have been able to understand the suffocation and despair..."

"If you ask me, it's more like a ghost town here!"

Even Zuo Qing and others, who had experienced all this before, couldn't help but show horror in their eyes.

Oh my god.

How long have you been gone?

The whole city became almost unrecognizable even to them.

"Will anyone in the Holy City send experts to solve it?" Chi Jiaran couldn't help but ask.

After stopping briefly in District 9, they reported everything that happened here through the channels of the Supreme Court.

However, the situation was so bad that they hurriedly followed the support troops without waiting for a specific reply.

Zuo Qing didn't answer.

Because, he always felt that the top transcendent beings in the Holy City seemed to be avoiding something.

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