Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 202 Facing pollution, facing the mysterious gaze again

Just when Su Qi was looking somewhere.

The scenery in front of me suddenly changed.

An extremely dark world filled with endless silence appeared in front of him.

It was as if he was the only one left in the vast starry sky between heaven and earth.


And hunger!

At this moment, they were all mixed together, eroding every inch of his mental consciousness all the time, seeming to drag him into an endless abyss.

"This is not that other world!"

Su Qi's eyes widened. Originally, he was ready to trigger some kind of weirdness by using his ability to cover the whole city.


This still shocked him.

If what appears is a different world that he has stepped into before, it is still expected, but what does this senseless scene portend?


This is not a good thing.

Just when he was thinking about how to deal with it, whether to find a way to escape from this horizon, or to stop for a while to see if he could find more information, the situation was changing dramatically high in the sky!

A dark vortex with a width of more than hundreds of kilometers formed out of thin air.

In that whirlpool, a giant face that filled the sky poked out!

This moment.

Su Qi's spirit almost collapsed, until he felt like a small boat rocking in the storm of the endless ocean.

The heart is beating wildly, as if it will jump out of the chest in the next second!

“It’s time to play Dafa!”

Su Qi's pupils shrank suddenly, as if he had gone back to the time when he was induced by Principal Pei to reveal the formation of a new dimensional passage, and the secret of the true reflection crystal of the heavens was washed out, which attracted the mysterious gaze!

What on earth is this! ?

It shouldn't be the Tiandao I saw before.

Could it be the way of heaven from another world! ?

Su Qi felt that his head weighed more than a thousand pounds, and he was suppressed to the point where he could not raise his head and look directly. He rolled his eyelids hard, and out of the corner of his eye, he seemed to see a ferocious giant face that looked like a ferocious beast!

This is completely different from when the way of heaven manifested into a human face!


He closed his eyes tightly and kept pulling away his consciousness, trying his best to get rid of the scene in front of him.

Although Principal Pei said that under the mysterious gaze, extraordinary people can be infected with the mysterious aura, which may have great benefits for the future, but there is a high probability that this thing is not the way of heaven in this world.

God knows what consequences will come from being infected with the aura of heaven from another world!


No matter how hard he tried to withdraw from consciousness, he found that he couldn't get rid of it at all.

What's even more terrifying is that he can clearly feel that the terrifying eyes from high in the sky are gradually looking towards this side.


In an instant, Su Qi's whole body was covered with chills.

An ancient, mysterious, chaotic, disorderly, and extremely violent aura suddenly descended.

Astonishingly, he uncontrollably revealed the form of the ‘Demonized Doomsday Judge’!

Su Qi was shocked.

"Is this the power of chaos!?"


"This is pollution!"

Su Qi's heart trembled, and he suddenly realized that this thing seemed to want to completely pollute him!


He immediately mobilized the light attribute energy in his body and wanted to burst out the light of purification to resist. However, the two sides were not on the same level at all. The light of purification in his body had not even had time to explode, and was blown out by the wind like a candle.

at the same time.

The power of chaos in Su Qi's body was skyrocketing crazily.

Simply can not stop.

This made him extremely frightened when he thought about it. You must know that the power of chaos in his body belongs to a higher level of power. It cannot be absorbed between heaven and earth through conventional cultivation methods. It can only be obtained after turning on the 'fallen soul' ability.

Listen to the whispers of Ozma, the God of Chaos, and get a hint.

However, now it is improving significantly. However, while improving, he feels as if he is losing something.


"Damn it, does this thing have any sense of public morality? I haven't even agreed yet, and you're just throwing all this rubbish energy at me!"

Su Qi gritted his teeth.

His rationality was eroded, just when he didn't know what to do.


A terrifying phantom rose up from behind him, with huge demonic wings covering the sky and the sun, spreading thousands of miles!

this moment.

Su Qi seemed to feel that Ozma, the god of chaos who brought disaster to the world, seemed to be standing behind him!

in his perception.

The huge shadow behind him slowly raised its head.

The terrifying eyes looked upward, and then as soon as the two astonishing eyes met, the world collapsed instantly!

Even, it affects everything.

Suddenly, all the scenes in front of Su Qi were disillusioned and he returned to reality again.

He stretched out his hand tremblingly and found that he did not show the form of the 'Demonized Doomsday Judge' in reality, as if everything was just an illusion.

But the majestic power of chaos in his body was telling him.

Everything I experienced just now happened for real. I don’t know what the reason was, but the phantom of Ozma, the god of chaos, was triggered to stop the pollution.

"Could it be that the divine power of chaos in my body is at a higher level?"

"Or, listening to the whispers of Ozma, the God of Chaos, can help me filter out some impurities in the pollution and extract the true power of chaos?"

Su Qi thought for a moment.

He knew too little about this higher level of power.

There was no way to analyze it for the moment, so I could only suppress the doubts in my heart.


After experiencing this, he became even more worried about this world integration.

He descended, came to the three sisters Shen Chan, and asked, "What's wrong? Your expressions seem to be telling me that something is wrong."

Chen Chan woke up with a start and replied in an unnatural tone: "Didn't you notice something just now?"

"After you ended your ability, we saw your body disappear all of a sudden, replaced by a huge figure towering into the clouds, similar to other figures in the sky!"


Su Qi pondered for a moment.

He thought it was just his spiritual consciousness that was pulled into another world, but what Shen Chan saw seemed to give him some hints.

He seemed to have guessed what those huge figures in the sky might be coming.

However, these are not important for now.

More importantly, District 13 must be evacuated as soon as possible.

I can't stay any longer.

If the way of heaven in another world is also controlled by some kind of existence, then this great fusion of worlds is likely to be noticed by the top transcendent beings of mankind.

Because they also control a part of the heaven and earth in this area.

This way.

The great integration of the world may lead to a battle between heaven and earth.

When gods fight, mortals suffer!

"When is the next great migration expected?" Su Qi asked.

Shen Chan replied: "Not long ago, we received information on the communication channel that the previous group of people who migrated have arrived in the Ninth District. The Ninth District has also sent a team of extraordinary people. The specific time of arrival has not yet been determined. Know."

Su Qi made a calculation in his mind.

"Everyone, be prepared, the changes may intensify."

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