Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 175 The murderous calamity resumes and the vicious beasts wreak havoc

"We take action."

Zuo Qing shouted coldly, and the nearly 1,000-meter-long statue took the lead in killing the nearest king-level beast. With just one punch, the king-level beast flew away, and half of its face was sunken.

Then he approached forcefully, and the terrifying fist blasted out like a violent wave.

A large rain of blood spattered out.

He looked like he was going to blow it up!

It was indeed very difficult to deal with that combination of destructive-level ferocious beasts, but he could still kill these ordinary king-level ferocious beasts directly!

Although he was reluctant to spend too much energy on these ferocious beasts, after all, he didn't know whether the mechanical device given to them by the contact person could kill the combined ferocious beast, so he wanted to retain more strength.

But he had to do it.

Because, in that huge cave, various king-level ferocious beasts are still emerging continuously. If left unchecked, it will be a disaster that will destroy the city for the Thirteenth District.

This is what he doesn't want to see.

After all, he accepted the court's purge operation with the intention of redeeming the people in these areas.

If this city cannot escape destruction in the end, even if the Evolution Cult stronghold here is removed, what's the point?


Next to him, a king-level ferocious beast that looked like a giant crocodile suddenly rushed out. Its terrifying aura made the earth tremble. It opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards Zuo Qing to bite him.

The fishy wind hits your face!

In an instant, Zuo Qing grabbed the tail of the dying beast on the ground and swung it straight at the beast that was biting him!


The collision between two huge masses of flesh and blood erupted with a dull drumming sound!

It’s like blowing the clarion call for a new round of war!

Although these law enforcement officers expended a lot of energy in the fierce battle with those inhuman aliens, they still fought bravely to kill the king-level ferocious beasts without saying a word.

this moment.

They seemed to understand the reason why some of the destruction-level powerhouses in the Holy City were unwilling to come to this area to take control.

The area is too eroded.

Disaster-level ferocious beasts appear at any time, and waves of large and small beasts sometimes erupt without warning.

Even if a destruction-level expert has the strength to defend a city, he will inevitably be exhausted.

Obviously, this is not a good choice for those who set foot on the destruction level and pursue higher-level promotions.

Once the two sides started fighting, the momentum was extremely huge.

The roars of the ferocious beasts, the waves of collision, and the outpouring of energy caused complete chaos in this world.


Accompanied by a violent roar that penetrated gold and cracked stone, a fierce bird covered in black flames flew out of the huge hole, then swooped down and spat out a large piece of terrifying black flames from its mouth, directly burning several law enforcement officers who could not avoid it. The skin will be burnt!

Even the solid ground melted under the sweep of black flames and turned into black water!

This horrific attack left many people pale.

Then, another strange beast the size of a mountain climbed out of the giant cave. It had fat limbs and was not moving very fast. However, the bright beam of light emitted from the single horn on its head actually made a law enforcement officer vomit blood and had to Withdraw and take the healing elixir.

At the beginning of the fight, they were able to forcefully kill some king-level ferocious beasts, but as they went to the back, the more terrifying ferocious beasts appeared.

He was even able to compete with them for a time.

"What exactly is going on!?"

"Why is such a powerful king-level beast not suppressed by the law of heaven!"

"Or are these all disaster-level ferocious beasts, brought down to this level by the will of heaven!?"

"Don't be ridiculous, if there are so many disaster-level ferocious beasts coming across the border, there will definitely be no noise!"

At this time, everyone was fighting with blood and roaring loudly.

This phenomenon, which was obviously contrary to common sense, gave everyone an extremely bad premonition.

The three sisters Shen Chan, on the other hand, silently carried the ancient weapons, carrying the sharp roar that tore through the void, and blasted at those king-level ferocious beasts, blasting bloody holes one after another.

After all, they are already numb.

Hehe, even disaster-level ferocious beasts can resurrect in District 13, and it’s not surprising that other weird things happen.

Chi Jiaran's hands were wrapped with thunder, and after cracking the head of a ferocious beast, he looked at the terrifying figure across the sky and murmured: "Perhaps the source of all this lies in the corpse of the disaster-level ferocious beast!"


Those non-human aliens from the Evolutionary Cult did not choose to join the battle, but watched from a distance.

Non-human aliens have the aura of pollution, and when other life forms are present, they are basically not regarded as the first hunting targets by ferocious beasts.

When they saw this scene, they were extremely shocked.

When they accepted You Chong's invitation, they were skeptical that You Chong was going to kill a purge team of the Supreme Court.

Now it seems that this purge team is probably doomed.

The only uncertain factor is the battle at high altitude. Once the winner is determined, the outcome will be self-evident.

At this time, among the group of people, Xu Xiaofan couldn't help but say: "Are we really just watching like this? If those law enforcement officers are defeated, it is very likely that the entire Thirteenth District will not escape this disaster!"

Hou Yong snorted coldly and said in an indifferent tone: "So what?"

"Does this world still expect people like us who have no tomorrow to save it?"

Geng Shu on the side stretched out his long tongue and licked his lower lip: "Hou Yong is right, this world has brought us so much pain, but if those high-ranking figures in the Holy City have such a small effect, how can I? As for being reduced to this state of being neither human nor ghost."

"Hey, Evolution God Cult..."

"Ask yourselves, as the bishop of the Cult of Evolution, do you believe in evolution?"

As soon as these words came out.

All non-human beings fell silent.

As they see it, 'evolution' is nothing more than a fig leaf.

Nowadays, whoever joins the Cult of Evolution and becomes an inhuman alien is pursuing the illusory 'final evolution'?

It's not all about grabbing other extraordinary powers so that you can live a less miserable life.

this moment.

Xu Xiaofan lowered his eyelids.

He now realizes that the current Evolutionary God's Cult is no longer the same Evolutionary God's Cult that fought against the pollution characteristics before.

Maybe I am not the same person as them.

call out--

A stream of light passed by.

Su Qi cut through the beasts from the other side and finally converged on the center of the battlefield.

He held the Hammer of Divine Punishment and swung it at a king-level ferocious beast that was rushing toward a law enforcement officer.

This king-level ferocious beast reacted extremely sharply. It tilted its head and avoided Su Qi's blow in time, but the hammer of divine punishment still landed on its broad shoulders, shattering most of its body.

The severe pain caused the king-level ferocious beast to roar miserably, abandoning the hunting law enforcement officer, dragging its bloody body with its huge claws shining with cold light, and turned around to claw at Su Qi, with the kind of determination that would not stop until death. The momentum is enough to make any extraordinary person change his expression.

Su Qi's eyes were unmoved, and he hammered down hundreds of times, creating a dazzling golden light.

With a terrifying gesture, he was killed in an instant.

Simple and crude.

The law enforcement officer was stunned for a while.

However, Su Qi had no time to pay attention to the other party's thoughts and asked directly: "Have you brought the Heavenly Reflection True Crystal?"

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