Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 174 Blue Divine Light, Power of Machinery


That blue divine light was extremely terrifying.

It seemed to contain the most powerful aura that destroyed all things, instantly blasting a bloody hole out of the beast's chest!

Then the remaining power continued to fall.

At this moment, everyone's scalps exploded, and there was a sense of horror that the entire starry sky was falling. They ignored the fight and flew away in all directions.

Even Zuo Qing felt depressed. The statue grabbed Chi Jiaran with its giant hand and flew across the sky into the distance.

Although the chest of the statue was pierced and he was severely injured, he could still recover continuously as long as he came into contact with the earth.

The next second.

They saw a horrifying sight.

The thick blue divine light penetrated the earth without any vibration or sound, but it disintegrated silently!

This is one of the manifestations of strength being concentrated to the extreme.

The horror is boundless!

Everyone's heart is palpitating. Even if they are facing the disaster-level ferocious beasts controlled by You Chong, they will more or less feel that they can take a few hits. However, facing that blue divine light, they feel that they will be killed directly and instantly. Absolutely There are no surprises.

This is a message sent from the depths of the soul, somewhere in the dark!

"What the contact person said turned out to be true!"

"No, he said seven or three openings above the destruction level, which is even a bit conservative!"

Chi Jiaran stared blankly at the bottomless hole, deeply impressed by the power.

But she still couldn't believe that this was a solidified extraordinary ability.

after all.

The more powerful the extraordinary ability is, the more difficult it is to solidify it, which increases exponentially.


In mid-air, the combination of ferocious beasts that had been pierced through the chest roared angrily, and polluted matter surged like a tide. It was repaired in the blink of an eye, and then rushed upwards in an indomitable manner, with an attitude of determined to decide life and death!

Moreover, the entire face of this ferocious beast was revealed.

The body is nearly ten thousand meters long, with the body of a snake and the head of a beast!

And the giant eye of energy high in the sky activated again, stimulating a stream of blue divine light, which hit the ferocious beast combination with precision.


The terrifying blue divine light is like a killing sword thrust by the gods, bringing down heavenly punishment!

Each blow directly disintegrates large pieces of flesh and blood from the ferocious beast combination.


Not a single hit missed.

It seems that no matter how fast the ferocious beast combination is or how it dodges, the giant energy eyes can accurately predict its location!

Blast it into pieces.

The appearance of the earth below is even more shocking.

It was like a big watermelon being dug out piece by piece with an iron spoon, making everyone's mouths go dry for a while.

at this time.

Su Qi had already hid far away.

This level of attack is really scary.

At the moment when the blue divine light was activated, he vaguely saw the outline of a huge machine.

"Is it possible that a top transcendent person with mechanical means has arrived?"

Suddenly, Su Qi's heart was shattered.

If a destructive level powerhouse really came to District 13, then he wouldn't have to try those risky things.

With his current level, fighting against such a terrifying thing is really a bit out of line.


Su Qi suddenly remembered that the female law enforcement officer had activated a mechanical device. If the destruction-level powerhouse from the Supreme Court really came, there was no need for them to show panic.

Most likely, this is just one of the trump cards given to them by the senior officials of the Supreme Court.

If it is as he guessed.

I'm afraid he seems too optimistic, after all, there will eventually be a moment when his cards are exhausted.

Now, he can only hope that this trump card can be more powerful and directly kill the ferocious beast combination.

I just wanted to destroy a Purification Cult stronghold, but I never thought about directly confronting a destructive-level force, right?

Just as everyone was nervously looking up into the sky, waiting for the final result with anxiety.

Below the hole drilled by the combination of ferocious beasts, there is a vast and endless space. In the dry underground river, there is a deep pit, which seems to be a great abyss connecting to hell.


An imperceptible sound sounded deep underground.


A thick and ferocious animal claw poked out, its cold light flashing, and its sharpness pierced into the stone wall, climbing up.


Along with the low roar, there were ferocious beasts crawling up from the endless depths. They had ferocious eyes and huge bodies.

When they climbed out of the pit and walked in the underground river, they suddenly discovered a giant egg that was almost as big as the largest ferocious beast among them.

There was fear in the eyes of these ferocious beasts. After taking a deep look, they walked around and left.


As the combination of ferocious beasts penetrates deep into the sky, the five senses that everyone has been deprived of gradually return.

But they haven't had time to be happy yet.

It felt like there was a terrifying aura surging beneath the ground.


Seems like a bit much!

"Not good!" a law enforcement officer exclaimed loudly, trying to issue a warning.

But it's still too late.

I saw a ferocious beast lurking under his feet. It tore through the ground in an instant, grabbed his ankle, and dragged him down.

The sudden change quickly aroused the vigilance of other law enforcement officers.

Their expressions changed and they rushed over to rescue their companions.

I felt the ground shake for a while, and the companion escaped, his gold-trimmed robe covered in blood.

He shouted with fear in his eyes: "There are ferocious beasts underground!"

"There are a lot of them, basically all of them are above the king level!"

Without even prompting from him.

One after another, ferocious beasts, exuding a ferocious aura, burst out of the ground!


After these ferocious beasts looked up to the sky and roared, they glanced towards the sky above, and their ferocious eyes immediately fell on these law enforcement officers.

not far away.

The three sisters Shen Chan felt numb all over as they looked at the ferocious beasts with astonishing auras.


My district 13 has bad feng shui, or something.

Why do visions happen so frequently? Are they still allowing people to live?

This number of king-level ferocious beasts is enough to level an entire city!

Could it be that District 13 is built in a ferocious beast's lair! ?

At this time.

Su Qi stared at the group of king-level ferocious beasts that suddenly appeared, his eyes flickered, and he whispered secretly.

"I seem to understand..."

"If you guessed correctly, there should be a dimensional passage under the ground!"

"Otherwise, there would be no way so many king-level ferocious beasts would appear!"


"King-level ferocious beasts will be suppressed by heaven when crossing the dimensional passage, but these king-level ferocious beasts do not seem to be in this situation, which means that they may have adapted to the dimensional passage for a long time, or that the disaster-level ferocious beast The corpse was arranged in some way before it was alive!"

In an instant, Su Qi made a guess.

I couldn't help but feel a little excited inside.

Dimensional channel...

It means connecting to another world.

And the different world is the key to restarting the big data killing mechanism.

"If I can go one step further, will I have the strength to solve this crisis in District 13?"

Suddenly, a vague plan emerged silently.

Although the Thirteenth District did not have the same deep feelings for him as the Ninth District, no matter what, he still couldn't bear to watch a city of his kind being slaughtered.

Before that, though.

He needs to confirm the existence of the dimensional passage.

Otherwise, everything is nonsense!

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