Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 176: Changes in the city, panic is spreading

"Take it, take it..."

The law enforcement officer didn't know how to express his gratitude. After all, he was a little unaccustomed to being helped by an inhuman being.

What made him even more unexpected was that the other party seemed to be very familiar with the matter and asked about the True Crystal of Reflection of the Heavens.

"Lend me a little first, that's no problem."

"How much..."

"As much as you want."


The law enforcement officer was confused and took out three Heavenly Reflection True Crystals. Although he didn't know what the other party's intention was, this person had been teaming up with Zuo Qing to deal with the ferocious beast combination, and now he was considered a teammate in the same camp.

"Only three..."

Su Qi frowned slightly.

When he came out this time, he didn't expect to stay in District 13 for so long, so he didn't bring too many Heavenly Reflection True Crystals with him.

Nowadays, a dimensional passage may be just around the corner.

Therefore, it is necessary to carry more Heavenly Reflection True Crystals, step into a different world, restart the big data maturity mechanism, and try to develop some stronger abilities to cope with possible situations that may arise next.

Although the other party was like a shadow and could not see any trace of his face, the law enforcement officer could still feel the disgust revealed by the other party.

If the battle hadn't been fierce now, he would have wanted to explain it properly.

A seed-level genius like himself has no shortage of resources, and the big data maturity mechanism is fully loaded every month, so he rarely carries a large amount of the True Reflection Crystal of the Heavens with him.

You non-human beings won’t understand!

Huh! ?

But here’s the problem, why would you, a non-human being like you, come to me for the Real Crystal of Reflection of the Heavens at this moment...

Even the legendary conservative inhuman aliens mainly have pollution characteristics.

But before he could ask about the doubts in his heart, Su Qi casually added a few BUFF abilities to the opponent, and slipped away with a touch of oil on the soles of his feet.


These few Heavenly Reflection True Crystals are obviously not enough.

So, he set his sights on Chi Jiaran, who was fighting fiercely with the beast.

After all, following the same pattern and traveling around the place to collect the Real Crystals of Reflection of the Heavens was too inefficient. In addition, some of the law enforcement officers might not be as easy to talk to as the one just now.

As Nachi Jiaran is one of their leaders, it would be best for her to take the lead.

That guy Zuo Qing...

Although they have to deal with each other more, the other party is now in full swing, so asking such a thug to collect the True Reflection Crystals of the Heavens for him is a bit overkill.


Su Qi swept across the battlefield and came directly to Chi Jiaran, killing several king-level ferocious beasts along the way.

He didn't waste any nonsense and went straight to the point and said that he needed the Heavens Reflection True Crystal.

"Why do you want the Real Crystal of All Heavens Reflection now?" Chi Jiaran was a little confused.

Su Qi glanced at the sky and said, "With your trump card, are you sure you can kill that ferocious beast combination?"

Chi Jiaran's expression paused for a moment, then shook his head.

"I need some Heavenly Reflection True Crystals to arrange the means to deal with it. The more, the better." Su Qidao.

"How sure are you?" Chi Jiaran asked.

"have no idea."

"I do not know you……"

Chi Jiaran was about to retaliate, but she quickly changed her mind: "Okay, I'll try my best to get it for you."

The current situation is grim. Regardless of whether you are sure or not, as long as you dare to try, you will be ahead of many people.

After all, everyone, including Zuo Qing, is more helpless now.

On the other hand, the news of the appearance of a large number of king-level ferocious beasts in Blackwater was sent back to the City Lord's Mansion by a large ship floating in mid-air. It was hoped that the think tank of the City Lord's Mansion could come up with an effective plan to arrange for ordinary people to avoid danger in advance.

As soon as the brain trust heard the news, their brains exploded.

We are right.

It is precisely because of my brain that I know that in the face of the invasion of such a terrifying force, no matter how many measures I take, it will be in vain!

King-level ferocious beasts of this magnitude have never appeared before, even in some city-destroying beast tides. Now they are still breaking out in the city. Once the monsters in the Supreme Court are unable to resist, the disaster will spread to the entire Thirteenth City in an instant. district.

Even if we run away from the city now, can we outrun the king-level ferocious beast? ?

The only solution at present is to hope that the law enforcement officers of the Supreme Court can resolve this matter.

Otherwise, everyone should wash their necks and wait for death!

This news was quickly learned by all the major forces in the city. Everyone felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar and their scalps exploded.

Without even thinking for a second, he packed up all his belongings and tried to escape as fast as he could.

If it were just a dispute between the Supreme Court and the Hua Shen Cult, no matter who lost or won, it would actually have little to do with them. After all, the two forces had been fighting in these areas for so many years, and everyone had become accustomed to it.

No matter how fierce the war is, they will tacitly control the situation and prevent it from spreading too much.

Even tonight's "mature body" of non-human aliens, such things as losing control on a large scale, are very rare.

But the ferocious beasts are different.

They live by killing and feeding on humans. No matter you are ordinary people or rich and powerful, they are all treated equally.

Nothing left to chance.

However, when they arrived at the city gate, they found that even the apostle-level transcendent could not break through the black light that shrouded the entire city, and their hearts suddenly became cold.

"What the hell is this!"

An apostle-level extraordinary person's emotions collapsed, and he condensed a halberd made of flames, drawing red flames all over the sky, and blasted towards the black light.

The terrifying attack was like a muddy cow entering the sea, without causing any splash.

at the same time.

Someone was horrified to discover that some kind of change seemed to be happening in District 13.

"Look, there's something weird in that building!"

"I'll go. It's not because I stayed up too late and was dazzled. That building seems to be embedded in a mountain!"

"It's not that you're dazzled, I saw it too. It's obviously a busy city over there, why is there such a big mountain?"

Extremely weird!

It’s as if the world has gone haywire!

Nearly half of the building is embedded in a large mountain. Looking from a distance, there is some kind of terrifying atmosphere in the dark mountain.

Not only that.

Some ordinary people staying at home suddenly discovered that their residential buildings seemed to be sinking.

I hurriedly opened the window and took a look. I was horrified to see an extremely wide and silent river underneath the residential building.

Such an incredible scene.

It made everyone's hair stand on end. At first, they thought it was an illusion. It wasn't until they saw the residents on the lower floors splashing in the water and swimming for their lives that they realized that some kind of horror beyond their comprehension was coming!


A loud and frightening sound sounded, like a switch being pressed.

Screams and crying were endless. Some people ran downstairs desperately, as if they wanted to escape from here quickly. Some people couldn't swim and rushed down with a big bathtub, and some people ran downstairs. On the top, calls to the Security Department's emergency hotline continued.

But now, this phone line has long been overcrowded, it is always busy, and it is impossible to call.

The residents who ran to the lower floors touched the bone-chilling cold water with their hands. They immediately plunged into the water without caring about anything and swam away desperately.

But soon, the people who swam out felt desperate.

Because, looking down at this strange river from a high place, although it is wide, it still has boundaries.

But, when they were splashing in the river.

But I found that everything around me seemed to be moving away. The river...oh no, it would be more accurate to call it the sea. There was no end in sight!


Spreading quietly in the 13th District...

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