Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 157 Invincible, the Supreme Court Arrives

Bang bang bang!

Su Qi and the remaining four apostle-level non-human aliens continued to fight fiercely. Their powerful bodies moved quickly and collided crazily!

Thunderous sounds erupted one after another.

Under these hundreds of horrific collisions, nearly half of the buildings in the abandoned construction site collapsed, rocks fell, and everything was devastated.


Large swaths of the wall were turned into powder by the waves that overflowed from the chaotic battle between several people, and continued to fall downwards.

no doubt.

If this battle continues, even those within a radius of dozens of miles will be directly defeated by them!

This was the battle between the apostles. Just the aftermath caused immeasurable damage to the city.

Many city owners wanted to cover up the Evolution Cult when the Great Purge came. On the one hand, it was due to interests, and on the other hand, they wanted to avoid this situation from happening.

Although the Supreme Court will provide certain compensation for its losses, the lost population and the masters of the Evolutionary Cult cannot be compensated.

Fortunately, Su Qi had already thought about it and asked Fan Shixing to place a trap near the abandoned factory.

At the same time, what was even more fortunate was that when facing these inhuman aliens, Su Qi basically showed a crushing attitude and was able to control the situation.


The extent of the damage is unimaginable.


Peng Ai let out a shrill roar that echoed throughout the abandoned construction site.

In just a few minutes, his proud flesh was blasted with dozens of cracks. Even if the pollution characteristics could repair it immediately, the tearing pain was real!

The remaining three were inhuman and alien, and their condition was even worse.

Some chests were torn apart, internal organs were shattered, and some entire arms were blown open, blood splattered out and dyed the earth red!

What's even worse is.

The ferocious face of one of them changed uncontrollably, and his mouth and nose kept protruding outwards, as if he was about to lose control!


It's too strong!

At this moment, Peng Ai and others looked at Su Qi who seemed to have walked out of hell, and their hearts were extremely horrified!

The two sides are not opponents of the same level at all.

I am afraid that only the high priest and Lord You Chong can compete with it!

At this time, they no longer wanted to fight, but they had to fight.


They still have one person in that big pit, whose life or death is unknown. They must confirm it now, otherwise if someone is captured alive, the high priest can skin them!

"I'll hold him back, you guys go check it out right away!"

Peng Ai's eyes were about to burst and he roared.

In an instant, his body swelled several times, and his height surged to nearly five meters. Bone spurs were constantly piercing out of the knotted muscles. The disproportionate arms were surrounded by terrifying flames of pollution, as if they were about to burn through the power of heaven and earth!

His eyes were red and his sharp teeth were clenched.

With a thud, the soles of his feet exerted force suddenly, the ground suddenly cracked, and the huge body flew past at high speed, rushing towards Su Qi like a mountain overturning!

The fierce fighting has reached this stage.

The energy in this area is intertwined, and the power of heaven and earth has been blasted into extremely disorder, making it impossible to use the teleportation ability!

How could Su Qi not know the other party's plan?

However, among these people, he must capture at least one alive!

Seeing the destruction of buildings around them, even if there is surveillance, it is still far away.

Then his time has come!


His terrifying body instantly tensed up, his arms spread out, and a shadow seemed to be shaken out from his back!

‘Phantom clone’!

Providing additional attack frequency means that the damage index increases to another level!


The terrifying claws swirling with the power of chaos were swung out at extremely high speeds, making people unable to help but feel dazzled.

Su Qi flew like a bolt of black lightning, leaving hundreds of hideous wounds on the opponent's body with just one encounter.


Blood flowers are falling like rain!

Peng Ai's eyes were about to burst, and he burst into violent screams. At this moment, he almost felt like he had been torn apart.

It seemed like he had attacked the opponent dozens of times, but why was he hit hard hundreds of times?

What kind of weird ability is this? Shadows can coordinate attacks! ?

He couldn't understand it!

However, Su Qi did not have time to completely deal with him. The other party's people were already rushing towards the deep pit below, as if they wanted to rescue the companion who was imprisoned by him.


"I'm thinking too much!"

Only then did the cold voice fall.

The inhuman alien closest to the pit almost had his eyes popping out, and he was so scared that he lost his mind on the spot!


He noticed that the other party had appeared behind him at some point!


"Maybe so soon..."

At this moment, the inhuman alien felt a chill running down his spine, to the top of his head, and then exploded violently, causing his thoughts to come to a standstill.

Su Qi didn't hesitate at all.

With a big kick, the opponent was directly trampled to the ground, and he didn't even know how many bones were broken!

That's right.

The power of heaven and earth is chaotic, making teleportation difficult to use.

If he uses force, it will be the same as when he used teleportation during the Overlord level. His body will be instantly counterattacked by the chaotic power of heaven and earth!


That's just a restriction for ordinary extraordinary people.

Su Qimo transformed into the Doomsday Judge. With the blessing of the power of chaos, his physical strength was simply incomparable!

Even though it will still be affected to some extent, it can still burst out at a speed close to teleportation.

"Damn it!"

After recovering from his injuries, Peng Ai saw that his other two teammates were too frightened to take action, and his eyes filled with anger.

Just as he was about to rush to the deep pit to take a look, he suddenly noticed several powerful auras approaching at great speed!

This made his expression change greatly.

The Supreme Court is coming!

Each one of them is almost as good as this terrifying guy in front of me!

If you don't leave, it will be too late!

So, although Peng Ai was very unwilling, he turned around and ran away.

He knew very well that even if he lost his life, it would not help.

Now we can only beg these teammates to escape, or choose to enable 'instinct', so that the location of the stronghold may not be exposed.

However, being caught in this situation that was beyond his control made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

Su Qi also felt the arrival of people from the Supreme Court, and he didn't bother to deal with these inhuman beings. He stepped hard on the inhuman being under his feet.

He turned around and jumped into the pit, picking up the inhuman creature he had imprisoned.

Just when he was about to pull away, a sudden change occurred.

A law enforcement officer who followed Shen Chan into the city had already ambushed one side. At this time, he exuded powerful pressure and shot like an angry arrow, as if he wanted to intercept Su Qi!

Su Qi was slightly startled.

He was not surprised by this person's appearance. In fact, he had already noticed an apostle lurking nearby.

I just didn't take it to heart. After all, there's not much difference between shooting six and shooting five.

What surprised him was...

This is a law enforcement officer!

Although it is a bit unexpected, it is still within the acceptable range.

But there are so many inhuman beings, and you didn’t stop me, but you came to stop me! ?

What does this mean! ?


Su Qi was angry.

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