Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 156: Strong capture and killing, the power of chaos shows its power

call out!

After Su Qi dodged the energy beam, his body dissipated like an afterimage.

The next second, across a distance of tens of meters, the power of chaos in the body exploded, and the ferocious giant claws were like death scythes, swinging down at extremely high speed!


Peng Ai hurriedly raised his right arm with bulging muscles to resist, and felt a heart-pounding pain. He suddenly realized that his arm had been torn open with three deep scars visible on the bone.

"How can it be!?"

The other people saw Peng Ai, who was known for his physical strength, and were directly injured in just the first confrontation.

I was shocked to the extreme!

I originally thought that my companion just now was attacked by the opponent and had no room to fight back for a while.

And now from Peng Ai's shocking wounds, we can see how powerful the other party is!

To know.

In the stronghold of the Evolution God Sect, Peng Ai can be ranked in the top ten with his thirty-sixth level!

"Is this the strength of the conservatives?" Peng Ai's eyes instantly became solemn, and black energy overflowed from the hideous wounds on his arms, and they recovered in the blink of an eye.

He felt that the energy on the other party was terrifying.

Although it is somewhat similar to his own energy that mutated under the erosion of pollution characteristics.

But the meaning of destruction in it is even better!

Su Qi remained silent and started killing this man again.

Although the vitality of non-human aliens who actively accept the invasion of polluted traits is very tenacious, judging from so many battles, the repair ability of polluted traits is not unlimited, but has a limit. Once that limit is exceeded, It will destroy itself!

"Get him!"

Peng Ai roared.

Suddenly, the muscles on the burly body tensed, the scales on the lower limbs stood up like blades, and a cold black electric light danced all over the body.

The speed is extremely fast, and the punches that are ready to strike are like cannonballs coming out of the barrel, the last strike comes first!

Hit the opponent hard.

Compared to attacks in the form of energy beams, he prefers this kind of fist-to-flesh collision!

At the same time, several other non-human beings, also using the power of heaven and earth, arrived in an instant and attacked from all directions.

Especially the inhuman alien who was kicked to the ground by Su Qi before, with angry eyes and black aura squirming between his arms. In an instant, two dark and shiny thin blades were formed, slashing towards Su Qi Li.

Before the body arrived, the sharp aura rushed towards my face in advance, as if it was about to split the void!

Su Qi turned a blind eye to all this, as if there was only Peng Ai in his eyes, he speeded up instantly, and his left arm suddenly expanded.

Come out like a poisonous dragon!


A devil's fist struck at him brazenly.

It was as if the heaven and earth collapsed, and two terrifying and powerful collisions caused the aroused power of heaven and earth to fly away all the gravel and grass clippings on the ground below, and the tempered glass of the surrounding high-rise buildings exploded one after another!

Even the solid ground and building walls...

It seemed as if he couldn't bear the sudden fluctuation.

At this moment, tiny cracks appeared!

And Peng Ai's fist was beaten to a bloody pulp, and the violent force even broke his entire arm, causing him to scream miserably on the spot.

Then, Su Qi quickly turned around, raised his arm suddenly, and sent up a chaotic black wind that rotated at a very fast speed, cutting back and forth, forcefully forcing three of the inhuman aliens back!

Immediately afterwards.

He glanced coldly at the inhuman alien attacking from below.

Just a look.

He was so frightened that he couldn't help but tremble. He almost stopped the attack on the spot, and was in a dilemma for a while.

However, Su Qi would not give him time to think.

His arms were wrapped with the power of chaos, like burning hellfire.

Punch left and right.

The inhuman alien looked a bit baffled.

? ? ?

The distance between us is still about twenty meters. What do you mean by punching in the air?

But soon.

Then he understood.

The opponent's weird punch seemed to scorch the void.

Then in his horrified eyes, two ferocious giant arms like horned dragons suddenly sprang out from the scorched place, carrying an extremely violent and destructive aura, and instantly clamped him to the left and back!

That kind of suppressive force that far exceeded the essence of life squeezed his body somewhat out of shape.

It seems as if it will be crushed directly in the next moment!

"Why is it me again!"

The inhuman alien roared inwardly, and a dark aura filled the surface of his body, trying desperately to break free from the shackles of these two terrifying arms!

But, how could Su Qi miss this opportunity.

Taking advantage of the opponent being suppressed by the Devil's Grip, he frantically mobilized all the power of chaos in his body. His aura rose to the extreme, like a prehistoric ferocious beast. The power of the nearby heaven and earth was shaking, and the Devil's Fist blasted out again!

The left arm is swelling!

Like a hundred-meter wild dragon running wild!

Run wildly!

The power of heaven and earth along the way was twisted to pieces in an instant!


The inhuman alien's face turned pale, his mind was shaken, and his whole body was immersed in great fear.

I only felt that violent blow erupted on my chest, and a sharp pain came. My chest instantly sunk, and my internal organs after the ribs were broken were shattered!

The strong body was blasted into the ground again by this terrifying force.

It’s still the same pit!

But this time, he was vomiting blood wildly, and the boiling pollutants in his body seemed to have stopped all of a sudden!

Su Qi was unyielding and swooped down, facing the inhuman being with a violent attack. The violent power made the earth tremble.


Su Qi didn't want to kill this person directly.

Instead, he used this deep pit to avoid everyone's sight, and the golden divine pattern on his chest lit up.

The 'Sacred Ring' was used to completely confine its extraordinary power!

After all, for him, the location of the Evolution Cult's stronghold is more important.

After doing all this, he returned to the ground again.

His eyes were fixed on another inhuman alien.

no way.

At this moment when he will be exposed to the eyes of others at any time, he cannot use various abilities openly, otherwise the illusion of various conservative masters he has created cannot withstand suspicion!

We can only come one by one.

In mid-air, Peng Ai and the others looked at Su Qi, who was filled with murderous intent, and their hearts sank completely.

In less than a minute of fighting, one of our own people didn't know whether he was alive or dead!

For them, the pressure in their hearts is endless. Whether the mission of the high priest can be completed is another matter. They may even be responsible for it here.

And the other side.

Everyone in the Security Department, who was watching the battle through the few remaining surveillance cameras, couldn't help but feel numb.

This is a pair of five, and one is returned in an instant.

The strength is too terrifying.

What's more, those inhuman aliens from the Evolution God Sect are top experts in the stronghold, not just street cabbage!

at this time.

Chen Chan was also shocked. Not long ago, she had personally met with that conservative member.

But at that time, I only learned that this person ran away very fast and was chased away by the law enforcement officers of the Supreme Court. I didn't expect that his strength was so terrifying!

the other side.

Everyone in the Supreme Court is not far from Dongze District.

Like a shooting star, it streaked through the sky and roared towards us.

This time, they must seize the tail of the Evolution God Cult and wipe it out in one fell swoop to avoid long nights and endless dreams!

Because climate change is still intensifying, the first step is to eliminate an uncertain hostile factor.

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