Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 158: Killing blooms and the whole city riots

As a spectator who has watched the game for so long.

At such a moment, there was no attempt to intercept the core members who most likely knew where the Evolution Cult's stronghold was.

Instead, he was singled out for picking on this tough guy. How could this be justified? ?

Su Qi snorted coldly.

He suddenly accelerated and ran wildly, like a humanoid ferocious beast. Every time he landed, the ground exploded, and he crashed into the opponent with a violent and ruthless attitude!

Although the law enforcement officer was extremely conceited, he did not dare to underestimate the other party.

As the two sides closed the distance, their right foot glowed and they jumped high in an instant.

A whip leg was accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder, tearing up the nearby gravel and gravel, from top to bottom, and struck Su Qi's shoulder diagonally like a sword from the sky!

In his eyes.

It is certainly a relatively safe choice to intercept other strong men of the Evolutionary God Cult and force them to find out where their stronghold is.

However, he is a leader among the younger generation of the Supreme Court!

What I am better at is facing difficulties!

Moreover, this conservative also captured a core member of the Cult of Evolution. Stopping him would kill two birds with one stone and gain a lot!


The opponent's sharp whip leg slashed down diagonally. Su Qi dodged sideways, and the powerful fist hit the law enforcement officer's abdomen directly.

The moment he was about to fly backwards, Su Qi opened his fist and grabbed the law enforcement officer's ankle!

After swinging in a circle, he was thrown out like a cannonball, directly in front of Peng Ai and the four others who fled in panic.


A crater was made on the ground, and Peng Ai and others stopped instantly. Seeing the law enforcement officer in front of them jumping up in embarrassment, they almost started to curse.

This is intentional! ?

It's really too vicious!

Several people were scared to death and fled in other directions.

At this moment, if you delay for one more minute, it will be extremely dangerous!

Just now they were gloating that the conservative was being targeted by the lurking law enforcement officer. Unexpectedly, the next second, the law enforcement officer was thrown in front of them.

After the law enforcement officer glanced around, he found that the conservative had long disappeared.

His eyes struggled for a moment, and he quickly made a decision.

In an instant, he pounced on the nearest core member of the Evolutionary Cult. The attack was extremely terrifying, as if he wanted to vent all his anger on the opponent!

While the inhuman alien resisted desperately, he was groaning inwardly.

It's not like he lost it.

Why are so many people chasing me? Isn't it because my escape speed is a beat slower?


Just because he was a little slow, he was chased by a law enforcement officer.

All five people had been defeated by a conservative just now. Now he had to face a law enforcement officer alone and was beaten even more miserably.

Not long after, more than a dozen terrifying auras suddenly landed, surrounding him, and everyone stared at him with indifferent expressions.

At this moment, he knew that he couldn't run away. In despair, he fell into madness, activated his 'instinct', and his body rapidly alienated.

Even if he dies, he will not expose the stronghold of the Evolution God Sect!


Zuo Qing walked forward unhurriedly and punched the opponent in the abdomen.


Fine cracks exploded in the void.

The inhuman alien felt as if he had been hit hard by a mountain, and his soul was about to be knocked out. The alienation of his body was abruptly interrupted by this terrifying blow...!

Zuo Qing didn't even glance at the dead dog-like non-human alien. Instead, he turned to his teammates who had lurked over in advance and asked, "Have the conservatives of the Evolutionary Cult appeared?"

"Well, it was the one we were chasing that night!"

"It's a pity that I accidentally let him run away." The law enforcement officer looked very annoyed, feeling that he was still too careless.

If you weren't so eager to show up, you might have a chance to catch the other party.

Zuo Qing asked about the situation just now and learned that the other party had kidnapped a core member of the Evolution God Cult, and his inner urgency instantly eased a lot.

Since the other party's target is also the stronghold of the Evolutionary Cult.

That means that no matter what, there is still a chance for both sides to face each other head-on.

So, Zuo Qing set his sights on the inhuman alien who was knocked unconscious by him: "Pry out the exact location of the Evolution Cult's stronghold from his mouth as soon as possible!"

At the same time, Chi Jiaran also began to deploy actions

"From now on, everyone spreads out to seal off Dongze District. No apostle is allowed to leave this place!"

"Zuo Qing and I will coordinate the situation. If any abnormality occurs, we will provide support within two minutes!"

Dongze District is neither big nor small.

According to previous experience, these believers of the Evolution God Cult in District 13 like to stay in the basement, which makes it difficult for them to find them for a while.

After all, the thick ground will isolate a large part of the sensory exploration.

Now, two core personnel have been arrested, which may alert the enemy and force the other party to move their hiding place.

But this way, it also gives them a chance.

As long as you dare to show your head, you will be easily noticed. What's more, those believers hiding in the Evolution God's stronghold, do they believe that the two arrested people will not reveal the true location of the stronghold?

I'm afraid not necessarily.


In the underground base, Ruan Maoshan burst out with thunderous fury.

He never expected it.

The two major actions of releasing Fan Shixing's attention to the High Court and sending core experts to silence him failed one after another!

What's even scarier is.

Not only did it not delay even a moment, it actually accelerated the process of exposing the stronghold!

This made him deeply understand that any conspiracy is so powerless in the face of absolute strength!


Now there are only a few hours left before the seven-day limit mentioned by Master You Chong.

Moreover, he still doesn’t know what time on the seventh day Mr. You Chong is talking about, early morning or night...


He must try his best to remedy it!

Otherwise, if Master You Chong's plan is delayed, he will definitely feel better!

He paced anxiously, like an ant on a hot pot.


He came up with a very crazy plan.

Now any movement in Dongze District will be tightly controlled.


Let all the core members contact their surviving 'mature bodies' to launch a riot and wreak havoc.

In this way, some of the attention here can be diverted.

He didn't believe that these law enforcement officers could be so cold-blooded as to sit back and watch ordinary people in District 13 being slaughtered!

This plan was immediately approved by all core believers.

They have been feeling aggrieved for too long and are in urgent need of venting. If they continue to be silent like this, they will probably lose control before they can use it.


Secret orders spread out like snowflakes.

As for those 'mature bodies' who were chased away by the law enforcement officers of the Supreme Court, except for those who were already dead, none of them were filled with anger!

Kill kill kill!

Isn't it to become a non-human being to have no taboos?

Since death is inevitable in the end, why not let yourself shine to your final glory! ?

Boom boom boom!

Unable to hold back, the long-awaited aura soared into the sky, no longer hidden, and instantly transformed into a terrifying posture that wreaked havoc on everything.

Buildings are collapsing and people are running around!

A symphony of despair and fear was played in an instant.

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