Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 151 Dramatic climate change, weirdness in District 13

The next day, the weather turned cooler.

The amplitude is a little large, and it seems to be without any warning, just like that after one night.

Many people are not surprised by this sudden change in climate. Since the cataclysm, the global climate has become unpredictable.

We have even experienced a lot of strange weather conditions. Yesterday the sun was shining brightly, but today there is heavy snowfall.

The life level of extraordinary people has jumped, and climate change has not had much impact on it at all.

For ordinary people, it is nothing more than adding one piece of clothing or subtracting one piece of clothing.

On the other hand, figures like fighter planes flew by in the air from time to time, which made everyone more concerned. Many people even took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

This is the law enforcement officer of the Supreme Court. He wiped out more than ten non-human alien 'mature bodies' in one day, just like a god cleansing the world.

That's right.

Although many extraordinary people would choose to cooperate with non-human aliens for the sake of profit, even the City Lord's Mansion also secretly colluded with the Hua Shen Cult.

But to ordinary people, the existence of non-human aliens is more like a bomb that can explode at any time, lurking around them.


Most people still welcome the Supreme Court's actions.

Of course, this is also due to the previous purges of the Supreme Court, which have tried their best to avoid affecting the interests of ordinary people.

However, some large families did not hesitate to temporarily flee District 13 with their families after the great purge began.

They are the ones who truly understand the cruelty of the Great Purge.

The purge of the Supreme Court is indeed trying to avoid affecting others, and this is right.

But this is based on the strength of the Great Purge team, which can unilaterally crush the local Evolutionary Cult stronghold.

Once evenly matched, the situation escalates.

In a fierce life-and-death fight, whoever can maintain the discipline of not affecting others will definitely kill the enemy at all costs.

Until then.

All losses caused will be pushed onto the loser.

Can’t the image of the Supreme Court remain sacred forever?

outside the city.

Xia Shengxuan silently looked at the cloud-filled sky and noticed something unusual.

Although the global climate is unpredictable, there are certain patterns.

for example……

A big event is about to happen, and when the extraordinary power contained in it is enough to affect the operation of the power of heaven and earth, it will also cause drastic changes in the climate.

Until now.

He remembered very clearly that when the disaster-level ferocious beast, which was comparable to a destructive-level transcendent, came to the ninth district, even the air he breathed was hot.

"What happened in the city!?"

"Isn't it just that I'm planning to destroy a stronghold of the Evolution God's Cult? Why do I suddenly feel so frightened? Could it be that I'm thinking too much..."

Xia Shengxuan looked at District 13 from a distance, feeling more and more uneasy in his heart.

However, he could never figure out the source of this uneasiness.


He couldn't sit still.

I activated the Great Breath Collection Technique and decided to walk around.

As an apostle-level transcendent, the so-called walking is not as simple as an ordinary person taking a turn. He takes one step forward, disappears from the spot, and in the next second, he is a hundred meters away.

Xia Shengxuan was not in a hurry to enter the Thirteenth District.

After all, Su Qi is still inside. If he finds anything wrong, he should ventilate it to him immediately.

Therefore, he set his sights on the outer city.

It didn't take long.

It really made him discover a lot of weird things.

In the outer city surrounding District 13, a large number of inhuman aliens have gathered!

Among them, there are several auras that are not even inferior to him!

This discovery made him secretly shocked.

You know, at this time in the inner city, people from the Supreme Court are launching a purge operation. What are you doing with so many inhuman beings surrounding you outside?

Even the inhuman aliens who secretly escaped from the inner city will not stay here.

Something weird!

Xia Shengxuan's face began to look a little serious, and then he calmly slowed down his pace, trying to make himself more like an ordinary transcendent.

Just as he was walking down the old street, he was lost in thought.

My heart suddenly tightened.

Because, those who just passed by him turned out to be two apostles!


There is one person who seems to be an acquaintance from the past - Xu Xiaofan!

"Why is he here!?"

Xia Shengxuan did not dare to turn around to confirm, because he noticed a gaze passing through the crowd and landing on his back!

not far away.

The two men in black robes paused, and one of them looked at his accomplice with pale golden eyes: "Priest Xu, what's wrong?"

The other party shook his head gently and said in a calm tone: "It's nothing, I seem to have met an acquaintance."

The man thought for a while, looked a little strange, and did not continue to ask.

After all... everyone in the Xu family died too cleanly.

It would be a bit presumptuous to ask.

Let’s just think that Xu Xiaofan admitted the wrong person...

"Let's go. The other bishops are still waiting for us. I'm afraid they are a little impatient."

Xu Xiaofan nodded and started walking again. Originally, he had no intention of getting involved, but his old friend's time was approaching and he had to accompany him on this journey.


Put your 'jihad' target on the Supreme Court.

This old friend really has a lot of resentment. He was hunted down by the Supreme Court, but now he never forgets to give the Supreme Court a severe blow before he dies.


The two came to a deserted building.

Just stepped in.

Then he felt several cold eyes coming towards him.

In this tall building, there are actually a dozen bishops of the Evolution Cult hidden.

Among them, one was more than two meters tall, covered with bone armor, and the three tails behind him were covered with blade-like scales, exuding a powerful aura.

This man's eyes were extremely fierce, and his strength at the thirty-eighth apostle level was on par with the destruction level.

The bishop who purified the religious stronghold in the 16th district, Geng Shu!

"Hou Yong, you are still alive. I thought you had reached maturity halfway through."

At this time.

The man in black robe next to Xu Xiaofan swelled up, bursting the black robe he was wearing, and his tall body directly broke the ceiling. His pale golden pupils flashed with sharpness: "Geng Shu, you guys are tenth Isn’t District Six on the list of this big purge?”

"You can still be alive, so how can I easily step into a mature body?"

When the great purge was mentioned, Geng Shu seemed to think of some bad memories, and his face instantly turned livid: "Damn the Supreme Court, let's see how I recover the interest this time!"

"Okay, everyone who is supposed to come has arrived." An inhuman alien with eight arms stood up.

"Everyone must have received You Chong's message. I wonder what you think of his plan to kill this purge team?"

at this time.

Geng Shu couldn't help but snorted coldly: "How else can I look at it? Isn't it just that this guy can't let go of District 13?"

"At the beginning, he didn't know why he was so angry that he even fought with Zheng Wenzhao in order to establish a stronghold here. On this point, Zheng Wenzhao has the most say."

Suddenly, everyone's eyes turned to an inhuman alien with a ferocious head protruding from his chest.

The inhuman alien smiled coldly.

"This city should be a bit weird, but before I had time to explore it carefully, that guy You Chong got one step ahead, but..."

"During the time I stayed, I could obviously feel that my strength improved very quickly."

"And reason is lost... not much."

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