Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 152 Uninvited guests, the eve of the storm


"Is there such a thing!?"

"Zheng Wenzhao, you are really good at hiding things these years."

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and all the bishops present were shocked and in an uproar.

However, Zheng Wenzhao shook his head: "That was the feeling I captured accidentally back then. After You Chong established a stronghold here, I also sneaked in several times, but with no results."

"In addition, in the past few years, there have not been a large number of high-level apostles emerging in the Thirteenth District, so gradually I didn't take them too seriously."

"Until now, You Chong has been silent for three years, and suddenly he released the news that he wanted to kill this purge team. Only then did I think of it again."

Despite Zheng Wenzhao's explanation, the bishops still looked solemn.

At their level, many of the moments they feel are often not groundless and may involve something beyond their current understanding.

Of course, not everyone is attracted to the quirks of District 13.

Many people here, in addition to killing a group of law enforcement officers from the Supreme Court, are here for the conservatives.

Although, today’s evolutionary religions are all promoting ‘divinity’, believing that when rationality fades away, divinity is the truest self.

But that doesn’t mean everyone is in a hurry to reach maturity.

On the contrary, many people believe that the later you enter the mature body, the higher your future achievements will be. After all, once you enter the mature body, subsequent improvements are completely instinctive.

If you are not strong enough and do not know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, you are more likely to die suddenly.

There is a huge difference between entering a mature body at the destruction level and entering a mature body at the overlord level.


When they learned that there were traces of conservatives in the 13th District, everyone flocked to them.

Conservatives have absolute say in maintaining rationality.


The reason why the top leaders of the Evolutionary Cult can reach the level of destruction or even higher realms is likely to have to go through the path of conservatives first. In any case, radicals are born out of conservatives.

Of course, this is just their guess.

Hou Yong's eyes flickered. He was more interested in killing the law enforcement officer of the Supreme Court: "These secrets may be important, or they may not be important. Everything will naturally come to light after You Chong shows up."

"I think it's better to study first, when is the best time to go into the city and deal with those law enforcement officers..."

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone's thoughts also returned to the topic.


As long as these law enforcement officers stayed in the Thirteenth District for a day, they would not dare to search for conservatives. Maybe they would be surrounded by law enforcement officers as soon as they found someone.

But if the conservatives were not searched for one day earlier, if those guys were found first by law enforcement officers, it would be all in vain.

Therefore, they seemed to be rather confused about the time to enter the city.

Geng Shu said: "No matter what your thoughts are, I don't recommend entering the city too early."

"It is true that the purges in many urban areas have ended, but we cannot easily believe that those purge teams will return to the Holy City honestly."

"You know, those bitches like nothing more than to catch someone by surprise and kill them back."

"Don't let us just step into the Thirteenth District and several cleaning teams appear behind us to make dumplings."

When he said this, he gritted his teeth and looked a little ferocious, obviously he had a deep experience in this regard.

Geng Shu's words were quickly recognized by everyone.

Whether it is dealing with the purge team of the Supreme Court or finding conservatives who have disappeared for many years, their lives are not as important.

not to mention.

The host who summoned them this time, You Chongdu, has not shown his face yet.

What are they anxious about?

Is it possible that You Chong really wants to be used as a spearman?

This is absolutely impossible.

At the same time, the great purge in the inner city was still in full swing.

He looks like he won't give up until District 13 is turned upside down.

The pressure was so great that many of the ‘mature bodies’ of the Evolution God Cult in the city were almost breathless.

Even if he could receive warnings from the city lord's palace at all times and be able to move in advance, it would be too frustrating to be chased away like this.


Someone moved more than a dozen hiding places in one day, but was eventually discovered and met with a terrible end.

"Damn it, I can't stand it!"

"Joining the Cult of Evolution is just to do whatever you want, without any taboos!"

"I didn't expect that after going round and round, I would eventually return to the days of constant panic. We might as well fight with them!"

As a result, mature inhuman heterogeneous bodies whose spirits were so tense that they collapsed, like moths flying into the flames, launched a brazen attack on the law enforcement officers' team.

No surprises.

This kind of bravery without fear of death cannot cause any trouble to the law enforcement team.

On the contrary, this made the law enforcement officers even more excited. They harvested the lives of these mature inhuman aliens with disdain.

"Can't stand it so soon?"

"I also want to do it for ten days and a half."

Zuo Qing looked at the sky calmly. It was obvious that he also noticed the abnormality in the climate, and there was some excitement in the depths of his eyes.

Big fish…

Are you going to show up?

On the other side, Su Qi was not idle either. He was paying attention to the search areas of the law enforcement officers while moving in the opposite area.

A two-pronged approach.

Let the number of mature non-human aliens in the Cult of Evolution drop sharply!

At the same time, he also received a message from Xia Shengxuan, knowing that there were many uninvited guests in the outer city, and even many important figures from the Evolution God Cult in other cities, so he must be careful.

Su Qi didn't care too much about this.

He guessed that those people were, at most, coming for the Supreme Court or the conservatives.


What does it have to do with him.

However, the inexplicable change in the climate gave him a bad feeling, and he seemed to be able to feel the depression before the rainstorm.

Su Qi thought about it.

Should he just follow what Mr. Xia said and leave directly, let these people fight dog-eat-dog first, and then he would come out to clean up the mess after one scene.

At this time, Ruan Maoshan in the underground base couldn't sit still.

The efficiency of the Supreme Court is horrific.

In these short two days, the Evolution Cult lost so many mature bodies.

You must know that each of these mature bodies is a killer weapon that he has worked hard to cultivate. Before they had time to be put to use, they were pulled out from the soil.

What a pity!

If Lord You Chong hadn't woken up soon, he would have almost been able to fight out.


According to this efficiency.

It is not certain whether this underground base can last until the time set by Lord You Chong.

He felt he had to do something.

We can't sit still and wait for death!

I walked back and forth several times in a hurry.

Finally, he set his sights on the captured Fan Shixing.

"Come here, let this man go."

Peng Ai, the subordinate on the side, was a little confused and asked: "High Priest, what do you mean by this? We spent a lot of time catching this man, how could he let him go so easily? Besides, what if he went out and was exposed?" Our stronghold here..."

Ruan Maoshan lowered his eyes: "Did you reveal the location of the stronghold when you arrested him?"

"That's not true."

"Just don't have it."

"Hasn't this person always believed in the conservatives? Now the conservatives are in the city. Let's release him and see if he can help us find any clues about the conservatives."

"Buy some time for Lord You Chong..."

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