Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 150 Unstoppable, the Power of the Supreme Court


The war is about to break out.

The knots on the black monster's body swelled rapidly one after another, and the thick breath continued to escape, turning into a sheet of smoke that enveloped the three law enforcement officers.

Immediately afterwards.

Most of the body disappeared into the smoke, and the cold eyes on the ferocious head, revealing endless cruelty, also disappeared in a flash.


A giant claw appeared out of thin air from behind one of the law enforcement officers, silently and extremely fast.

However, the law enforcement officer seemed to have eyes in his back, so he turned around and punched, and the agitated superpower instantly exploded, forming a terrifying beam of light, which directly blasted the ferocious giant claw into smoke!

It was like an instant kill.

next moment.

Two more giant claws condensed out and attacked the other two law enforcement officers.

But the reaction speed of these judges was really terrifying. His energy and blood surged, and his energy erupted like a volcano, stirring up the power of heaven and earth. His attacks came first and then not only shattered the giant claws, but even the smoke was evaporated!


There was a roar in the smoke.

Countless ferocious giant claws suddenly protruded out, carrying a fierce aura. They were densely packed, filling every inch of the smoke, and launched attacks at the same time.

Whoosh whoosh!

The endless attacks, like ocean waves, drowned the three law enforcement officers in an instant.

But their expressions showed no fear at all, and they were very experienced. They gathered together and turned their backs to each other to reduce the area they were attacked. At the same time, they burst out with terrifying attacks, directly blasting away the ferocious giant claws that were attacking one after another. Exploded!

The boiling supernatural power is constantly tearing apart the smoke.

The smoke was also surging crazily, condensing more giant claws.

The sight was terrifying!

It makes people feel like they are in an abyss of purgatory, as if they could be completely swallowed up by accident.

This is the ‘mature body’ of a non-human being!

It seems that it has transcended the category of flesh and blood creatures and been promoted to conceptual creatures!

However, these law enforcement officers know very well that this is the ultimate expression of elementalization.

Ordinary extraordinary beings can also achieve elementalization at the high-level apostle level, but the duration is very short, only a moment, and can at most be used to avoid some fatal attacks.

Even if the strength is higher, even the destruction level, it cannot extend this time.

It seems that there is a constant limit between flesh and blood and elementalization. Once this limit is exceeded, no matter how powerful you are, you will collapse directly and perish between heaven and earth.

The non-human alien ‘mature body’ is different.

They can maintain this state for a long time, or they themselves have achieved permanent semi-elementalization.

There have been powerful people who captured the 'mature bodies' of non-human aliens for research, hoping to get a glimpse of the secrets, but in the end they found nothing. In the end, they could only be attributed to the special characteristics of pollution.

And here.

The battle seemed to be coming to an end.

In just a few minutes, the three law enforcement officers exploded countless giant claws made of smoke, until the smoke that enveloped them began to thin.

at the same time.

The 'mature body' also revealed its figure.

The three of them had a tacit understanding, and they burst out at extreme speed in an instant, rushing towards the direction of the 'mature body'. The giant claws along the way were crushed one by one by the air waves they stirred up!


In the unwilling roar of the non-human alien ‘mature body’.

One of the law enforcement officers pulled out a long sword from the void. It was extremely sharp, and even bystanders could feel the faint sting just by looking at it.

The long sword goes from top to bottom.

Just cut the 'mature body' in half.

The other two law enforcement officers unleashed unparalleled power with their fists, forcibly wiping out the vitality of the two halves of their bodies.


With a skillful movement, he took out a bag that looked like it was woven with gold wire, packed the broken body, and sealed it.

An apostle-level non-human alien 'mature body', even if it is the pollution characteristics separated after death, it is not something ordinary people can handle, and it may even cause mutations within a certain range.

This scene.

In the eyes of the three Shen Chan sisters who watched through the surveillance video, they couldn't help but feel an inexplicable horror.

Too strong!

A 'mature body' that can scare many forces in this area.

In front of these law enforcement officers, all they can do is be crushed!

It is no wonder that they were able to cleanse the stronghold of the Evolutionary Cult.

"We still underestimated them..." Wei Ning thought for a moment. Even if the three of them were holding ancient weapons and wanted to kill a 'mature', they couldn't do it so easily.

Especially, there are nine such characters!

Not to mention the terrifying guy who destroyed a whole building with one blow.

At this time, Lu Xiaohan, who had always been a little arrogant, rarely became cautious: "Sister, do we still need to notify other 'mature bodies' of the Evolution God Cult to transfer their positions?"

"The Evolution Cult doesn't care about their life or death, so why should we get involved?"

The implication is to give up those ‘mature bodies’.

Shen Chan thought for a moment, hesitated, and finally made a decision: "Continue to inform them of the law enforcement officer's location and route. Let the law enforcement officer waste less time on these non-human alien 'mature bodies', which will help to speed up the process as soon as possible." Find traces of that ancient power."

"Oh, sometimes I really want to throw them all into the wilderness and fight them as much as they like."

Great purge.

Still going on...

Despite the secret notification from the City Lord's Mansion, the efficiency of Zuo Qing's actions did not drop much.

After all, they had experienced this kind of collusion early in District 32, so their search route became more random.

Almost every hour, an apostle-level non-human alien ‘mature’ is found.

However, Zuo Qing was not too satisfied with the result.

None of the stronghold masters of the Evolutionary God Cult or any of the conservatives have been found yet.

It seemed like he disappeared out of thin air in this city overnight.

Did he really escape into the wilderness?

This situation has not happened before.

Generally speaking, unlike overlord-level believers and below, apostle-level non-human aliens can survive in the wilderness for a long time as long as they do not go deep into the wilderness.

However, it is not without countermeasures for them to clean up the team.

As long as you pretend to leave and wait in secret for a while, you can naturally just wait and see without any effort.

Came here a few times.

Even if this stronghold is not completely killed.

This stronghold will also make people panic, and abandoning this urban area will also achieve the purpose of the great purge.

At this time, Su Qi was also paying attention to the activities of the Supreme Court. He was very pleased to see the other party working so hard and tirelessly.

You are already a mature sword, and it’s time to learn to find the enemy on your own.

Some of the apostle-level extraordinary beings from some forces in the city went directly to the Supreme Court to report, and even took off their clothes and stood on the roof of their house to show their innocence.

They were afraid that the Supreme Court would make an oversight and treat them as inhuman aliens from the Cult of Evolution.


There is also a group of people who are watching all this silently.

That is the small team headed by Xiaoyan that pursues the conservative pace.

Although they were not very powerful, they were so excited that they almost cried when they learned that the conservatives were back.

He is also constantly looking for traces of the conservative party, hoping that the other party can help him rescue Fan Shixing, who was taken away by the Evolution Cult.


With their familiarity with District 9.

No useful traces were found either.

It's like... it never happened.

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