Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 149 After seven days, kill all enemies

An underground base somewhere, the stronghold of the Evolutionary Cult in District 13.

When the high priest Ruan Maoshan received the news from Shen Chan, he suddenly felt frightened.

The Supreme Court's large-scale purge team had not even entered the Thirteenth District for a day, but their eight silent believers in the basement and a covert transfer station had been purged.

If only I could come again for a few more days.

Doesn't it mean that even the stronghold will be dug out by them! ?

He continued to read worriedly, followed by Shen Chan's suggestions.

The general idea is that they hope that they will send out experts to find the conservatives hiding in the dark, so as to divert the attention of the Supreme Court. Even if they may be killed by law enforcement officers first, they can survive by docking their tails.

Ruan Maoshan's eyes flickered a few times.

I have to say that Shen Chan's suggestion is still very tempting.

Provoke a conflict between the Supreme Court and conservatives, and if you play well, you might actually be able to sit on the sidelines and escape the disaster.

But once you don't play well.

That must be self-inflicted.

You must know that the masters who have the strength to deal with those two forces are concentrated here, which means that these people know the true location of the stronghold. If they are accidentally captured, they may directly expose the stronghold's location.

Stimulated by the life and death crisis, Ruan Maoshan's mind was spinning and he was constantly weighing the pros and cons in his heart.

At the same time, he also announced the news to everyone present.

During the silent period, everyone can only contact the outside world with permission. Otherwise, once someone follows the clues, everyone will die together.

Therefore, now they are basically ignorant of what is going on in the outside world.

After everyone learned about the current situation in District 13, their reaction was huge.

"Don't those three girls in the City Lord's Mansion just want to push everyone into the fire pit? If we can resist those law enforcement officers, do we still need to hide here?"

"No, that's not what I said..."

"Judging from the current situation, it seems that the conservative is causing trouble. If we can secretly take the opportunity to push them and let them face the group of law enforcement officers, our chances of getting through safely will be greater! "

"Hmph! What's the fuss about?" The inhuman alien with a pillar of flesh on his forehead snorted dissatisfied: "A conservative who has disappeared for so many years dares to come out and hang out. You are afraid of this and that. It’s not a shame!”

"I, Old Liu, used to be just a loser who couldn't even succeed in awakening. After joining the divine religion, I have enjoyed what I should have enjoyed."

"Why don't you just die? I don't care if you die. If the high priest has any plans, I will be the first to fight!"

However, his words instantly aroused dissatisfaction from others.

Among them, Peng Ai, who was burly, with explosive muscles all over his body and covered in scales on his lower limbs, walked out.

He pressed his forehead against the man's forehead, his eyes were cold and savage, and his tone was fierce: "Liu Xuerong, don't make it sound like you are greedy for life and afraid of death. In this critical period when senior leaders are exploring a different world, we are the highest warriors representing the divine religion. Power, life and death is a small matter, but delaying the deployment of the divine religion is a big deal!"

"If you are still so impulsive, I suggest you choose to enter the mature body. That way your contribution to the religion will be greater!"


"Haha, you don't need to enter the mature body. Believe it or not, I can still tear you apart with my hands!"

"That's enough!" Seeing the smell of gunpowder getting stronger and stronger, Ruan Maoshan had to shout out.

These guys shouldn't be allowed to participate in discussions about this kind of thing.

What a loser!

Can't give you any useful ideas!

The more I thought about it, the more tired I felt, and I couldn't help but slowly focus on Bishop You Chong, who had been silent for three years on the stone throne.

Sir You Chong.

What should we do now.

If we really get involved, we will definitely have to move our base.

Until then, how can I leave you alone?

At the beginning, when you entrusted all matters big and small to me, you told me to hold on to this stronghold. You said you should stay in seclusion for a period of time...

But this period lasts for three years.

On the stone pedestal, the figure remained motionless, as if it had been embedded in the darkness, remaining the same forever.

Just when Ruan Maoshan's disappointed eyes were about to retract, it felt as if his heart was being heard and his thoughts were being felt.

A hoarse voice resounded throughout the underground base.

"After seven days, destroy all enemies!"

All the non-human beings could not help but be stunned at this moment, and then, thunderous cheers were heard, which was about to overturn the earth above their heads.

Then, they all turned around and looked upward with bloodthirsty eyes full of awe.

Kneel down halfway.

Ruan Maoshan was even more excited and couldn't control himself. He never expected that Lord You Chong, who had been silent for three years, would respond at this moment.

And it is a response to the purge team of the Supreme Court!

For so many years, the stronghold of the Evolutionary God has severely damaged the Great Purge team, something that can only be accomplished by going back to the last bishop who was promoted to the destruction level.

after all.

The law enforcement officers of each large-scale purge team are all equipped with full personnel, with the purpose of forcing out the top leaders of the Evolutionary God Cult.

Could it be that……

Lord You Chong has been silent for three years and is expected to be promoted to the destruction level! ?

After calming down, Ruan Maoshan felt a little unbelievable. He vaguely remembered that when Lord You Chong chose District 13 to establish a stronghold, he seemed to have only reached the thirty-fifth level, which was still far away from the forty level.

not to mention.

In the past three years, I have not absorbed a trace of pollution characteristics...

at the same time.

District 13, in the city.

Zuo Qing and others started a purge operation.

Twelve law enforcement officers occupied one side and stood empty in the sky, exuding terrifying power and covering them with spiritual power. They formed a net and carefully searched for the aura of any apostle below.


They are not very far apart.

Therefore, the area covered at one time is very limited.

If it weren't for the existence of a terrifying figure in this city, Zuo Qing would also be afraid of him.

I guess they will do what they did in District 32.

Just spread out and conduct a large random search.

Although many places will be missed, the high-intensity pressure of having the Sword of Damocles hanging high and not knowing when to detect the opponent will make many apostle-level non-human aliens tense up and become restless. Once they take action, they will soon be will be noticed.

It can even achieve the effect of raking grass and hitting rabbits.

The search efficiency of today's method is low, but it is safer and can effectively prevent being defeated one by one.

It didn't take long.

There was a law enforcement officer who noticed the apostle-level fluctuations.

In an instant, the three law enforcement officers teleported down and prepared to confirm their identities.

At this moment, the apostle-level inhuman alien hidden in the building below also noticed the other party's perception, and black aura suddenly overflowed crazily from his seven orifices.

That's right.

It is the ‘mature body’ left outside by the Evolutionary God Religion!

These 'mature bodies' may lose control at any time. If they cannot be restrained immediately, they may make some noise, alert the law enforcement officers, and expose the stronghold, so they will not be brought into the stronghold base.

not to mention.

After the mature body goes berserk, rationality is extinguished, and there is no possibility of exposing its stronghold.


With a roar, a building below was shattered, and as rubble flew, a black monster several meters high revealed its ferocious body!

There were countless bumps on the body surface, and there was a terrifying breath between the mouth and nose, and he stared at the three law enforcement officers who landed with an angry expression.

Among them, a law enforcement officer had a cold expression on his lips: "Garbage is garbage. No matter how loud you shout, it's still garbage!"

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