Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 148 Reactions from all parties and the start of a great purge

As the initiator of all this, Su Qi happily tried the food here on the street, and then returned to one of his residences.

have to say.

The differences in food cooking in various places are closely related to the style of the city.

In the ninth district, whether it is a civilian family or a bell, tripod and jade banquet building, what matters is refinement.

But here, it is more about showing the original flavor of the food, pursuing larger portions and more satisfaction.

Although the current situation in the upper class of District 13 is treacherous, it has not affected the lower class people. This may be a tacit understanding shared by everyone.

Standing in front of the window, Su Qi carefully recalled everything he had done today in his mind, looking for any omissions that needed to be filled in.


In the whirlpool of the dispute between the Supreme Court and the Huashen Cult, no matter how cautious you are, you may be shattered to pieces if you are not careful.

"In general, it's pretty perfect. As for what kind of effect it can achieve, it still depends on what the law enforcement officials of the Supreme Court think..."

Su Qi was quite satisfied with today's performance.

Although I was deliberately exposed when I left at the end, it was still within the acceptable range.

The reason why he did not choose to leave quietly was, firstly, to create a more powerful role behind the cleanup company, and secondly, to anger the law enforcement officers of the Supreme Court.

That's right.

Now there are three parties in the Thirteenth District: one is the mysterious force that he invented, the other is the purge team of the Supreme Court, and the third is the silent stronghold of the Evolution God Cult.

No one can guarantee whether the other two parties have the same idea of ​​being an oriole like themselves.


Su Qi chose to anger the Supreme Court and get them into action, working harder to dig out all the ghosts and monsters hidden in the dark.

Although the other party most likely does not want to target the Evolutionary God Sect, it doesn't matter. Anyway, this mysterious force is all made up. If you dig it out, you may not be able to dig out the Evolutionary God Sect's stronghold.

That would save him a lot of effort.

all in all.

Even if everyone has to move, no one of you is allowed to be lazy, you all bite hard, and you have to tear off a piece of the Evolution God Cult's flesh.

Even if District 13 is not included in the Supreme Court's purge plan list, he still has to add it to the list!

Driving away tigers and devouring wolves is nothing more than this.

The city lord's mansion in District 13 is brightly lit.

The three sisters Shen Chan stayed awake and waited anxiously for the surveillance of the Security Department to investigate the incident points.

Even though this idea is somewhat unrealistic, what if, what if those apostles of the mysterious forces were not careful and did not notice the surveillance.

This may be where they can use their strength.

As both apostle-level extraordinary beings, they knew very well that unless extraordinary beings of the same level were dispatched, it couldn't be easier for them to avoid the sight of others. Even if they were in the same room, they were sure that others would not be able to find them. to any trace of existence.

Perhaps, only the purge team of the Supreme Court, all composed of apostle-level extraordinary beings, can be sure to uncover this mysterious force.


The first person to be discovered was which mysterious force.

Or... the stronghold of the Cult of Evolution?

"Sister, what should we do now? Can we just keep watching like this?" At this time, Lu Xiaohan felt a hint of urgency.

Shen Chan also felt it.

In just one day, everything was out of their control.

"Even if we want to interfere, there's nothing we can do." She smiled bitterly, her tone revealing her helplessness.

In a competition between behemoths of this level, even the stronghold of the Evolutionary God Sect was reduced to a coward. They only had three apostle-level people here. No matter how hard they racked their brains, they could not get enough to serve on the table. .

At this time.

The second sister Wei Ning, who had been silent all this time, seemed to have made a decision and suggested: "Contact the Evolution God's Cult. Judging from the current situation, if they don't make any blood and plan to shrink back like before, it will definitely be troublesome. You won’t be able to eat the good fruit!”

"Do we still have to rely on the Cult of Evolution?" Lu Xiaohan couldn't help but frown.

Wei Ning calmly analyzed: "The attitude of the mysterious forces is unclear, and the people of the Supreme Court will eventually leave. Only the Evolution God's Cult, even if this stronghold is completely lost, will one day make a comeback."

"The Thirteenth District...can't do without them for the time being."

As Shen Chan listened, she kept thinking about the possibility of cooperating with District 9.

Will the Ninth District, because of the existence of conservatives, grow in this area and be able to compete with the Catholic Church?

Although the situation is far from getting out of hand, taking precautions will ultimately be beneficial.

if it is possible.

She really wanted to bring all the forces in the city to the wilderness. After the winner was determined, she would finalize the follow-up plan.

The next day.

Xia Shengxuan, who was stationed outside the city, also heard some rumors from some extraordinary people who came in and out, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

All of a sudden, a mysterious force appeared out of nowhere, and it was suspected that the conservatives of the Cult of Evolution had disappeared for many years.

However, as I listened, it felt more and more like the handiwork of that boy Su Qi.

Especially those people who vividly told about the destruction of nearly a hundred overlord-level non-human aliens in the eight basements of the Evolution God Cult, and there were many things that looked like things that that kid had done.

If not, he knew everything about Su Qi's background.

I'm afraid they all suspect that Su Qi colluded with the conservatives of the Evolutionary Cult to carry out such a big move.

"Hey, this is strange. Where did Su Qi get so many apostle-level helpers..."

Although he couldn't figure it out, Xia Shengxuan still decided to stand still.

The stronghold of the Evolutionary God Cult has not been found yet...

Su Qi is an extraordinary person, so he should not provoke the Supreme Court for a while.


For the time being, the boy was relatively safe.

the other side.

Zuo Qing and others also sorted out the general situation of conservatives.

Judging from the information currently available.

The conservative faction should have at least nine apostles lurking in District 13.

The one who has terrible control over energy...

The one who punches fast and hard...

The one who uses blunt weapons and is as powerful as Zuo Qing...

The one with extremely high attainments in light energy...

The one with great swordsmanship...

In addition to the eight apostles who destroyed the basement, there is also a transcendent with the ability of mind control who should not be underestimated.

There are so many apostles, plus the apostles from the Evolution Cult stronghold.

This means that the number of apostles in this city has reached an astonishing number.

In this situation.

Starting a major purge operation is the most efficient method.

The so-called great purge is to use the large number of apostles in the team to sense the existence of each apostle.

after all.

As long as the distance is enough.

The induction between apostles is the only way to accurately locate.

In District 32, they used this most direct and effective method to find the stronghold there.


Zuo Qing decided.

Perform a big purge!

Taking advantage of the apostle-level numerical advantage, they dispersed to various locations in the city and dug out the apostle-level inhuman aliens one by one.

Make it impossible for the Evolution Cult stronghold to hide.

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