Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 145: Escape intact, I made it up, but you actually did it! ?

It took more than a dozen lightning strikes to make the law enforcement officer resist and freeze.

Even so, the contraction speed of the sacred lock ring is still very difficult.

Su Qi estimated that if he used the 'Sacred Ring' ability directly on him, he would be able to break free immediately.

Watch the golden aperture shrink to a certain extent.

He then knew that the effect of the 'Sacred Ring' in confining extraordinary power was beginning to work.


He stepped forward quickly and pushed the man into a small compartment in the stairwell without leaving any trace.

Some debris is mainly placed here, which is a blind spot for monitoring.

Then, without saying a word, he condensed the hammer of repentance and struck hard at the law enforcement officer who was imprisoned with extraordinary power.

I knocked about twenty times.

Su Qicai felt an obvious change in the other party's mental fluctuations.

despite this.

He always stayed behind the opponent, trying not to be exposed to the opponent's sight.

On the premise of not intending to kill people and silence them, it is best not to expose yourself and this method at the same time, otherwise you will not be able to achieve unexpected effects in the future. After all, everyone will take mind control methods into consideration when facing a spiritual extraordinary person. .

"What's going on with that formation outside?" Su Qi asked in a low voice.

Dong Hongzhu struggled for a moment, and finally answered honestly: "Sir, that is a secret joint attack technique of the Supreme Court, which allows the mental power of six people to connect with each other and become one. At this time, they are not only equivalent to the connection point of mental power, It is also an amplifier of spiritual power.”

"There is basically no possibility for an apostle-level transcendent to break through."

No possibility of breaking in?

This is a bit debatable.

Su Qi thought for a while, if Principal Pei was here and stopped time, he should be able to leave calmly.

And if I use the Hammer of Punishment, this formation may not be able to withstand it.


That would make too much noise and would not be conducive to him getting rid of the people in the Supreme Court.


Su Qi no longer hesitated and asked directly: "Is there any other way to leave?"


"As long as you practice the same secret technique and adjust your mental frequency to match the six-ray array, you can enter and exit at will."

Su Qi's heart moved, and he quickly asked the other party to tell the secret technique.

The moment he got the secret technique, his eyes began to light up.


He was right.

The practice of this secret technique still cannot circumvent the power of heaven and earth and spiritual power.

In this way, this six-ray formation is useless to him. After all, with his understanding of spiritual power and the power of heaven and earth, he can quickly master this secret technique.

"So that's it?"

Su Qi's spiritual power radiated out, connecting the power of heaven and earth, and there was a certain resonance between the two.

When he comes into contact with the six-ray array, he can easily walk out as long as he adjusts the frequency to the same one when the array generates repulsion.


Su Qi gave the other party a brief instruction and walked straight downstairs.

The instructions are simple.

That is, after three minutes, let the opponent forcefully charge into the formation from the northwest.

Use this movement to attract the attention of others, and then walk out of the six-ray array in the opposite direction.

He acted very quickly and decisively.

As expected.

The effect of the Hammer of Repentance should not last long.

Not only is this person's realm much higher than mine.

Moreover, he is also the leader of the younger generation of the Supreme Court. Both in terms of foundation and various secret techniques, he is much better than ordinary extraordinary people.

Just after Su Qi left.

The law enforcement officer stayed in place like a puppet, his eyes changing, his head making slight movements, as if he wanted to turn his head to see the other party clearly, but was forced to straighten by some force.

at this time.

The people below the building calmed down a little. Firstly, there was the guarantee from Shen Chan and the others that they would not let the inhuman aliens harm everyone. Secondly, the inhuman aliens who were suspected of being out of control had not made any noise for a long time.

It seemed that the situation was not as bad as expected, so I had no choice but to accept it temporarily.


There are still many extraordinary beings among them, actively exploring various parts of the Six-Gang Formation.

After all, there are not many opportunities to feel the power of the apostle level at such a close distance. Maybe after studying and studying, they had a flash of inspiration and figured out the trick to advance to the apostle level?

Su Qi, who came down on foot, took a look at the direction.

It was also very natural to join the ranks of ‘exploring’.

Among them, a young, slightly fat man wearing thick black-rimmed glasses talked eloquently: "Friends, based on my experience of reading 3,000 films, I guess that this almost transparent film is the world. The power solidifies and forms a tangible substance!”

"If we can understand a little bit, it will be of infinite use. Not only can we leave here, but we are also likely to gain the favor of the Supreme Court and skyrocket from now on."

These words...

It seemed like he said a lot, but he seemed to say nothing at all.

Some extraordinary people with unique eyesight naturally saw through the other party's bragging intentions and were about to expose it.

Suddenly, a guy wearing a white robe with only the lower half of his face exposed came forward.

"Friend, please take a moment to speak."

"You speak so realistically, but what exactly are you going to do?"

It was Su Qi who spoke. Almost all the performances tonight ended perfectly. He was in a good mood. He happened to see this scene and couldn't help but get excited for a while.

When the fat man with black-framed glasses saw that someone believed his words, his vanity suddenly burst into flames, and he became excited on the spot.

He explained enthusiastically: "Come on, friend, you need to get closer to this formation, use your heart, use your mental power, and understand..."

at the same time.

Zuo Qing, who searched several layers in a row, was a little angry. He pulled his hair and still couldn't figure out how such a big inhuman creature could disappear without saying anything.

There aren't many places to hide in this building.

Even the partners in the monitoring room did not find any useful information, as if the inhuman alien suddenly disappeared.

In the midst of anxiety.

Zuo Qing once again returned to the last corner where the inhuman alien appeared in the surveillance.

Just when he was puzzled.

Suddenly I noticed something was wrong.

In his spiritual perception, Dong Hongzhu downstairs seemed to have stayed in one position for too long!

"Hong Zhu, what's going on there!?"

A stream of spiritual consciousness was transmitted, but like a mud cow entering the sea, there was no response.

Zuo Qing's pupils shrank, and he instantly smashed the floor with his foot, falling into the next floor.

However, at this moment, Dong Hongzhu, who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, seemed to have gone crazy. He suddenly burst out at extreme speed, smashed the high-strength glass, and rushed towards the formation.

what happened! ?

Zuo Qing was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses.

The soles of his feet exerted force, gravel flew, and his body merged into the power of heaven and earth, shooting out like an angry arrow.

The speed is a few minutes faster than Dong Hongzhu.

But the distance is still a bit short.

Driven by the command, Dong Hongzhu flew to the six-pointed formation. All the energy in his body instantly rioted, and a punch packed with terrifying power was violently released on the formation.


Accompanied by a dull loud noise.

The six-ray formation didn't even sway. Just a few extremely fast rays of light passed over the light screen, and it easily withstood the blow.


This blow.

It also attracted the attention of other law enforcement officers.

at the same time.

Su Qi smiled slightly at the fat man with black-rimmed glasses and said, "Is that so?"

He stretched out his arms, and his mental power spread out, connecting the power of heaven and earth. When he felt the frequency fluctuations on the formation, he instantly increased his mental power to the same level.

Then, in the disbelief of everyone's eyes, the six-ray formation walked out.

At this moment, even the fat man with black-rimmed glasses was completely messed up, and his eyes almost popped out.

? ? ?

What are you doing! ?

I'm just talking nonsense.

You damn thing actually broke through the formation set up by six apostles of the Supreme Court! ?

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