Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 146 The mountain god’s false appearance, Zuo Qing’s hindsight

Dong Hongzhu's unusual behavior made all law enforcement officers realize that something was wrong.

Very good.

Why did he suddenly launch an attack on the Six-Gang Formation?

Could it be that……

For a moment, Zuo Qing seemed to have thought of something, and rushed behind Dong Hongzhu at high speed. His big tambourine beat out the majestic power of heaven and earth, which contained terrifying power, and captured him in an instant.


Dong Hongzhu wanted to make any move, but was suppressed by the big hands on his shoulders.

He turned his head with difficulty, and the struggle in his eyes was caught by Zuo Qingpu.

Zuo Qing was angry.

Someone dares to use mind control on a law enforcement officer of the Supreme Court. This is simply unforgivable!

at the same time.

This also means that in this building, in addition to the inhuman alien, there is also an extremely powerful spiritual transcendent.

Otherwise, Dong Hongzhu's spiritual will will definitely not be easily controlled!

next moment.

Zuo Qing's majestic spiritual power surged out like a tide, invading Dong Hongzhu's sea of ​​consciousness very domineeringly, destroying everything along the way, and soon discovered the golden alien spiritual power in the other party's sea of ​​consciousness.

Holy, vast.

And with a touch of inviolable solemnity.


Zuo Qing controlled the spiritual torrent, trying to forcibly destroy the alien spiritual power.

However, when the two spiritual powers collided, the result was unexpected.

Under the impact of his terrifying spiritual torrent, the golden alien spiritual power was as motionless as the Dinghai Divine Needle!

If you insist on saying there is any change, at most it is that the color is slightly lighter.

At this speed, it probably won't be completely wiped out in less than ten minutes.


Zuo Qing expressionlessly handed Dong Hongzhu to Chi Jiaran who came over, and said in a silent tone: "He is under mind control. Please take care of it."

Chi Jiaran's face changed slightly, and he did not dare to neglect at all. He immediately called other law enforcement officers and worked together to release their mental power.

Mind control is certainly scary.

But there is no solution.

The simplest one is to use more powerful mental power to cut off the invading mental power and clear it out.

This method is simple and crude, and also contains great risks.

If you are not careful, the rescuer's too strong mental power may directly damage the mental power of the rescued person.

Fortunately, the Supreme Court has a deep foundation, and they brought a lot of spiritual medicine with them this time, which can quickly restore the mental trauma, so that they can give it a go without any worries.


When their mental power invaded Dong Hongzhu's sea of ​​consciousness, they finally understood the reason why Zuo Qing was also in trouble.

Generally speaking.

Mental control requires a spiritual link to connect the caster.

The caster can achieve long-distance control by virtue of his own mental power.

However, they were horrified to find that there was no spiritual link connecting Dong Hongzhu's sea of ​​consciousness to the outside world.

This is also said.

The other party can control Dong Hongzhu only with this residual mental energy.

This requires an incredible level of control over the mind.

This way.

The only method they have left is violent elimination.

While Chi Jiaran and others were concentrating on dealing with the alien spiritual power in Dong Hongzhu's sea of ​​consciousness.

Zuo Qing, who had been watching the building silently, suddenly made a move.

I saw him suddenly rising into the air and reaching the top of the building.

Immediately afterwards, a cold and emotionless voice spread around: "Everyone in the building, listen, I will give you three minutes to evacuate. Once the time is up, you will be responsible for your life or death!"

The sound was not loud, but it exploded like thunder.

at this time.

Ordinary people inside the building evacuated early.

The rest are also some powerful security personnel, still working hard to search for the inhuman alien who broke in.

When they heard that cold voice.

Each of the extraordinary people instantly realized that something was wrong, and a feeling of extreme danger arose in their hearts.

"Wait, what does this mean?" Everyone's expressions changed.

Although he didn't know what happened, he seemed to know the seriousness of the matter. Without saying a word, he moved very fast and fled from here crazily.

Some security personnel on lower floors even broke out of the windows and were away from the building in the blink of an eye.

Outside the six-ray formation.

Shen Chan's heart palpitated. Although she witnessed the whole process, she only knew that one of the law enforcement officers attacked the six-ray formation inexplicably.

Then, he was controlled.

Suddenly, the law enforcement officer named Zuo Qing warned everyone to leave the building.

A series of puzzling actions gave her a bad premonition.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Three minutes are up.

Everyone clung to the six-pointed formation, their chests felt tight, and they stared uneasily at the law enforcement officer high in the sky.

I saw Zuo Qing's pupils were cold, his fists clenched, and his arms slowly opened, like a divine bow under the full moon!

In an instant.

An extremely terrifying energy fluctuation suddenly rose!


The terrifying energy in his body exploded, resonating fiercely with the power of the surrounding heaven and earth, and condensed into tangible substance. Countless earth-yellow energies gathered in the void, forming long dragons, swimming quickly around him.

at the same time.

An extremely tall figure with an unclear face, as if made of clay, appeared behind him and made the same action.

Like a god walking out of the void, standing in the sky!

"Historical illusion!"

Everyone looked up and saw this scene, and couldn't help shouting.

This is the unique ability of a peerless genius. With the blessing of God, he can trigger the immortal mark in a mysterious way, which is even higher than the ability of the divine weapon to manifest!


Perhaps only Chi Jiaran and other law enforcement officials deeply understand that there are high and low virtual phenomena in history, and what Zuo Qing possesses is the top virtual phase - the mountain god!

He was obviously very angry when he used such methods at this time.

This can't be blamed on him. After all, any person in charge of the purge who treats this area as a hunting ground will feel aggrieved when encountering tonight's situation.


After Zuo Qing's breath reached its peak, he punched the building fiercely.


Everyone's vision was filled with yellow divine light, and all sounds and lights disappeared at this moment.

The twenty-five-story building was shrouded in endless khaki divine light.

Rapidly collapse and disintegrate.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, it was wiped away like dust in an instant!

That's right.

It’s erasure!

There was nothing left, and even a bottomless pit appeared where the building originally was!

This shocking scene made everyone stunned.

His heartbeat stopped involuntarily.

Even the three Shen Chan sisters are no exception. They know that there is an insurmountable gap between themselves and the geniuses of the Supreme Court.

But I didn't expect it.

The gap has actually reached such an outrageous level.

Of course they can destroy a building.


If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn't have believed it, to the extent that almost all matter was completely destroyed!

Such a character is probably infinitely close to a destruction-level transcendent.

One person can conquer a city, or one person can wipe out an entire city!

And high in the sky, Zuo Qing felt the huge empty pit, and suddenly an indescribable anger arose in his heart, which could not be vented.

He didn't think that this blow could kill the terrifying inhuman alien and the mysterious spiritual transcendent!

Then there is only one answer.

The conservative people had already left the six-ray formation before he was aware of it!

this moment.

He suddenly felt like he was drawing his sword and looking around at a loss.


Come out! ! !

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