Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 144 Blockade of the building, the terrifying six-ray array

"Spread out, one person at a time!"

"That inhuman alien is nearly three meters tall. It's extremely difficult to hide in a place like this. I'm going to the monitoring room!"

"Once you find the target, send a signal directly, be careful not to show off, be careful that the other party has accomplices ambushing you!"

According to Zuo Qing's reminder, although the opponent most likely has the ability to conceal his aura, his height and body shape can be identified at a glance.


They made this decision very decisively.

Even though there are some risks in breaking up hastily, as long as you don't encounter the conservative who uses blunt weapons, it is still within the acceptable range.

What's more, now that the outside has been blocked by his companions, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to leave quietly.

As long as there is any movement, they can re-lock each other's position immediately.

At this time, news of an out-of-control inhuman being breaking into the building spread like wildfire.

People on each floor rushed down crazily, for fear of being slowed down.

This awareness of crisis response has long been engraved in our bones.

In the Thirteenth District, anyone who hasn't met him a few times a year is considered a homebody.

However, when the people who fled down saw that the entire building was blocked by some kind of force field, they couldn't help but curse on the spot.

"What are you doing? Let us out quickly!"

"Hush, it seems to be from the Supreme Court."

"What about the Supreme Court? Can the Supreme Court abuse its extraordinary power against ordinary people?"

"Yes, if you don't let us leave, we will record your despicable behavior of indifference to ordinary people's lives and hand it over to the public for judgment!"

The extraordinary ones among them dared to be angry but dared not speak out, hiding in the crowd and fanning the flames.

Although the clamor of the people became more and more fierce, these law enforcement officers looked indifferent and were not moved at all, and they did not even bother to explain.

Sometimes, the more people emphasize something, the less something is missing.

For example, in the New Testament of Extraordinary Persons, the first law prohibits the use of extraordinary power against ordinary people!

At this time, the three sisters Shen Chan arrived with Chi Jiaran and others.

Everyone seemed to see the backbone, and suddenly the crowd became furious, demanding that the three city lords let everyone leave.

Seeing such a scene, Lu Xiaohan was a little confused and couldn't help but ask: "Chief Law Enforcement Officer, does your Supreme Court not take the New Testament of the Extraordinary at all? What is the purpose of doing this!?"

After Chi Jiaran briefly understood the situation, he explained: "The reason why the building is blocked is to prevent the inhuman alien from escaping. He is very important to our mission."

"I hope you can appease the people."

"Oh, wouldn't this be too overwhelming? Please open your eyes and see if any of these people look like inhuman beings?" Lu Xiaohan sneered, not giving the other party any face.

"Open an opening to let these ordinary people and extraordinary beings leave first. Otherwise, once ordinary people are affected, the Supreme Court must shoulder this responsibility!"

Facing Lu Xiaohan's barrage of words, Chi Jiaran's face was as cold as ice: "Once the six-ray array is opened, the spiritual power of the extraordinary people on the array's eyes are connected with each other, and they are in a state of continuous superposition. If a hole is opened, the whole body will be destroyed." They will all collapse."

"Do you want to let that inhuman alien escape again like before?"

Lu Xiaohan wanted to say something else, but was stopped by her second sister Wei Ning.

Whether it is the Supreme Court or the Evolutionary Cult, fighting in urban areas will restrain their power and will not cause too much damage.

If the Supreme Court's purge causes excessive damage to the city, it will be criticized by public opinion from all sides, and subsequent purge plans may encounter various resistances.

The Evolution Cult regards District 13 as one of its strongholds, and their wanton destruction is no different from demolishing their own home.

But this conservative force that suddenly appeared is different.

God knows what their purpose is for appearing in District 13 at this time.

just in case.

It was to avenge the radicals who had exterminated them all in the past, so I'm afraid they wouldn't take it into consideration at all.

For this reason, the top priority is to find the other party first and expose it to the eyes of all parties. Otherwise, if such an uncertain factor is hidden in the dark, we don't know what trouble will happen.

Shen Chan also thought of this.

He used the attitude of the City Lord's Mansion to appease everyone.


It is more about placing the blame on the Supreme Court.

Chi Jiaran didn't care at all for this small trick. He raised his feet and stepped into the six-ray formation, shooting towards the broken floor-to-ceiling window on the twentieth floor.

At this time, I want to get in and out of this formation.

Either practice the same secret technique and adjust your own mental power to the same frequency as the formation.

Or, use absolutely powerful mental power to directly destroy its formation... Basically, there is no need to consider this.

Because no apostle can do it!


Those who activated the six-pointed formation were not only the six apostle-level extraordinary beings, but also the group of the proud ones among the younger generation of the Supreme Court.

In the building.

Su Qi also noticed the existence of the strange formation through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

With his current level of control over the power of heaven and earth, it is not difficult to see the horror of this weird formation.

Somewhat similar to the Holy Spear.

As time goes by, the power gradually increases.

He silently estimated that the mental fluctuations of the formation were so severe that even the power of heaven and earth was tightly bound by it. He expected that he would not be able to teleport away forcibly.


Now that he has lost his demonic form, he can blend in with the crowd and will basically not be recognized.

It would be safer to wait for the formation to be withdrawn and then follow the others to leave.


Su Qi always likes to take the initiative and does not want to place his own safety in the hands of the enemy.

The current law enforcement officer of the Supreme Court can pull out this weird array.

Who knows if the other party will have other weird detection methods.

Even if not.

When the other party cannot find his transformed self, will he get angry and control everyone in the building?

Not that it would be exposed.

It's just that his target has always been the Evolution God Sect stronghold in District 13. Once his rhythm is interrupted, those Evolution God Sect people run away, thank you.


He targeted one of the law enforcement officers.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you fight without danger.

He needs to know some information about this formation so that he can adjust his subsequent plans.

On the eighteenth floor.

Dong Hongzhu is searching everywhere for traces of that inhuman being. As one of the executors of the purge operation of the Supreme Court, he is naturally one of the younger generations of the Supreme Court who can stand out.

Start by setting foot in this area.

By the end of the big purge operation in District 32, there was basically no big enough trouble.

However, tonight.

Once again, he was being led around by the nose, and once again, some inhuman beings slipped under his nose.

This made him a little angry.

It seems that this place is not suitable for me, and once I step in, all kinds of problems will occur.

Just when he looked anxious.


A familiar force struck his neck.

"Come again..."

Before Dong Hongzhu could be shocked, his consciousness fell into a trance.

At the same time, a golden halo bound him tightly.

I don’t know if he has gained experience or has become immune to the same methods.

He bit his tongue and quickly came to his senses. He tried to turn his head as if he wanted to see the attacker's face clearly.


Haven't had time to see clearly yet.


boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom……

One blow after another, the hand knife was struck with great force, constantly hitting his neck.

Between confusion.

He seemed to hear someone muttering: "Is the Supreme Court so hard on the neck?"

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