Chapter 966

“Han Yu.”

A smile bloomed on the face of the young man in Jinpao, and he stretched out his hand and rubbed the young girl’s blue silk that came from a distance.

His appearance is not handsome, but quite delicate, giving a sense of elegance like a spring breeze.

It’s just the perseverance in his eyes, with a bit of the emperor’s hegemony, which is awe-inspiring.

In front of him, a young girl in a light blue dress grinned, a white and delicate face suddenly raised a touch of grievance.

“Third brother, you will soon be married to the fairy phoenix female emperor, and Han Yu will be an outsider in the future.”

The girl rubbed the corners of her clothes, her head downcast, her face a little bored.

“How come, in my heart, you, eldest brother, second elder brother, and fourth younger brother are all the closest people to me.”

The young man in the golden robe was naturally Ji Ying, who had just left the customs, and the girl in front of him, named Ji Hanyu, was a sideline of the Ji clan, but her background status was more noble than the direct line.

Without him, just because behind her, stood an ancestor of the Ji clan with supreme cultivation.

But at this time, the eldest brother and second brother of the Prince of the Holy Spirit were not the royal family surnamed Ji, but the confidant and friend he met in a secret world when he fell down the cliff back then.

And Ji Hanyu had followed his butt since he was a child, so after learning about the four good brothers Ji Ying had made, he blended in with a cheeky.

As for Ji Ying’s pro-elder brother… as early as two hundred years ago, on the day of his establishment, he was beheaded by him.

That’s right, when he was young and ignorant, he followed the emperor brothers to play in the mountains, but he did not expect that he was pushed into the mountain by the emperor brother and almost fell to death.

According to the rumors, he obtained the divine treasure in the mountain abyss, and since then started a brand new fairy road.

Actually otherwise, his second demon vein awakened from falling into the abyss, in despair.

Later, he knew that with his current identity and background, once the second demon vein was exposed, even if he returned to the Xian Dynasty, he would not escape the poisonous hand.

Therefore, Ji Ying traveled through the blue sky for a hundred years, experienced in countless lives and deaths, and later acquired the ancient treasures, and met four like-minded brothers. Brother Da Huang was punishable in his hands.

original! !

The emperor father was indifferent to his son who was born with a waste of spirits, but after the war, the second demon spirit he showed, shocked the entire Ji family.

Because of this, the big emperor’s brother and mother were demoted to the north of the Holy Spirit Realm overnight, and then inexplicably slaughtered by the enemies.

But Ji Ying sat in the position of prince and became the orthodox of the Holy Spirit.

In recent years, although he no longer goes out to practice, he has obtained the opportunity to refine his heart and use the power of the court to polish his emperor’s luck.

And several of his brothers often come from everywhere to drink and talk with him and share everything about Qing Cang.

In Ji Ying’s eyes, these four people and Ji Hanyu were closer than their relatives.

Therefore, every time everyone came to the palace as a guest, he would give him a pill of spiritual stone.

Because he knew that if he hadn’t been with these three brothers all the way, maybe he would have been depressed in the trials and tribulations, and would not be able to hold on to the day when he returned to the immortal dynasty.

After all, even if he awakened the second demon vein, his cultivation base would still be weak.

But from beginning to end, the three brothers did not dislike it, and even when they found the ancient good fortune, they took the initiative to give it to Ji Ying.

This friendship was remembered by Ji Ying.

“Hee hee! Third brother, then you have to remember what you said, even if you marry the female emperor, you have to miss me once a day, no, three times!”

Ji Hanyu smiled, and suddenly looked at Ji Ying in amazement, “Brother, have you broken through again?”


Ji Ying nodded and glared at Ji Hanyu fiercely, “Since you are one of my Five Greatest Blue Cang, you are so slack, how can we fulfill the promise in our hearts?”

“I know! When the three brothers come and your wedding is complete, I will retreat and practice. Humph, I won’t be left behind by the brothers.”

Ji Hanyu bulged his mouth, then grinned and glued it to Ji Ying’s body.

“You girl.”

Ji Ying smiled helplessly, looking far away, towards the end of the sky.

For some reason, today he always feels uneasy and has a kind of inexplicable anxiety.

Gu Chaoci.

When he first saw the red dress, he was amazed.

At that time, Gu Chaoci was not the fairy phoenix, but she also traveled through the world, looking for opportunities.

The four of Ji Ying had fought against this Qingcang evildoer more than once, but they were crushed and defeated by her every time.

At that time, Ji Ying engraved a figure in his heart.

Compared with him, the two older brothers are older and stronger in cultivation, but in front of Gu Chaoci, even if they join forces, they will not help.

Later, Gu Chaoci took the throne and shocked the world.

The female emperor of one dynasty, her beauty is unparalleled.

Originally, Ji Ying thought that he would no longer have a chance to approach the red dress.

It wasn’t until he got a good fortune in the secret realm, his cultivation base rose greatly, and he returned to the immortal dynasty, killed the enemy, and achieved the crown prince. The three words Gu Chaoci didn’t come to his mind over and over again.

He went to the Ancient Xianhuang Dynasty more than once to discuss the Dao with the female emperor and play chess, but he was indifferently rejected by her again and again.

Ji Ying knew that she had great aspirations in her heart and did not want to be bound by feelings.

So he waited willingly, just looking back at her.

After all, Huangtian paid off.

Suddenly from the ancient dynasty of Xianhuang, someone came to ask for a family inquiry. Ji Ying was excited and agreed to get married.

Even now Xianhuang is lonely, always facing the risk of overturning.

But Ji Ying has never regretted, and is full of persistence.

He wants to resign for Gu Chao and open up the glory of all ages.

One day, he will rule the world, shocking the ages, and let her be prosperous for the rest of her life!

Even if Gu Chao is reluctant now, Ji Ying believes that sooner or later, she will be moved by his true feelings.

“Three brothers, when will the three brothers arrive! I haven’t seen them for a long time.”

As if feeling the hegemony suddenly emerging from Ji Ying, Ji Hanyu’s small face was taken aback, and then he asked softly.

“It should be soon, the eldest brother and the second elder brother are already on the road, but the fourth brother has not heard from him for a long time, I am afraid that something will be delayed.”

Ji Ying smiled bitterly, what he was looking forward to was not the words of his parents, but the testimony of these three brothers.

The four experienced life and death, and shared the blessings and misfortunes. They also fell into death and made great ambitions together.

The four masters of Green Cang will sooner or later become famous and reach the pinnacle.

Just like the realm master back then, there are seven great hall masters to follow, conquer the world, and set a precedent for the prosperous age.

“Oh! Fourth brother is the most rascal. Every time he promised to bring me a gift, he always rushed to prevaricate with a sentence. Every time he left the imperial city, he would quietly take my baby away, huh!”

Ji Hanyu snorted coldly. Although his tone was disgusting, there was no trace of resentment in his eyes.

In terms of age, she is most similar to this fourth brother, and has a lot of fun.

And this fourth brother is a rogue temperament, making people angry every time.

But the more so, the stronger the relationship between the two.

“Hehe, the fourth brother has always been like this, but every time he encounters an accident, he will always be the first to rush forward.”

Ji Ying smiled indifferently, and various pictures appeared in his mind.

One of them was a slightly thin figure, always covered in bloodstains, and did not admit defeat.

Counting time, he hadn’t seen this little brother in ten years.


And just as Ji Ying sighed in his heart, showing longing on his face, suddenly a thundercloud gathered in the sky above the imperial city, and the spirit and power fell.

Wuguang tens of thousands of miles, covering up the sky.

At this time, in the entire Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty, countless powerful and ancient auras walked out of the temple and looked up at the sky, with a strong shock in their eyes.

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