Chapter 967

“what is that?”

Ji Hanyu stared blankly at the dark clouds above his head.

Her talent was originally the top of the Ji clan, awakening a distant clan demon vein.

It’s just that she has a lazy personality and doesn’t care about cultivation, so she stops at her respect and is often laughed at by her four older brothers.

“Is it finally here?”

Ji Ying’s eyes were deep, she seemed to have a foreboding, and there was no surprise on her firm face.

The dark clouds receded, and suddenly there was a ray of brilliance blooming leisurely between the heaven and the earth.

Immediately afterwards, above the sky, a black figure walked slowly, looking calm.

It was a young boy with a fairy face, beautiful hair, and handsome and handsome hair.

Even the black clothes on his body are outlined with endless gold patterns, mysterious and detached, with a sense of banal.

“Three brothers… he is so handsome…”

Ji Hanyu pressed her lips tightly with her small hands, a touch of surprise appeared on Qiao’s face.

Compared to Ji Ying, the son of destiny, Ling Xiao’s appearance is a fairy trail.

Even every move is in harmony with the way of heaven, there is a kind of king over the emperor.

“Han Yu, if there is an accident later, remember…Leave the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty, go to Big Brother and Second Brother, and ask them to take you to the Southern Demon Realm.”

Ji Ying was unmoved, his expression was calm, but at the first glance he saw Ling Xiao, he felt a kind of panic like an enemy.

Now his realm, at the sixth rank of the respected realm, and looking at the blue sky and contemporary is also a superb posture.

What’s more, the Son of Destiny is already good at pretending to be pigs and tigers, and killing enemies across borders is even more commonplace.

Ji Ying is confident that with his current strength, even if he is facing a Ninth-Rank, he can still kill with all his strength.

Obviously, this boy has never been sanctified.

What happened in Shenwu Emperor City today has been seen by many emperors of the ancient dynasty.

However, the young master of the Ling clan went away in defeat, which is really against the face of the Ling clan.

At this time, anyone who dares to chew his tongue behind his back is afraid that he will bear the real anger of the Ling clan.

This immortal journey is eternal, and the life is endless.

Those who become emperors and emperors are afraid that their lives are more important than ordinary people.

Therefore, Ji Ying never knew Ling Xiao’s intentions at this time, but had a sense of crisis inexplicably.

“Three… Three brothers? What do you mean by this?”

Ji Hanyu was obviously taken aback, looking at Ji Ying with a little puzzled.

It was the first time that she saw her third brother showing such a solemn look.

In Ji Hanyu’s impression, the third brother has always been calm and gentle, even if he faced the emperor who was in full swing back then, he never showed a hint of timidity.

But why today, there is a feeling of dying to be lonely?

“listen to me.”

Ji Ying said indifferently, and stepped forward to greet Ling Xiao.

At this time, in the temple of the Holy Spirit, several tyrannical auras had already stepped onto the top of the sky, standing in front of Ling Xiao.

“My son…what do you mean?”

In the first place, there is a middle-aged man wearing an imperial robe and looking majestic.

Seven Stages of the Holy Land, a breath of emperor Dao.

As we stepped forward, there was a faint wind resounding through Cangyu.

“Where is Ji Ying?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were calm, looking down at the young figure walking slowly in the distance.

From the moment he arrived, he saw that young man surrounded by luck.

Eight thousand auras, six levels of respect, three principles of sacred tree, life, and wind.

If only this is the case, in Ling Xiao’s eyes, this Prince of the Holy Spirit is just a slightly stronger leek.

But in him, Ling Xiao actually felt an extremely familiar breath.

“Are you Ji Ying?”

Ling Xiao raised his eyebrows lightly, his murderous intent was bitter in his heart, but there was a gentle touch on his face.

In Ji’er’s house, a hard thing finally appeared.

“I’m Ji Ying, who are you?”

When everyone was surprised, Ji Ying’s figure had walked from a distance and stood in front of Ling Xiao.

At this time, there was also a general ups and downs in his body.

For some reason, Ji Ying has experienced a real desperation, and has seen countless Tianjiao evildoers.

But this young man actually gave him a fear similar to natural enemies.

“Ling Clan, Ling Xiao.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, but instantly changed the complexion of the surrounding celestial powerhouses.

The name of Ling Xiao has been in the sky recently in Qing Cang.


This descendant of the Ling clan was just born, what happened to him when he came to the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty?

Moreover, Prince Ji Ying hasn’t gone out to practice in recent years, and should have nothing to do with Ling Xiao.

Why did he call him to see Ji Ying?

“It turned out to be Young Master Ling Xiao.”

Ji Ying frowned slightly, and she also had some doubts in her heart, “I don’t know what happened to the young master’s visit today?”

“I heard that you have a marriage contract with Gu Chaoci, do you know that Gu Chaoci is my fiancée?”

As soon as Ling Xiao’s voice fell, the Holy Spirit Emperor’s face instantly paled.

He stared at Ling Xiao blankly, his lips trembled, and then looked at Ji Ying, before he shouted in a deep voice, “Young Master Ling Xiao Mingjian, I don’t know this matter at all by the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty. It was the third ancestor of the Gu family personally. I just booked it when I came to inquire with my relatives!”

Unconsciously, the emperor Holy Spirit saw cold sweat on his forehead.

The fiancé of the young lord of the Ling clan was robbed of marriage by his own son. This is no small matter.

It is even reasonable to use the strength of the Ling clan to destroy the Holy Spirit on this ground.

Not to mention the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty, even the prince of Shenwu Emperor Dynasty, if he makes such a big mistake, I am afraid it will be a dead end.

Damn it! !

How dare the Gu clan person dare to marry the fiancée of the young lord of the Ling clan?

“Is it?”

Ling Xiao nodded lightly, his eyes suddenly turned to Ji Ying.

“Prince Ji Ying has no idea?”

When he came today, he didn’t even intend to let go of the prince of the Holy Spirit.

Whether he was a man of destiny or not, the moment Gu Chaoci yelled out the two words Ji Ying, he was already dead.

What’s more, Ling Xiao reversed black and white, even if these immortal powerhouses did not dare to have a suspicion, I am afraid this son of destiny would definitely bear hatred in his heart.

Such a person must never stay.

even! !

But Ling Xiao didn’t plan to let go of anyone who had something to do with Ji Ying.

“Young Master Ling Xiao said, you had a marriage contract with Chaoci, but as far as I know, the young master was born in less than ten days, and the royal family has been banned for several years. A marriage contract?”

Ji Ying’s eyes were cold, and he didn’t have too many worries because of Ling Xiao’s identity.

In other words, in his opinion, Ling Xiao is arrogant and really domineering.

If he really had a marriage contract with Gu Chaoci, how dare the people of the Gu clan grant him to the Ji clan?

Not to mention Ji Ying’s unbelief, even the holy spirit immortal’s powerful people also don’t believe it.

But what if you don’t believe it?

Swire Ling clan, coercion over Wanyu.

Even if it is the Emperor of Shenwu, he must be restrained and fearful in front of him. How can he be a little fairy who can provoke him?

“Are you questioning me?”

Ling Xiao frowned lightly, and a grand momentum suddenly fell.

At this moment, although he was facing the holy realm of the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty alone, everyone felt that a god was slowly falling in the sky above the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty.

One carelessness is afraid of ruining the world, and all souls will die.


“Win! How did you talk to Young Master Ling Xiao!”

The emperor of the Holy Spirit gave a cold cry, waved his hand and slapped Ji Ying’s face, instantly causing blood stains to ooze from the corners of his mouth, “Don’t admit your mistake to the young master!”

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