Chapter 965 Prince of the Holy Spirit

In the Shenwu border, Ling Xiao looked towards the sky with his hand held down.

Behind him at this time, Ye Qingchan and Ghost Ying stood respectfully.

It’s just that for some reason, Ye Qingchan’s mouth has a faint smile at this time.

“My son, where are we going now?”

Ye Qingchan felt Ling Xiao’s killing intent just now.

After all, the pride of Gu Chaoci hurt the young man’s heart, right?

“Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, hunting in black, with a sense of detachment.

“Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty?”

Ye Qingchan’s beautiful eyes trembled, and he glanced at the ghost, “Master, what are we going to do in the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty?”


When the words fell, there suddenly appeared empty ripples in front of Ling Xiao, and the shadow figure stepped on from the sky, bowed and bowed, “Lord, find out it is clear, the holy spirit fairy won against Prince Ji, now he is in the middle of the court, just like It’s practicing in retreat.”

“Retreat to practice?”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, the wedding period was approaching, and he was still practicing in retreat. This fairy prince had a good temperament.

“It is said that this person’s childhood experience was quite miserable. At the age of sixteen, according to the ancient holy spirit, he wanted to awaken his own Holy Spirit. As a result… he was awakened by a green vine.”


Ling Xiao raised his brows slightly, this routine is a bit familiar.

Ling Xiao had heard about the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty.

Rumor has it that the Emperor Kai Dynasty of this dynasty was a prehistoric monster with terrifying blood.

And his more than a dozen concubines are all creatures of various races, with extraordinary talents.

The name of the Holy Spirit comes from this.

It’s just that the demon clan is still a different kind, the world master suppressed all spirits and expelled the demon clan, and the holy spirit immortal dynasty was to preserve the foundation, and only then combined with people and reproduced later generations.

If things go on like this, even though the Holy Spirit Royal Family is established as a human being, its bloodlines are extremely mixed.

Whenever a child of the royal family is sixteen years old, he must pay ancient rituals to awaken his own demon vein talent.

And this demon vein is divided into three, six or nine grades, a green vine…poof.

I understand everything I understand.

Unexpectedly, this prince of the Holy Spirit is actually a template of destiny?

However, according to general routines, the more seemingly useless talent, the more often the key to counterattacks.

This mother of Prince Ji Ying is likely to have a lot of origin.

“The mother and concubine of the Prince of the Holy Spirit, can he be in the court now?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes are deep, and her mother loves her son.

Regardless of his status, if he wants to kill Ji to win, I am afraid his mother will be angry.

That’s right, since Gu Chaoci said the name Ji Ying, he was already dead.

But the villain has always died in Tuo Da. If Ling Xiao is just an ordinary villain and is robbed of a woman by the Man of Destiny, if he rushes to make a provocation, most of it will be slapped in the face.

even! !

Even if this son of destiny is temporarily defeated, leading to the destruction of the holy spirit immortal dynasty, then he will surely open a brand-new fairy path and practice secretly, so that there will be a day when the king returns.

The more depressing the plot, the easier it will be to reverse face-slaps in the future.

But, are we an ordinary villain?

“Ji Ying’s biological mother does not seem to be a member of the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty. According to subordinates, the contemporary Holy Spirit emperor traveled through the blue sky three hundred years ago, and when he returned, he brought a baby back. This is Ji Ying.”

Duel Ying shook his head, apparently he didn’t understand why the Lord would ask such a question.

“Because of this, Ji Ying has been rejected by the Holy Spirit Royal Family since he was a child. At the age of sixteen, he awakened the dead spirit and completely lost the royal majesty. It is said that even the Holy Spirit Emperor did not care about him, even the imperial palace. The maidservant in here often laughed at him.”

“Oh? How did he become the prince?”

The standard destiny routine, and now it seems that this prince Ji Ying has passed the first trough of his life and has become the prince’s honor.

In other words, his contradiction in Xinshou Village should have been resolved, and then it was time to reestablish the contradiction and change the map.

Sure enough, Ling Xiao, a villain with a more terrifying identity background, appeared just right.

“When he was eighteen years old, he was pushed down the cliff by his clan brothers and disappeared. The Holy Spirit Dynasty searched for him for a long time, but he did not find any traces of him. But on the day when the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty was established, he returned.”

Hearing this, Ling Xiao’s smile became thicker. If he expected it well, if Ji wins down the cliff, he should find an ancient treasure.

Then, during the tempering of life and death, he awakened his second demon vein.

Since he can be established as the prince by the emperor of the Holy Spirit, it is obvious that most of his second demon vein is passed down from his father’s generation.

only! !

Since he fell off the cliff at the beginning, his mysterious mother did not show up, I am afraid he is not in the holy spirit.

Think about it, too, trump cards like mothers are often not at the highest level of the plot, and never appear.

There is no background in the eyes of the world, a small person from a humble background, suddenly has a mother who is so shocking, so shocked, just think about it.

It’s a pity that Ji Ying might not see his mother anymore.

As Ling Xiao, there is no need to worry about anyone in the Azure Realm.

What he worries about is only the changes in this trip. As long as Ji wins death, all his luck will be empty, so there is no fear.

“Let’s go, let’s meet this Prince Ji Ying.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were cold, with Gu Chaoci’s temperament, the harder she wanted her to surrender, it would only be counterproductive.

It’s just this woman in this world, who doesn’t adore the strong, let alone, the strong is infatuated and handsome, with a terrifying background?

No one dared to miss your face when you hit the blue realm, Gu Chaoci, how did you escape my palm?


Ling Xiao stepped out, turned into a shocking body, and headed towards the Holy Spirit Realm where the Holy Spirit Immortal Chao was.

Behind him, Ye Qingchan’s pretty face was low, and his eyes were sad and cold.

After all, she still can’t compare with Girl Gu, right?

Even if the son of Upper Realm suppressed the Ye Clan, punished the clan master, and killed the Supreme for her alone.

However, he was rational at that time.

And now, the son was obviously angry.

only! !

Ye Qingchan, you should be satisfied, if there is no son, you are afraid that you have long been reduced to a stepping stone for the rise of the Ye Clan.

So, what is there to lose?

At this point, Ye Qingchan’s face suddenly showed a smile, and then he chased Ling Xiao.

At this moment she seemed to see something different in Ling Xiao.

It was just what, she couldn’t make it clear again for a while.

The holy spirit immortal dynasty has a long heritage and profound background.

And because of this, the royal family contains a trace of demon veins, and the longevity is endless.

Among the thousand dynasties controlled by the Shenwu Emperor, the strength of the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty is definitely the top rank.

It is precisely because of this that the Gu family has just started the marriage plan.

At this time, in the center of the Holy Spirit Realm, in a magnificent ancient city, suddenly there was a glow of light rushing into the sky, and the sound of the Taoist chanted.

I saw in the shrine in the middle of the ancient city, a demon shadow stood up in the sky, tearing the cloud dome, and disappearing in a flash.

At the same time, in the depths of the imperial palace, suddenly the gate of a golden palace suddenly opened, revealing a young figure with a slender figure and a delicate appearance.

The young man is dressed in a golden robe and has an outstanding temperament.

Especially in the pair of deep eyes, there was a three-point gaze, seven-point gentleness, and there was a natural emperor spewing out.

“Three brothers! You are finally out!!”

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