Chapter 964

“Certificate? What kind of certificate does the lady want?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were playful, don’t give Gu Chaoci a deep look.

“As long as a marriage contract, there are proofs! You keep saying that your clan and my ancestors have an agreement, dare to ask where the marriage contract is?”

Gu Chaoci pressed his red lips tightly, his expression extremely cold.

For some reason, when she didn’t see him, she could still maintain her composure.

But as soon as I saw him, I unconsciously felt a little bored, a little…unexpected expectation.

“The marriage contract is in my Ling family, and I will ask people to get it back now. What’s more, there are many people who know the marriage contract between you and me. Your ancestors should all know about it.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently and joked. Now the Gu clan is in crisis of life and death, these ancestors of the Gu family are willing to marry this proud daughter of heaven to the prince of the Holy Spirit to protect the prosperity of the Gu clan.

He Ling Xiao, on his status, background and appearance, is it possible that he is inferior to a fairy prince?

I am afraid that as long as he shows his will, the ancestors of the Gu clan can immediately build a bridal chamber for him and complete the wedding!

“Oh, don’t you say that your ancestor, Emperor Shenwu should have heard of it too, right?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were clear, and he turned his head and glanced at the golden robe emperor, but saw that the latter’s expression was terrible, and he nodded seriously. Haha, congratulations to the young master for his good marriage. On the day of the wedding, Emperor Wu, my god, will celebrate and pray for the young master!”

what can I do?

Today, the young master of the Ling clan was injured in his Wudi City. Once the Ling clan blamed him, it would be a catastrophe that the emperor changed and the inheritance was not guaranteed.

Don’t talk about Gu Chaoci, Young Master Ling Xiao, you just want a concubine, the emperor’s nineteen daughters, let you choose!

Do not! Give you all! !

Although the Primordial Ling Clan has never been born, the legend of this clan has always been left in this Qingcang world.

It is said that if the ancestors of this clan were too low-key, the realm master would not have suppressed the Qingcang clan so easily.

Even now, the Ye clan’s lesson is still in sight, for this Ling clan heir, this Fang ancient clan is extremely valued!

“Really? But why did the third ancestor of my clan enter into a marriage contract with me again? Now, I am engaged to Ji Ying.”

Seeing the smile on Ling Xiao’s face, Gu Chaoci felt even more depressed.

After all, Gu Chaoci’s temperament shouldn’t be so headstrong.

But that is, very wronged.

Inexplicably pregnant with the blood of the heavenly devil, he proclaimed himself a great road, fell in his cultivation base, and almost married a stranger.

Gu Chao’s resignation has been the top of Qing Cang since she was born, and she has suppressed a generation. Now she has fallen to this level, all thanks to Ling Xiao.

Why should I see you so arrogant?

“Ji Ying? Good!”

Ling Xiao’s face suddenly sank, but Gu Chaoci was inexplicably nervous.

Then, the black-clothed boy turned around and walked away, free and easy, without a trace of nostalgia.

he’s gone?

Is he really gone?

Gu Chaoci’s beautiful eyes trembled, and he couldn’t react for a long time.

Haha, sure enough, if you don’t do it, you won’t die.

It wasn’t until Ling Xiao’s figure completely disappeared that there were shocks in the originally silent square.

There was a hint of sarcasm in everyone’s eyes looking at Gu Chaoci.

“Three Patriarch! Third Patriarch! Young Master Ling Xiao is gone!”

And those strong men who were far away from the third ancestor of the Gu clan returned to his side again, carefully supported them from the ground, and shouted in a deep voice.

As Ling Xiao, if he really had a marriage contract with Gu Chaoci, the third ancestor of the Gu clan would be cold today.

But Gu Chaochang didn’t know what’s good or bad, and forced Young Master Ling Xiao away. This Gu clan seemed to have returned to the hands of the third ancestor.

What, why didn’t I help the third ancestor?

The third ancestor’s fainting was obviously anxious, and the coolness on the ground could suppress the spread of his heart.

Is this reason serious enough?


The third ancestor of the Gu clan looked confused and opened his eyes. As expected, seeing that there was no Lingxiao in the distance, his heart became more and more puzzled, “I’m not dead! I’m not dead?”

“The three ancestors were in their heyday in the Spring and Autumn Period. How could anyone who can live to death easily fall.”

The strong Gu clan looked attentive, bowed and smiled.


Before the divine palace, Emperor Shenwu gave Gu Chaoci a fierce look, flicked his sleeves, and turned away.

Even though Young Master Ling Xiao was defeated and left today, he did not dare to deal with the Gu clan easily.

After all, no one knows whether this little ancestor was angry for a while, or really gave up on Gu Chaoci completely.

If you don’t enter the game, there is no fault.

A storm came to an end.

And Gu Chaoci’s expression seemed to have returned to the indifference of the past, and there was no more waves.

Hehe, I actually had a slight expectation of him just now.

What is he?

He is a demon, a demon, the number one demon in the nine days, and represents the extreme darkness of the heavens and the earth.

Demon, shouldn’t you be indifferent, ruthless, and low-minded?

So, Gu Chaoci, why are you lost?

“Gu Chaoci! What a good thing you did!!”

On the edge of the square, the third ancestor of the Gu clan suddenly gave a cold cry. At this time, he had learned from the clan population about the turmoil between Gu Chaoci and Ling Xiao.

If it were in the past, the third ancestor of the Gu clan would surely laugh with his palms and sigh that God would help me.

But this time, he only felt endless panic.

Provoked the young master of the Ling clan, this sin is hard to redeem.

“Three ancestors, what should I do now?”

The people of the Gu clan looked at the two father and daughter Gu Hongtian coldly, with resentment in their eyes.

Originally, they thought that if they married the Ling clan, the Gu clan would surely rise up, and in the future, the northwest of Qingcang would be under one dynasty and over ten thousand dynasties.

Do not! !

Seeing the look of the Shenwu Emperor, once Gu Chao resigned and married Young Master Ling Xiao, it was feared that the Emperor Fang would no longer dare to oppress the Gu clan.

But, in an instant, the dream woke up.

All expectations go to nothingness.

“How to do it? How do I know? In the first return to the clan, this matter is beyond my ability to decide!”

The third ancestor of the Gu clan snorted coldly, looking at Gu Chaoci’s eyes with the ultimate resentment color.

“Hey! I don’t know what it is! I really thought that the young master of the Ling clan must be you!”

“Hmph, it caused the Gu family to suffer such a catastrophe, Gu Chaoci is hard to redeem!!”

But at this time, when he heard the scolding and scolding from the crowd of people, Gu Chaoci did not see a trace of anger on his face.

Suddenly, she seemed to feel the absurdity of a reversal of time and space.

I was the female emperor of the fairy dynasty that day, sheltering you from the ghost seal.

Time flies, and the white horse flies.

Now, when you turn around, you actually doomed my way home?

This fairy way is really gorgeous and colorful.

“Hey, let’s go.”

Gu Hongtian sighed lightly, and took a deep look at Gu Chaoci.

Thousands of words came to the lips, but only a sigh.

The female emperor of Zhaoci has a cool temperament and has never been able to buckle.

In her eyes, ordinary people are no different from world masters, young masters, and they have no time at all.

Therefore, she was able to move forward in this immortal way, unstoppable by the gods and demons.

But today, because of such a temperament, she has fallen into a dead end.

Time is also fate.

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