Chapter 963

“It seems that you still read Qingyun.”

Ye Qingchan sneered, but his eyes were always on the tall black figure in the center of the square.

“I have never figured out, where on earth are you proud?”

When the words fell, Ye Qingchan suddenly turned his head and looked at Gu Chaoci on the side.

“What to do with you?”

“Yes, it’s this look. It’s been like this since the first time I saw you, Nian Qingyun, do you know what kind of pain the son has endured for you?”

The chill in Ye Qingchan’s eyes was awe-inspiring, and there was also a great momentum of conquering the sky quietly spreading all over his body, which made Gu Chaoci’s ninth-rank cultivation level feel a tremor in his heart for no reason.

The girl in front of her was only in the realm of God Emperor.

But the momentum on her body can cause her heart to tremble?

“My son had hurt the origin in order to save my thousands of creatures in the lower realm of the Ye Clan. He should have been recovering from the Hui clan, but he came back days after hearing your news, without stopping for a moment.”

Ye Qingchan took a deep breath and suddenly smiled.

“I stayed with him for two full years. I lived and died. I was trapped in the mountain for a year and never saw him. I didn’t believe it before. What is the difference between me and you. Now I believe it. We are different and fundamentally different.”

When the words fell, Ye Qingchan turned his head and glanced at Gu Chaoci again, “So, if you dare to hurt him any more, I will kill you.”

“Only you?”

The indifference on Gu Chaoci’s original face suddenly loosened.

She never expected that this demon would have such affection for her.

Even if there is always a voice in her heart, telling her to put down her guard and accept him.

How can Gu Chaoci’s disposition be so easy to believe in a mind-dividing obsession?

The devil, nine days are all taboos.

Although Nian Qingjun is her soul body, her vision experience is no different from that of an ordinary 17- or 18-year-old girl.

So, probably in Gu Chaoci’s view, she was just blinded.

Even though she is now affected by this soul body and does not hate this demon as she imagined, she still has great guard in her heart.

But at this time, after hearing what Ye Qingchan said, Gu Chaoci was suddenly a little confused?

What kind of temperament is he?

Fooling the common people, yet dedicated to the bones?


The three spirit treasures fell from the sky, brazenly imprinted on the incomparable Jianhui.

All of a sudden, the world collapsed, and there were countless spatial cracks stretching for thousands of miles, almost covering the sky above Shenwu Emperor’s Palace.

only! !

Surprisingly, the sword light only dimmed for a moment, then suddenly brightened.

And on those three emperor artifacts, there are also divine brilliance ups and downs, and Dao patterns evolve.

But in the end, he was wiped out by the sword intent and crashed to pieces.


The brilliance is scattered, but the way of heaven does not exist.

The footsteps of the three saint realm powerhouses trembled, and their expressions were a bit shocked.

Although the offensive was just now, the three of them did not try their best, but the power of the imperial weapon is how can it be blocked?

But now, the three imperial artifacts were smashed to pieces by this Ling Clan Young Master’s sword! !

What a terrifying Kendo Tianzi is this?

Throughout the ages, I am afraid that there is only the one in the sword tomb, which can be compared!

even! !

Even the contemporary sword idiot in Jianzhong is afraid that it will be too late! !

The whole square was silent.

Even Gu Chaoci seemed a little surprised in his eyes.

With her current strength, it is almost impossible to survive a stick of incense in the hands of the three holy realms.

But Ling Xiao can break three weapons with one sword! !

Is it possible that he is now above himself?


Just as everyone was shocked, when their eyes were terrified, they saw the figure in black clothes, and suddenly their footsteps trembled, and a burst of blood spurted out of their mouths.

“The son!!”

Ye Qingchan’s eyes were panicked, and the whole body was chilly.

Now that the son is seriously injured, such a collision must cause the recurrence of the old injury!

Damn it! !

This Gu Chaoci is still indifferent. Could it be that her heart is made of ice? !

“It’s time for a stick of incense!”

However, there was a faint light flashing in Ye Qingchan’s eyes. When he wanted to get out, in front of the divine palace in the distance, the Emperor Shenwu suddenly gave a soft drink, instantly making the three holy realms like a pardon, and Ye Qingchan stepped on it first. In front of Ling Xiao.

“Young Master Divine Power!! I am so ashamed.”

“Yeah! I have just displayed twelve points of strength, but I didn’t expect that I was not the enemy of Young Master Yijian.”

“Hey! Fortunately it was the three of me who joined forces. If it weren’t, it would be this sword, I’m afraid I will end my life.”

“Thank you Young Master for not killing! Young Master Ling Xiao, really-righteous!”

The cold sweat on the heads of the three holy realms, especially the mouthful of blood that Ling Xiao spit out, made all three of them mention the position of their throats.


Ling Xiao nodded lightly and raised his hand to wipe off the blood on the corners of his mouth. Then he turned to look at Gu Chaoci. A gentle smile suddenly bloomed on the original indifferent face, “Madam, I won.”

“Who is your wife.”

Gu Chaoci snorted coldly, but seeing the pale and brilliant smile in front of her, there was a trace of distress in her heart after all.

“My clan ancestor personally made a marriage contract with your ancestors, do you intend to deny it, madam? It’s enough to do this kind of retiring once, and more… I’m afraid it’s wrong.”

Ling Xiao’s expression was indifferent, and he was not surprised by Gu Chaoci’s indifference.

Long before he went to the upper bound, he had guessed the current situation.

After all, the soul of Nian Qingjun returned to the body at the beginning, and after awakening the memory, he showed deep resentment towards him.

However, when he saw the ancient sword in Gu Chaoci’s hand, Ling Xiao had an answer in his heart.


It seems that the character of the fairy empress and Nian Qingjun are not different, they are cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

With such a character, once you open your heart and let go of your worries, you will be inseparable from life and death, and reincarnation is boundless.

That day, the High Realm of the sky, the reason why he didn’t come to Gu Chaoci in the first place was precisely because… he wanted to appear in front of her with the most powerful posture.

What are we?

We are the villain, do we want to bring her endless disasters and frustrations like the Son of Destiny?

Since I am by your side, the world is stable.

“Is it possible that you still want to drink three more glasses with your husband?”

The corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth suddenly raised a touch of evil, but it instantly made Gu Chaoci’s body tremble, and his pretty face blushed inexplicably.

“You keep saying that you have a marriage contract with me. What about the proof?”

Gu Chaoci clenched his silver teeth, his face was ashamed and annoyed, he didn’t have any charm.

Even Gu Hongtian’s face was full of surprise.

He couldn’t understand his own daughter’s temperament, but… when would she show such a little girl’s posture?

The fairy phoenix female emperor Gu Chaoci has always been iron-blooded and cold, and regards feelings as restraints.

The nine avatars all repair the ruthless avenue.

Even eight of them are almost complete, but they just… lost in the last one.

But today, in front of the young master of the Ling clan, she actually looks like she’s in love with her?

On the square, all the ancient emperors and strong Qing Cang men stared at the pair of figures standing opposite each other in a daze, swallowing severely.

The two are obviously arguing, but how come there is a feeling of… flirting?

Even the third ancestor of the Gu family, who had fainted, just woke up in a daze, but when he looked at the look on Gu Chaoci’s face, he rolled his eyes and fainted on the ground again.


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