Chapter 962

“how come…”

Before the divine palace, Gu Chaoci’s pretty face was cold, but his eyes were horrified.

Only a few years?

This boy has grown to this point?

Young Master of the Swire Ling Clan?

When he first heard of his surname, Gu Chaoci only found it ridiculous.

It’s a pity that a nether ant, she couldn’t imagine that she would have the slightest involvement with the Ling clan.

But now…

There was a sudden cold flash in Gu Chaoci’s eyes, and a panic of the sky fell across his body.

Originally, she was still hesitating, even if she was the Sky Demon, she would want to control this realm alone. It would be a life of nine deaths, and it would take a long time.

So how can she protect her baby?

But now, with the support of the Primordial Ling Clan, and when the world master disappears, maybe… this world is promising?

Suddenly, Gu Chaoci’s originally declining Qi Luck rose rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the originally broken state of mind gradually came to completion.

However, Ling Xiao’s eyes were light and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth as if he had sensed the changes in Gu Chaoci’s body.

Obviously, Gu Chaoci still has many secrets he didn’t understand.

Fifty thousand luck?

Although there is still a gap with his estimate, it must be that this woman of fate must have experienced hardships he had never imagined.

Of course, even if Ling Xiao had a lot of thoughts, he did not expect that Gu Chaoci was pregnant now and knew the secret of his real body.

The entire Shrine Square was silent.

Even the ancient emperors who had originally planned to watch the excitement were all silent at this time, for fear that a word was wrong, it would be a catastrophe of extermination.

That’s right, at this moment, there is no strong Ling clan to follow Ling Xiao.

But the four characters for the young master of the Ling clan alone are a kind of vastness and majesty.

Once their words and deeds aroused the slightest displeasure of the young master, the Ye Clan would end up.

“Young Master Ling, why not enter the palace for a while?”

Emperor Shenwu’s subject is mild, and although he doesn’t show humility, he can look at the green world. Who can have such a respectful face?

The emperor invited him to personally break the ancient law of Shenwu.

In other words, even if there is no protection from the Emperor of Shenwu, it is feared that it will be the Great War of the Hundred Dynasties decades later, and no one dare to dare to attack the Immortal Phoenix.

“Emperor, the ancient rules of the imperial dynasty are unbreakable, and Ling Xiao is not an unreasonable person. This trial will be challenged by my dynasty.”

Ling Xiao shook his head, his expression gentle, without a trace of arrogance.

Hearing that, on the square, the emperor of the dynasty suddenly stroked his palms and sighed softly, “I have long heard that the young master of the Ling clan is fair and righteous. When I see it today, my style is better than rumors.”

“Yes! No arrogance or rashness, this is the character that an ancient sect master should have.”

Suddenly, exclamation sounded everywhere, and everyone looked at the black-clothed boy with a trace of emotion.


Emperor Shenwu hesitated between his eyebrows, Ling Xiao was righteous, he also heard about it.

It’s just that this trial is already a catastrophe for Emperor Shenwu.

Even if this young master of the Ling clan looks like a young man in his early double tenths, how can it be possible to hold on to a stick of incense in the hands of the three powerful sacred realms?

If he suffers a half-minute injury, will the Ling Clan… let go of the Emperor Shenwu Dynasty?

If the three holy realms are lost, Shenwu is afraid that the world will be ridiculed again.


“The emperor can rest assured that I am not a bully.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, but listened to Gu Chaoci with a cold snort.

“The court’s remarks are about being a husband, do you have any opinions?”

“Don’t dare, the young master of the Ling clan, how many people in the world dare to refute?”

Gu Chaoci’s pretty face is cold, but there is not a trace of relaxation in his heart.

He is a demon. Under his gentle appearance, the true evil of these nine days is hidden.

Even if he speaks sincerely and immortal Yan Wushuang, he still can’t change his demon nature.

even! !

The more he pretends, the more frightening he is.

“My momentum is yours. Since I am here, no one in this world can deceive you in the future.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were gentle, and he lifted his foot to the three sacred realms of Shenwu, “Seniors, let’s do it, cough.”

At this time, his face was still a little pale, but he couldn’t hide his integrity.


The three saint realm powerhouses looked at each other, turned their heads to look at Emperor Shenwu, only to see that the overlord Qingcang just nodded slightly without saying a word.

Regardless of whether this trial wins or loses, it is the three holy realm powerhouses making their own decisions, and it has nothing to do with him or Shenwu.

If I don’t enter this game, I don’t have to bear the consequences!

“Young Master Ling Xiao…”

The three holy realms glanced at each other, with cold sweat on the top of their heads.

They never dreamed that this originally pleasant trial of pretending to have evolved into such a scene.

Even the Emperor Shenwu dared not offend people, how could they dare to provoke them at will.

I’m afraid that this palm print will be the broken part of their reincarnation past, the honor of the family.

Cold sweat dripped down the top of the head, and at this time these three Divine Martial Saint Realms were experiencing the greatest torment of their lives.

“Since you are unwilling to make a move, I will make the move.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed with a ray of brightness, and the ancient sword in his hand was held horizontally.

Between the heavens and the earth, there was an extremely harsh and mighty beginning, and then everyone was stunned to see that Ling Xiao slashed out, tearing the blue sky to pieces.

The endless sword glory blooms in the sky, like the star sea and the sky, which contains the holy meaning of Hongmeng, and has the potential to open the sky.

The sword intent contained therein is shocking even for the most powerful.

Everyone knows that the young master of the Ling clan is unparalleled in kendo and has a sword immortal appearance, but he only knew it when he saw it today. Such rhetoric has nothing to do with his background.

This is a young sword fairy, unstoppable by gods and demons! !


The sound of sword chants spread through thousands of miles, and it encompassed the epochs of the heavens in one breath.

There seemed to be mist flowing in it, the fairy shadow stepped on, the ancient demon revived, and the breath of reincarnation and dying rose alternately.

Jianhui is thousands of miles long, and the road is rushing and whistling, crystal clear and magnificent.

This sword is already beyond the realm of respect.

Even the semi-holy strong can only temporarily avoid the edge under this sword, and dare not contend with it.

The face of the three sacred realms of Shenwu changed, and the whole body was shining brightly.

I saw three spirits rising into the sky, manifesting from the void, they were actually three lower-grade imperial artifacts.

Then, the three weapons buzzed, carrying divine power, and headed towards that Jianhui suppression.


The blue sky trembles, and the heaven is obliterated.

At this time, Gu Chaoci’s pretty face was already shocked.

Although she felt the changes in Ling Xiao’s body, she still did not expect that his strength would have undergone such a terrifying change in just a few years.

Such a sword posture, even in her heyday, might not be able to take it safely.

What’s more, she always knew that this young man’s trump card was never a swordsman.

Unconsciously, the young man who was overlooked by her finally had the strength to stand next to her and even protect her behind him.


“Should I call you Gu Chaoci, or… Nian Qingyun?”

Ye Qingchan’s figure appeared beside Gu Chaoci somehow, his expression calm, but his eyes seemed to have a chill.

“Unexpectedly, you are also in the upper bound.”

Gu Chaoci’s tone was indifferent, without a trace of emotion.

She is Gu Chaoci, but after integrating that experience, she becomes contradictory.

The girl in front of her, she knew, was Ling Xiao’s other confidante.

even! !

On the day that she and Ling Xiao were engaged in the Nether Realm, the latter once presented the bride price to this woman.

A damn vixen!

But… why am I angry?

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