Chapter 959

“From today, you two will practice as I do, but…”

After a long silence, Sword Master Long Yuan suddenly placed his eyes on Ling Tian.

He naturally knew Junshan’s temper.

It’s just that now that the former is dying to guilty, it is also an endorsement of his character.

Even if Jun Mowu didn’t say anything, he guessed that the last remaining light of this peerless swordsman’s life was spent on feelings.

The two men fought in Mobei and drank for three days.

During the period, Junshan once said that if one day is invincible in the world, he will hide in the mountains and rivers and accompany a woman to the world.

Perhaps, he fulfilled his promise.

Compared with it, Longyuan Sword Master felt that he was a little bit different. It was not kendo, but this kind of free and easy will.

Faxiang Senluo, Buddhism classics, breaking all phenomena, bearing compassion, and reincarnation.

It’s just that this degree of reincarnation can be called cruel in the world.

After all, the blood sword slashed the sins across the air and saved the world for the Buddha.

Evil is not at fault, the Buddha is guilty of madness.

There are many jokes in the prosperous world, but I have time to spare.

“What is your relationship with the Taikoo Ling Clan?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Ling Tian shook his head and said that since Ling Tianlin, the sacred mountain of Shengzhou, had left that day, Ling Tian knew that he was a dispensable person in the eyes of the Ling clan.

If it weren’t for Ling Xiao, he had even changed his mother’s surname.

Now Upper Realm, even if Ling Clan Power is all over the world, it really doesn’t have any relationship with him.

His Ling is Ling Xiao’s Ling!

“You need to promise not to injure the innocent with the sword and kill the mortal spirits in this life, before you can enter my Longyuan inheritance.”

“Disciples, remember.”

Ling Tian bowed his head and bowed.


Who can be called innocent in this world?

Taikoo Ling clan, the territory of the war of gods.

A moon-white figure came down leisurely, and the jade feet were crystal clear, not staining the dust.

At this time, her eyes were hollow and indifferent, but the sadness of the corners of her lips broke, but the Buddha image was broken again.

“Ling Xiao… Taikoo Ling Clan… is it a coincidence, or are you on the realm?”

Yaoguang Buddha sighed lightly, closed his eyes and chanted the Buddha’s name softly.

Since yesterday, she heard that the young master of the Ling clan was born, named Ling Xiao, and she has come all the way, just to confirm her doubts.

Looking forward to some inexplicable… nervousness.

“Who is here?”

Above the void, a strong Ling clan descended from the sky, blocking Yaoguang’s figure.

“Amitabha, the little monk is a disciple of Brahma, visiting friends, I wonder if Young Master Lingxiao is there?”

“Yaoguang Buddha?”

A strong Ling clan whispered, obviously he never thought that Young Master Ling Xiao had just been born, and how did he get involved with this extremely western Buddha?

“The young master is not in the clan, but now he should be in the Ye clan, and he will kill the demon together with Xue Young Master, the hall of the world.”

“To punish the devil?”

Yaoguang frowned slightly. When she was killed by Ling Xiao, she had seen her demonic nature.

However, Yaoguang didn’t know whether he was involved with the demon.

“Thanks for letting me know.”

Yaoguang folded his hands together, bowed, and turned to the Ye Clan’s direction.

“Hehe, the young master of my clan is indeed invincible. He has just been born, and he can actually lead this Buddhist saint to pursue him.”

“Looking at the Buddha’s eyes just now, I’m afraid it’s already moving.”

“Excitement! If the young master can win the heart of the Buddha, I am afraid it will be another eternal story.”

“I’m afraid that the Buddha will be angry and attack his heart, and kill him.”

“Puff! I think you are insulting the Buddha, but I have no evidence.”

In the ancient dynasty of Xianhuang, Gu Chaoci stood in the divine palace, his expression indifferent.

“Gu Chaoci, do you really want to challenge all the sages of Shenwu?”

In front of him, Gu Hongtian, the lord of the Gu clan, frowned and asked in a cold voice.

“Prince of the Holy Spirit, I will not marry. My father must preserve his identity, and I will be the only way to go.”

“You would rather die than marry the Prince of the Holy Spirit?”

Gu Hongtian gritted his teeth fiercely. In the past few days, Qing Cang has been in chaos, and many major events have happened.

It’s just that whether it’s the birth of the Heavenly Demon or the birth of the Young Master of the Ling Clan, they have nothing to do with the Gu Clan.

What the Gu clan really cares about now is the change of ten dynasties a hundred years later.

There are thousands of dynasties in the northwest of Qingcang.

Although the dynasties such as Xianhuang and Shengsheng are top dynasties, they are also restricted by the imperial dynasty and martial arts.

The immortal dynasty dominates thousands of star fields, and the emperor dominates the immortal dynasty.

However, this immortal dynasty did not come here in vain, but was obtained from the conquest of the battlefield by the masters of the immortal dynasties.

In another hundred years, the ten great immortal dynasties will be the battle for the change, and the three thousand years of reincarnation will begin.

Shenwu’s move is actually to protect the emperor’s pulse, remove the dross, and establish a new emperor to rule the world.

But the ancestor of the Gu clan died unexpectedly, and the ancient Xianhuang dynasty has lost its heritage.

Now in the northwestern region of Qingcang, countless dynasties have focused on the territory of the Xianhuang. The conquest a hundred years later, the ancient Xianhuang dynasty must be the beginning of its destruction.

In order to preserve the foundation of the fairy phoenix, the Gu family unanimously believed that Gu Chaoci was married to the holy spirit fairy dynasty, and by joining forces with it, the disaster could be broken.

You know, among the ten great immortal dynasties, the Holy Spirit has the most powerful strength, and the Ji clan has many ancestors and each is tyrannical.

If there is shelter from this dynasty, Xianhuang can protect his dignity.


In addition to conquering and conquering the Dao, Shenwu has ancient rules.

If the immortal dynasty has contemporary evildoers, you can fight against the Three Saints alone, or you can jump out of the conquest and get three thousand years of glory.

This rule has many restrictions, but it has opened up a new way of conquest for those dynasties with insufficient background.

“How did my father know that I must die?”

Gu Chaoci resolutely turned his eyes and walked into the depths of the shrine, “Father just tell the ancestors of the clan, two days later, I will be in the Shenwu Emperor’s dynasty, and I will win the battle!”

“Good good! If this is defeated, what shall you do?”

“I won’t lose.”

Gu Chao resigned without looking back, but sighed in his heart, “Unless he died.”

“it is good!”

Gu Hongtian clenched his palms tightly, but in the end he never said another word.

He knew very well about Gu Chaoci’s temperament.

If she succeeds on the road, this move may be feasible.

But now, her cultivation base has fallen, and she is no longer in the holy realm, how can she fight the holy?

The contemporary evildoer, Gu Chaoci deserves it, but the three sages of Shenwu are the contemporary enemy?


In the main hall of the Gu clan, a group of powerful men with terrifying auras sat in the hall, looking at Gu Hongtian coldly, with a gloomy look.

Especially the old man with white hair in a golden robe at the first place snorted coldly.

“Gu Hongtian, this marriage with the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty is my effort to fight for it. If not, why do you think the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty is willing to drip into this muddy water?”

“Three ancestors painstakingly, Hong Tian naturally knows, but the resignation of the court has decided. If we block it again, I am afraid that it will make a big mistake. Once the resignation of the court cannot be thought of, what shall I do in the palace of self-determination?!”

Gu Hongtian got up, his expression was completely calm.

If it weren’t for the death of his ancestor, who in this Gu clan would dare to reprimand him in such a way and force his daughter to marry his dynasty? !

“Are you threatening me?”

The third ancestor of the Gu clan frowned lightly, and a strand of supreme grandeur suddenly fell, directly crushing Gu Hongtian to the ground.

“Hong Tian dare not!”

“Huh! Okay, you consider yourself honorable, especially Gu Chaoci, who is even more arrogant and arrogant. She wants to find a different way, so I will give her a chance. But this time, if she doesn’t die, even if she does it, she will also give it to me. To the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty.”

The third ancestor of the Gu clan snorted coldly, then turned and walked towards the back of the palace.

Had it not been for the prince of the Holy Spirit to marry Gu Chaoci by name, he would have already married his concubine to him.

However, Gu Chaoci was reluctant in every possible way, and he relied on his identity, which was simply ridiculous.

“Thank you three ancestors.”

Gu Hongtian got up and bowed deeply, although there were blood stains on the corners of his mouth, he couldn’t hide his smile.

The resignation, if the father can help you, that’s it.

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