Chapter 958

“Daughter of Junshan, Junmowu, to honor her father’s last wish, hold the sword and worship the mountain, invite Longyuan Sword Master, and accept disciples to get started!”

The black-clothed girl’s voice was clear, like a nine-day phoenix, with a bit of coldness for no reason.

Suddenly, the mountain of swords buzzed, and thousands of swords bloomed from the mountain.

“Who is Junshan?”

A group of Jianzhong disciples frowned, apparently extremely strange to the two names Junshan and Junmowu.

Only the old man in white, his expression trembled, seemed to have thoughts, and he was a little depressed for a while.

“Junshan, who died?”

In the world, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air.

It was a middle-aged man with a handsome face and a sackcloth suit. All around him, there was a fairy splendor blooming, covering the secrets of heaven.

Especially the pair of slender and cold eyes, every inch of the light in the eyes is like a fairyland, piercing the cloud sky, making people afraid to look at them.

“Sword Master!!”

“Meet the Sword Master!!”

The disciples of Jianzhong who were originally dull-looking suddenly knelt to the ground, looking respectful, as if seeing a god.

Of course, for this Green Cangjian repairer, this one in front of him is indeed no different from a god.

Longyuan Sword Master, Bai Zhanyang.

He used a sword to cut the dragon and crossed the blue sky for more than 10,000 years. Later, he enlightened the way in the sword mound, stopped killing in one body, sealed the sword and cultivated his heart, and stepped on the peak of kendo.

There are different opinions about his cultivation.

But when it comes to the word “Sword Master”, even those who have already become famous supreme powerhouses have lingering fears.

Surprisingly brilliant, who can keep his name, Longyuan Sword Master is the only one in the world.

Compared with the Daotian Academy, Xuanhong Immortal Sect, and Tianque Mansion, the Supreme Daoism of the Qing Cang, although the Longyuan Sword Tomb is not as good as the foundation, but the entire Qing Cang, no one dares to underestimate this sect.

Without him, it is precisely because of this one, Longyuan Sword Master.

“My father died in Faxiang Senluo. Who made the shot? The disciple doesn’t know, but before his death, he asked the disciple to come here with a sword. If he can walk across the Great Wall of Sword Qi, he can worship the Sword Master as his teacher.”

Jun Mowu’s voice was indifferent, and he didn’t feel a trace of fear because of the identities of the people in front of him.

“Faxiang Senluo… after all, did those bald donkeys move their hands?”

Bai Zhanyang lightly sighed, and suddenly shook his palm, and saw that the ancient sword wrapped in rags in Jun Mowu’s arms suddenly buzzed, Hua Jinghong burst out, and was held by the sword master.

It wasn’t until this time that everyone saw that this sword was actually a bloody evil sword.

Layers of blood quietly filled, and an invisible killing fell suddenly, disturbing people’s minds.

“This is… This is the Bloody Jue Sword!! The bloody Jue ranked fourth among the top ten Excalibur Swords!! You are… you are the descendant of the Bloody Jue Sword Saint!!”

Above Jianshan, there were bursts of exclamation suddenly.

The bloody evil sword is the famous sword of Qingcang.

It’s just that this sword evil is different and will return after seeing the blood, otherwise it will kill the master.

Rumor has it 70,000 years ago that Qing Cang came out with a sage of swordsmanship, killing all the way, never failed.

Although this person had a genius in swordsmanship, he was regarded as an evil by countless sect forces because of his heavy intention to kill, and he was besieged and killed in the north of Qingcang.

It is said that in that battle, thirteen people died in the Blue Sacred Realm, and this Bloody Sword Saint also had no news, and was never born again.

Some people say that he is dead, others say that he has been reduced to a waste of life, living in seclusion.

It was only about the World War I that all the sects were silent, and this Bloody Sword Saint was covered with layers of mystery.

Who could have imagined that today this girl came with a sword in her arms and said she would worship Longyuan Sword Tomb! !

The evil spirit with blood, although not intolerable in the world, but if it is known by other forces, it will inevitably not cause disaster.

If the demons appear in this world today, the world is already in chaos.

Longyuan Sword Tomb wants to be alone, it is tantamount to idiotic dreams.

You can control your temperament with the sword, and will neither submit to the main hall of the realm, nor be a running dog of the Ling clan.

This will only degenerate into a common enemy in the eyes of the two forces.

“You two, follow me.”

Long Yuan Jian’s eyes fell, looking at Ling Tian and Jun Mo Wu, and finally sighed lightly, heading towards the depths of Jianshan.

“Xun’er, you are waiting for me here.”

Ling Tian whispered, waited until the black-clothed woman swept from the foot of the mountain before chasing the sword master.

But at this moment, looking at the two figures walking side by side, Ye Xun’er felt a bit lonely in his heart.

Inexplicably, Ye Xun’er saw a bit of…Ling Tian’s shadow on that Jun Mo Wu.

The same perseverance and unyielding, the same sword posture.

The descendant of the evil sword meets the sword demon?

Maybe they are just made in heaven, right?

In the depths of Jianshan, there is a straight and partial peak.

Sword Master Long Yuan stood with his hand held down, overlooking the blue clouds under his feet.

At this moment, his whole person is like a sword, without vitality and sharpness.

The sword has no edge, or it can open the world.

Obviously, the sword master’s kendo attainments have reached the pinnacle.

“Back when I traveled through the green sky, I once met a confidant of swordsmanship.”

It wasn’t until Ling Tian and two of them walked from a distance that the voice of Long Yuan Sword Master slowly resounded.

“He has a completely different view of the swordsmanship.”

“So I discussed the sword with him for seven days, and finally fought the extreme north desert. In that battle, I suppressed it with realm and was slightly better.”

“It’s just that this kind of victory doesn’t make any sense. The two of me agreed to facilitate this decisive battle every 10,000 years. Only when one person can crush the other can I prove my own swordsmanship.”

“The kendo I pursue is a sword that opens the sky and saves lives for the common people, and he always believes that the sword is a tool for killing people, and the sword has a three-foot sharp edge. It is invincible in the world.”

“Unfortunately, that year, I missed the appointment.”

When the words fell, Long Yuan Sword Master slowly turned his head and looked at the two people behind him.

At this time, Ling Tian already understood that Jun Mo Wu’s father was afraid that he was the swordsman confidant in the mouth of the sword master.

And the reason why he left himself is probably because of guilt in his heart.

“I never believed that he was an evil demon. This three thousand great roads have their own attachments. Seventy thousand years ago, I realized in my heart that it was not the imposing manner of entering the fairy road at the beginning of the year, and I finally understood that the sword I cultivated was not the only one between heaven and earth. Sword!”

Long Yuan Sword Master sighed softly, his brows were full of vicissitudes.

“It’s just that, when I first entered the Sword Tomb, I had an epiphany in front of the monument, and after 10,000 years of understanding, when I woke up again… I had lost faith in him.”

“I often think that if I could wake up a hundred years earlier, or I could save him from the stigmatization of the world, these years…I have a guilty heart, and it is difficult to take a step forward. Seeing you today will know that the cause and effect are here.”

“But I can’t figure it out, the law is sacred, it is a Buddhist secret technique. Those who use this technique will gradually dissipate their cultivation base and exhaust their vitality and die. Since he was not dead, why didn’t he come to find me? Here, am I so untrustworthy?”

It is hard to imagine that with the cultivation of Long Yuan Sword Master’s temperament, there is a trace of resentment on his face at this time.

Perhaps, this immortal journey is eternal, and it is a blessing in life to meet someone who can be called a confidant.

No distraction, simple to say, how many people in the world really do it?

“My father once said that people don’t dare to speak arrogantly, and people are sad but can’t talk about Zen, so he didn’t dare to disturb the sword master’s practice.”

Jun Mowu said indifferently, and the Sword Master Longyuan closed his eyes bitterly after all.

Probably, that time when they missed an appointment, it was a goodbye between the two of them in this life.

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