Chapter 960

Wanli Qingqiong, auspicious clouds cover the sun.

Under the curtain of the day, a tall and tall figure in black came slowly.

Beside him, following a graceful girl in Tsing Yi, the two stood in the clouds, both of them are immortal charm and Taoism. In a radius of a hundred miles, there are avenues of green lotus blooming, and the sunlight is ups and downs. The meaning of the goddess family couple.


It wasn’t until the void buzzed that the two of them stopped and looked ahead.


The double shadow figure stepped out and bowed towards Ling Xiao.

“Inquiry clearly?”

Ling Xiao’s expression was indifferent, but there seemed to be a touch of coldness in his eyes.

“Master! Check it out clearly.”

The red lips were pressed tightly, as if she didn’t know how to speak. It was only after seeing the feeling of the forest on Ling Xiao’s face that she took a deep breath, “Girl Gu’s ancestor passed away three hundred years ago, so In the past three hundred years… her line has gradually lost the prestige of the clan, but the line of the three ancestors of the Gu family is becoming more and more rampant, and there is a tendency to replace it.”

“and then?”

“In the northwest of Qingcang, there are many ancient dynasties. Among them, Emperor Shenwu is in charge of the heavens and the earth, the ten great immortal dynasties are divided, and countless star areas are controlled. It is only that the Shenwu Emperor will hold an expedition from the immortal dynasty every three thousand years. In the ancient dynasty, only then was it qualified to seek the honor of the immortal dynasty, under one dynasty and above all dynasties.”

Duan Ying sighed lightly, “And the ancestor of the Gu clan has passed away, and the background is not there. Now it seems that the next Hundred Dynasty conquest will definitely fall into the fairy altar and be replaced by others, so…”

“So the third ancestor of the Gu clan ordered to marry the prince of the Holy Spirit in order to protect the prosperity of the Gu clan?”

Although Ling Xiao’s tone was calm, but the slight smile at the corner of his mouth made Die Ying and Ye Qingchan’s hearts suddenly chill.

“Yes! It’s just that… Girl Gu has a strong temperament and is unwilling to be a marriage tool. Therefore, she chose to challenge the iron law of Shenwu and use her contemporary posture to prove her emperor’s posture!”

“Where is Gu Chaoci now?”

Ling Xiao frowned slightly. When he first saw Gu Chaoci from Shengzhou, he had witnessed his supreme beauty.

With her talent, she must be in the Holy Realm now.

There are still ten thousand luck for a clone, and you can imagine how terrifying Gu Chaoci’s luck is.

This kind of destiny, killing the enemy across the border is commonplace, but if the three gods and martial arts are at the peak of the ninth rank, they may not be the opponent of Gu Chaoci.

“This… Lord, it is rumored among the people that Girl Gu has long been sanctified, but as far as her subordinates know, she seems to have fallen in her cultivation recently…”

“Where is she?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were light and gloomy, and his tone became more and more gloomy.

“We have reached the capital of Emperor Wu, Emperor Wu, and we will fight the Three Sages today.”


As soon as the voice of the double shadow fell, there was a sudden ups and downs of Xianhui outside Ling Xiao, and his figure disappeared in place out of thin air.

Ye Qingchan and Duan Ying glanced at each other, and there was a bit of bitterness in their eyes.

It is hard to imagine that with Ling Xiao’s mind, there would be such an impatient day.

It can be seen what weight the girl Gu occupies in her heart.

Shenwu Emperor City is the most majestic ancient city in the northwest of Qingcang.

This city was built on the top of a high mountain, bearing the essence of the sun and the moon, and protected by the dragon.

From a distance, it looks like a cloud dome, which means overlooking the sky and the earth.

There were many ancient dynasties in this green blue world, but the Shenwu Emperor Dynasty was the most massive one.

Today, the entire imperial city is full of people, and countless powerful auras are falling from the horizon and stepping towards the city.

At this moment, in front of a magnificent shrine covering thousands of miles in the middle of the city, Gu Chaoci stood in front of others in a red robe.

Behind him, there are countless immortal emperors sitting on golden chairs with indifferent expressions, and even a little sarcasm in their eyes.

Gu Hongtian stood behind the third ancestor of Gu Zu, his face solemn, and his heart was full of sighs.

Gu Chaoci was originally a destiny evildoer that was rare in the Gu clan for hundreds of thousands of years. The Chaos Dao Law is also the origin of the heaven and earth. It is said that this Dao is a great success, which can reproduce the universe by itself and become a will.

However, the ancestors of his line died strangely, and Gu Chaoci’s plan also ended in failure, only to fall to the present day.

Fighting against the Three Saints alone, since the founding of Emperor Shenwu, no one has been able to accomplish such a feat.

Although Gu Chaoci’s posture is vertical, this battle is also fierce.

“Gu Chaoci, have you figured it out clearly?”

In front of the palace of the gods, a golden robe god figure sat on the dragon chair, with a calm expression, a kind of imperial imperial aura.

This person is Shenwu Great, and he is also the supreme existence in the northwestern realm of Qingcang today.

His cultivation base, in the Ninth Stage of the Holy Realm, is just an emperor, but it can shake nine days and make all souls surrender.

In the Qing Cang realm, the supreme and powerful are a family of background, and they will not show up easily.

Whether it is the ancient immortal ancestors, or the gods, the power holders on the bright side are all holy realms.

Nine products are already the ultimate.

“Emperor, let’s start.”

Gu Chaoci’s fairy face was cold, and there was determination in his eyes.

She cannot die because the child is still in her body.

Even if she seals it with Chaos Dao, it will be difficult to stop her from being born sooner or later.

only! !

Asking her to marry the prince of the Holy Spirit, she was also unwilling, so she chose this way to challenge the ancient rules of Shenwu.

“Okay! If you can hold on to a stick of incense in the hands of the three powerful pilgrims, you will be considered a winner in this battle.”

Emperor Shenwu nodded lightly, and beside him, a servant brought the incense burner and cleaned his hands to burn incense.

And on the square, there are also three powerful holy realms stepping from the side, wearing a golden armor, with a mighty aura.

The cultivation bases of the three are all at the level of the first and second grade of the holy realm. Looking at the emperor, although they are not top-notch, they are also powerful in combat.

What’s more, this ancient rule of the emperor, the saint of war, is the contemporary Tianjiao of the Xian Dynasty, and the age cannot be more than 500 years old.

Looking at the green world, how many people are there since ancient times, who are not more than 500 years old and have a cultivation base?

And once such evildoers come to the world, it also indicates that this dynasty will have the fortune of heaven, and the Emperor Shenwu’s title of emperor is also a means to win people’s hearts.

Is a stick of incense a concession?

Therefore, there are a few people who hold the sky with a pure heart.

Xiantu is eternal, in addition to killing, it is also an opportunity to grasp the hearts of the people.

“Gu family junior, are you ready?”

The three holy realm powerhouses walked to Gu Chao’s resignation, with a cold tone.

Since the establishment of Emperor Shenwu, there has never been a contemporary Tianjiao who dares to challenge the majesty of the holy realm.

Today, Gu Chao’s resignation is a precedent for ruling the world. Although he is a little overpowered,…the courage is commendable.

“Seniors, please.”

Gu Chaoci wore an imperial robe, and the blue silk was floating.

Around him, there is an extremely ethereal Taoist rhyme ups and downs.

It is impossible to win a battle.

But as long as she can survive the time of a stick of incense, Xianhuang Ancient Dynasty, or her line, can have three thousand years of breathing time.

Although this battle is a life of nine deaths, she has a clear conscience.

At the very least, I haven’t lost you! !


A sword chant shocked Cangyu, and saw a blue ancient sword suddenly unsheathed in Gu Chaoci’s hand.

However, what makes people feel surprised is that this ancient sword seems to be a bit shorter than an ordinary sword, with weak aura and lack of Taoism.

And at the sword crown, there are two square small seals, engraved with the word… Qingxiao.

It’s hard to imagine that Gu Chao, who was the emperor of the empress, was holding a remnant sword?

“Okay! Junior Gu family, be careful.”

The three holy realms looked at each other, and the holy prestige suddenly became vast outside.

only! !

Just as the three of them stepped out and were about to swoop towards Gu Chaoci, there was another sword roar resounding across the world.


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