Chapter 955 Dragon Abyss Sword Tomb

Green Cangjie is in the middle of the territory.

Hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers here are almost all controlled by top forces.

And in that southwestern land, a thousand feet of sword energy rose into the sky, evolving into the Great Wall, and enclosing one of them like a mountain of sword gods.

Sword energy is vertical and horizontal, strangling time and space.

Even the supreme powerhouse would not dare to walk away from the sky, for fear of being smashed by the endless sword intent.

Longyuan Sword Tomb.

This power is the most mysterious side of Qingcang Realm, except for the Primordial Ling Clan.

Rumor has it that a Nine Heavens Sword Fairy is buried in this sword mound.

Although it has not been known how many epochs have fallen, the origin of the sword intent contained in the bones has formed a regular order in this sword mound, which has the power of slashing the sky.

This kind of sacred meaning of kendo is the supreme good luck for sword repair.

As a result, for tens of thousands of years, countless swordsmen have gathered here, and they have participated in Taoism and Sword, and gradually become a force that is comparable to the Qingcang top ancient clan Immortal Sect, Longyuan Sword Tomb.

The sword tomb has been passed down for 70,000 years, and seven people have enlightened the Great Way. They spread across the world with the supreme sword posture.

Among Qingcang’s ten famous swords, four of them are now in the hands of the strong swordsman.

The sacred place of kendo does not involve cause and effect, does not hold mountains and rivers, and takes sword as the way.

Although there are disciples of this power who have been born and trained, few strong people have appeared in this world.

Up to now, even in the main hall of the realm, I don’t know how many swordsmen are in this sword mound.

At this moment, in front of the sword air barrier, a blood-clothed figure stopped and looked into the distance, looking at the sword mountain, with white hair tied in a crown, and evil spirits appeared.

Behind him, standing a young girl in a goose yellow shirt was Ling Tian and Ye Xun’er who had come all the way from the Tianmu Region.

“Junior Brother Ling Tian, ​​this sword aura is… terrible.”

The two were originally from Jianzong, and both had a deep understanding of kendo.

Especially Ling Tian, ​​in the land of Sacred State can be called kendo superb.

But at this time, under this sword-qi barrier, he still felt small and pitiful.

“Well, this should be Longyuan Sword Tomb.”

The two of them traveled all the way west. On the way, they heard that this sword mound was a holy place for sword repair and had an immortal heritage.

Moreover, this kendo holy land never accepts disciples, only those who are destined for kendo.

With Ling Tian’s character, naturally he will not miss such good luck.

Now that my brother has just arrived in the upper realm, his foundation is not stable. He must grow up as soon as possible until he stands on the top of the sky before he can fulfill his promise and protect him behind him.

“Coming people stop.”

Just when Ling Tian raised his foot and was about to walk towards Jianshan, two figures suddenly appeared in the distance.

Headed by a middle-aged white-clothed man, with a handsome appearance and a starry eyebrow, he was surrounded by a strong sword aura.


Ling Tian bowed slightly, but there was not much fluctuation on his face.

The rules of Longyuan Sword Tomb, he knew that if he wanted to set foot on the Sword Mountain, he had to climb the Great Wall of Sword Qi himself.

Therefore, although there are not many disciples of Jianzhong, each of them is extremely good.

Especially in the current generation, there are even more new Seven Swords appearing in the world, inheriting the will of the sword grave, and shocking the world with the supreme sword posture.

“If you want to enter the Sword Mountain, you need to use the sword as your way and step across the Great Wall of Sword Qi.”

The middle-aged man looked indifferent, especially when he felt that Ye Xun’er’s cultivation hadn’t stepped into the divine emperor, and there were no waves in his eyes.

The kendo evildoers who can worship into the sword mound all have the god emperor and even the realm cultivation.

In this way, you have to understand the true meaning of Sword Doctrine before you have the opportunity to step through the Great Wall of Sword Qi.

even! !

Even with the enchanting realm, some people were strangled to nothing in that endless sword intent.

Of these two young men and women, the blood-clothed youth had a bit of a sword posture, and the cultivation base was not weak, but the woman was really mediocre, and she rushed to the Great Wall of Sword Qi, and died ten years ago.

“The journey of immortality is endless. It is a blessing in this life to meet a beloved. If you want to climb the Great Wall of Sword Qi, I have no objection, but if one person wins the way and the other person dies, is it not a pity?”

The young man in white sighed, the deep meaning in his tone was obvious enough.

Ling Tian ascends the city, may succeed.

But Ye Xun’er is bound to die.

Although there is Daoyun ups and downs in her body, it is not a sword fate after all.

“Senior, is there any other way to make both of me worship the sword grave at the same time?”

Ling Tian shook his head, holding Ye Xun’er’s jade hand tightly with his palm.

Since the Battle of Killing the Gods that day, Ling Tian had no clan affiliation in his heart, only the two of them engraved in his heart.

Brother, Xun’er.

The former protects his stability and urges him to move forward.

The latter waited silently, inseparable from life and death.

Although this Longyuan Sword Tomb was a good fortune from Xiantu now, Ling Tian couldn’t do it if Xun’er was left behind.

“There are other ways, but you…can’t do it! Go back, you have an attachment in your heart, it’s hard to reach the pinnacle of the sword road.”

The middle-aged in white shook his head and turned to leave.

“If you don’t tell me, how do you know I can’t do it?”

Ling Tian frowned slightly, and there was a bright light on the whole body, a biting sword intent quietly spreading away.

Between the heaven and the earth, the sound of swords rang through thousands of miles, leading to the rays of light on the sword mountain, and the sword energy tore the sky.


The white-clothed middle-aged expression condensed, turning his head to look at the blood-clothed young man below, seeing a wave of waves in his eyes for the first time.

“The sword is great?”

“Senior, please tell me, what else can I do to make both of me worship the sword grave at the same time.”

Ling Tian’s eyes were clear and clear, there was no flattery or servile.

“Have you seen this sword air barrier? If you can break through this world with a single sword, you can take her up the mountain with her.”

The white-clothed middle-aged said calmly. Although the blood-clothed boy did have some talent for kendo, this sword-qi great wall was a ray of magic after the sword fairy in the sword mound fell.

Among them, the sword intent can be the supreme.

Ling Tian is not a god emperor, how could he break this city?

In kendo, talent is one thing, and Jianxin is another.

Obviously, this young man is bound in his heart, and it is absolutely impossible for him to reach the summit of kendo.

Only when a woman is dead is an opportunity for sword repair to achieve the dominance of the world.

“Break this city?”

Ling Tian nodded lightly, let go of Ye Xun’er’s jade hand, lifted his foot and walked slowly towards the ten thousand zhang Jianqi.

At this time, on the Jianshan Mountain, many Jianzuo disciples were already standing.

It’s just that everyone’s eyes looked at the young man with a helpless smile.

“This boy has a bit of courage.”

“Throughout history, only the sword master used to slash the dragon to open the sky and broke through this city. So far, no one has been able to shake it for a hundred thousand years.”

“How to repair swords in sentiment is nothing more than misty rain, magic bubbles.”

The disciples of Jianzhong shook their heads slightly, seemingly regretful, but they did not have the sarcasm and meanness of ordinary sects.

Those who can enter the sword mound are all enchanting generations who have no distractions and pursue the true meaning of kendo.

This kind of person has a simple heart, regards swords as his life, or has a cool personality, or is indifferent to the world, but has no evil intentions.

Ling Tiantian’s posture, but chose the most difficult way of worshipping the mountain in Jianzhong, it will inevitably not attract sighs.

“I heard that the young master of the Ling Clan, Wushuang Swordsman, I don’t know how to compare with the younger brother?”

“Little brother is a contemporary sword idiot, the sword bone is natural, who can compete with swordsmanship in the world?”

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