Chapter 954

“Okay, this matter is decided. After you go back, you can make a decision after discussing with your clan.”

Xue Xiyan got up and took a deep look at Ling Xiao, “Young Master Ling, don’t leave it here.”

When the words fell, she nodded slightly and raised her foot towards the outside of the hall.

In today’s battle, although he was not seriously injured, his use of immortality involved the old injuries.

However, as the Young Master of the Realm Lord Palace, Xue Xiyan must not expose a trace of flaws, and he did not choose to retreat for the first time.

“Send Young Master respectfully.”

The powerhouses stood up and bowed, but the smile on Ling Xiao’s face quietly solidified at this moment.

Xuexi Rock gave him a very dangerous feeling, this kind of danger even surpassed Ye Luoyun.

“Young Master Ling, then I will return to the sect when I wait.”

“Young Master, take care.”

It wasn’t until everyone retreated from the Ye Clan that Midie said in a cold voice, “Master, do you want to take this opportunity to leave Xuexi Rock in the Heavenly Wood Territory?”

If the demon appeared today, there was another battle with Xuexi Rock, and a small world collapsed.

Even if he died in the Ye Clan, no one would doubt the Ling Clan.

“You can’t kill him.”

With the protection of Immortal Mogu Bell and Lu Xinghe, with the cultivation base of the Midie, it might be difficult to kill Xuexi Rock.

Once this matter is revealed, Ling Xiao’s various arrangements will be completely useless.

“The Lord looks down upon others!”

Midie’s face suddenly showed a touch of grievance, but Ling Xiao looked up to the distant sky, frowning slightly, “You lead the Hui people, remember to be more powerful.”

“Lord, what about you.”

“I still have things to do! Remember, now in Qingcang realm, everyone’s eyes are on my Ling clan. Without my order, you can’t walk out of the battlefield of the gods at will, so as not to lose the tongue.”

Ling Xiao’s expression was indifferent, and the puppet Dao was in his hands, and there was a puppet Dao classic that Wenren Zhige practiced. The corpse of the Ye Clan ancestor would soon become his combat power.

And there is a puppet of the Supreme Heaven to follow, and there are realms and substitute puppets in hand, as long as it is not the real mighty person of the Azure Realm, Ling Xiao will never worry about his life.

In this way, he hides behind the scenes and reaps good fortune, which can be said to be foolproof.

Moreover, Chongyu Demon Sovereign once said that the realm master must have never fallen.

He had to find a way to find this person in order to know the real plot of the main hall of the world.



Ling Xiao’s eyes were cold, and Midie’s complaint was swallowed immediately.

“I’m leaving. Collect this soul jade master, and there is an incarnation of me in it.”

Midie handed a soul jade to Ling Xiao with a look of reluctance, and then led the Ling people to the outside of the hall.

“What’s the matter?”

It wasn’t until Midie and others walked away that Ling Xiao took out a sound transmission talisman and asked in a deep voice.

“Lord, I have found out where Miss Gu is.”

There was some hesitation in the voice of Double Shadow, and Ling Xiao’s eyes suddenly flashed with brilliance, but the voice was still indifferent, “Where is she?”

“Miss Gu was originally the Emperor of the Immortal Phoenix. I don’t know why she angered her clan and was sealed and locked in the Immortal Phoenix Temple, and…”


The killing intent in Ling Xiao’s eyes was fleeting. Although the Xianhuang Gu clan is a great clan, it is far inferior to Xuanhong Immortal Sect, Longyuan Sword Tomb, and Daotian Academy.

“The Gu clan seems to be in trouble, saying that he will marry Gu girl to the prince of the Holy Spirit Immortal Chao.”


Suddenly, a thundercloud descended from the Ye Clan’s sacred mountain, but it dissipated without a trace in an instant.

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, and immediately took a deep breath.


After a long period of silence, Ling Xiao said in a calm tone, “I see. Go and check how trouble the Gu clan is in.”


Ling Xiao frowned, with Gu Chaoci’s talent for cultivation, it was also the top existence in this Qingcang realm, and it was even comparable to Xuexiyan.

This kind of enchanting character should be the luck of the family, why is the Gu family willing to treat him as an abandoned son and marry him?

Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty?

It is said that this fairy dynasty is also the first-rate Qing Cang, especially the prince of the fairy dynasty, is even more famous.

Originally based on Ling Xiao’s temperament, it has just been laid out and has established an image of righteousness and integrity, and will never break this image personally because of the impulse of selfishness.

But, that is, I really want to kill.


In the main hall, Ye Qingchan sighed lightly with her eyebrows tufted.

She looked at Ling Xiao’s face sometimes gloomy and sometimes cold, and she knew clearly in her heart that it was nine days and ten places that could make Ling Xiao show this look, and she was afraid that only the Gu girl would be the only one.

Ling Xiao had asked her about the Gu clan and Gu Chaoci before, but when Ye Qingchan was in the realm, this girl Gu hadn’t become famous, so she didn’t know it.

Yao remembered that day, the mountain was dressed in white, like a banished fairy, the fairy face was absolutely cold, without fireworks.

Ye Qingchan never cared even if there were many women beside Ling Xiao.

Only chanting Qingyun made her feel uneasy.

“I’ll go to the Ancient Xianhuang Dynasty.”

Ling Xiao got up, did not say a word, and raised his foot towards the outside of the hall.

“I go with you.”

Ye Qingchan hugged Ling Xiao’s arm, her eyes were sad, with a faint expectation.

Ling Xiao’s injury this time was not a pretense, and the erosion of world power was not so easy to resist.


Ling Xiao originally wanted to refuse, but could see the obsession in Ye Qingchan’s eyes, after all, he did not open his mouth.

He still doesn’t know Gu Chaoci’s attitude towards him now.

And that woman’s cold arrogance can be seen since the time of the lower realm.

If she was willing to marry the prince of the Holy Spirit Immortal Chao, what would she do?

Kill her?

Suddenly, Ling Xiao was inexplicably upset.

“Let’s go.”

Ling Xiao stepped out, turned into a shocking hung, and flew away.

But Ye Qingchan seemed to be surrounded by wind and snow, and the coldness in his eyes made Ling Xiao feel a bitter cold.

“Qing Chan, what are you thinking?”

“It’s nothing, don’t worry, son, Qingchan knows who he is.”

Ye Qingchan smiled gently, but those bright eyes showed a blue color.

Weird and bitter.

In the realm, Lingxiao’s body stood with his hand in the Temple of Heaven, under its feet, the corpses of the ancestor of the Ye Clan and the head of the clan were quietly placed.

Now that he has left the Ling Clan, he naturally needs to control enough powerful power in his hands to completely disturb the blue sky.

And the two corpses in front of him were his first step to gain a foothold in Qing Cang.


At a certain moment, thunderclouds suddenly gathered in the domain, and Ling Xiao’s figure sat down, “System, ancient puppet scripture, add some.”


The original complex and obscure puppet classics were repaired to perfection by Ling Xiao in an instant.

And the two corpses on the ground climbed up strangely at this moment.

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