Chapter 956 Great Wall of Sword Qi

Mention of this brother Jianzhong, the eyes of all the disciples flashed with awe.

The Longyuan Seven Swords are not only seven powerful swordsmen, but also seven divine swords passed down from generations to generations.

Only the most enchanting disciple of our time can be fortunate enough to inherit it and be respected by the Seven Swords.

Senior Brother Longyuan is the most enchanting kendo god in Jianmound today. At the age of 170, he stepped into the realm of exaltedness. Zichen Ancient Sword, ranked third among the Ten Excalibur Swords, is summoned, standing at the pinnacle of swordsmen, and is the top ten contemporary sequence.

although! !

On the day when Ling Xiao was born, he used an invincible sword posture to frighten the tens of thousands of people, but in the eyes of the disciples of Jianzhong, the younger brother Xiangtian was the first person in contemporary kendo.

The name of the sword idiot resounded through the blue sky.

Even Long Yuan Sword Master once said that the sword posture to the sky is unparalleled in ancient times.

Of course, even the little brother, never broke the Great Wall with a sword.

How can this blood-clothed boy accomplish such a godly deed?

“Young man! This sword-qi great wall is transformed by the sword-like corpse aura. With your realm, once you are eaten back by it, you may damage your foundation and be overwhelmed.”

The middle-aged white-clothed eyes condensed slightly, and he reminded softly.

“Junior Brother Ling Tian! Or…or I’ll go back to Brother Ling Xiao, and you can go up the mountain by yourself.”

Ye Xun’er reached out and grabbed Ling Tian’s arm, with a hint of worry in her voice.

Although she has great confidence in Ling Tian’s sword posture.

But qualification is one thing, strength is another.

The sword intent that permeated the Great Wall of Sword Qi made Ye Xun’er feel desperate.

No matter how strong Ling Tian is, but at the realm of God Emperor, how can he easily cut it through?

“I said, this fairy road, I won’t let you go alone.”

Ling Tian raised his head and looked at the towering sword mountain in the distance and the figures above him, with a calm expression, as if he had never put the sky-shaking sword energy in his eyes.

“Junior Brother Ling Tian…”

Ye Xun’er’s beautiful eyes trembled, but the corner of her mouth raised a faint smile.

With her talent, sooner or later Ling Tian would be left behind.

Even if it were not Young Master Ling Xiao, she might not have the qualifications to step into the upper realm.

Therefore, since coming to the Azure Realm, Ye Xun’er has always worried that one day she will lose sight of Ling Tian’s spine and be left far behind by him.

What’s more, the land of the upper realm is full of auras, and Tianjiao has many evildoers.

Ling Tian’s fairy face, and the supreme sword posture, will definitely attract many eyes.

She, Ye Xun’er, is a disciple of the Lower Realm Xiaozong, how can she compare with this arrogant young lady?

Therefore, during this period of time, Ye Xun’er often fell into anxiety and panic.

Sometimes, it is not hard work, but the upper limit of talent, which limits the relationship.

Can! !

At this time, Ling Tian’s words inexplicably made Ye Xun’er feel more courageous.

Yes, even if she has limited talent, her experience with Ling Tian is beyond the reach of others.

Life and death depend on each other, this life will not change!

The big deal is to accompany him to fall, and then reincarnation!

“Ling Tian! Just go, I’ll wait for you.”

Ye Xun’er let out a long sigh of relief, but Ling Tian didn’t say much, raising his foot and walking towards the tens of thousands of sword-energy Great Wall.

In his hands, the ancient sword of Zhuxian gradually dazzled Qinghui, and an unspeakable immortal momentum began to rise from his body.

Above the void, the middle-aged white-clothed eyes condensed slightly, and his heart became more and more emotional.

With this young sword posture, his heart is unfettered, enough to shine in Qing Cang.

What a pity, what a sigh.

“Brother Wu, he…seems like Ling?”

Behind him, the Jianzhong disciple suddenly exclaimed softly.

“Ling? Is it possible?”

The middle-aged in white furrowed his brows slightly, but there was a little more profound meaning in his eyes looking at Ling Tian.

Rumor has it that the young master of the Ling clan has an aloof sword posture and is known as invincible.

It’s just said that this person’s cultivation base has entered the realm of exaltedness. Could it be possible that two kendo evildoers appeared in the Ling clan at the same time?


Just as the white-clothed middle-aged groaned secretly, a loud sword groan suddenly came from beneath him.

The situation of thousands of miles changed rapidly, and I saw Ling Tian’s footsteps abruptly stepped forward, his blood clothes drifting, his body was shocked, and he rushed toward the sword-qi great wall with an indomitable attitude.


Above Jianshan, many disciples were moved.

Swordsman, without entanglement in his heart, has just moved forward.

But this young man, who clearly has flaws in his heart and is involved in popular sentiments, how did he step out of the steps of destroying the heavens?


Three thousand sword intent, turned into a mysterious light.

Seeing Ling Tian holding the sword in both hands, he cut it down in an open posture.

“Zhutian Nine Swords, empty!”

It looks like an ancient fairy god, suddenly banished into the mortal world.

There is a faint sound of the immortal Dao, leisurely resounding across the sky.

Behind Ling Tian, ​​a misty fairy shadow stepped through the void, holding the ancient fairy in his hand, cutting out with that sword.

The blue sky died, and thousands of miles of space shattered like ice crystals.

Endless sword intent, overwhelming the universe and obliterating heaven.

The ancient situation, a sword comes out.

Three feet in front of him, called invincible.

Wanzhang Jianhui’s ups and downs in the sky, contains destruction and killing.

As for Ling Tian’s figure, after all, he rushed into the Great Wall of Jianqi without hesitation, and disappeared.

The world is silent, Wan Lai is silent.

At this time, whether it was the middle-aged in white clothes or the disciple on Jianshan, there was a complex expression on his face.


The sword master once said that with no distractions, he can transform himself into a sword, and the gods and demons can’t stop him.

But how does this young man blend the bondage with the sword power?


Before everyone could figure it out, suddenly there was a buzzing loudly resounding in the Great Wall of Sword Qi.

Above the sword mountain, ten thousand swords chanted together, and the extreme sharpness turned into a cloud of sword energy, covering the sky and the sun, and enveloping the entire sword mountain.

In the depths of the mountain range, suddenly there was an ancient and terrifying aura waking up from the retreat, looking up into the distance.

But at the foot of the mountain, the sword city trembled, and it was about to burst.

“Break it to me!!”

Ling Tian screamed, and blood lines appeared on an extremely pale face.

That appearance is completely opposite to just now the fairy rhyme.

even! !

Even the ancient sword in his hand has magic patterns lingering, evolving into a sea of ​​blood, endlessly.


finally! !

The Great Wall of Jianqi shattered suddenly, cracking a gap of hundreds of meters.

But Ling Tian’s figure descended from the sky, landing on the ground, staggering.

At this moment, the corner of his mouth was dazzling with blood, and even the star eyes showed a hint of blood for no reason.

It’s just that the light that blooms in it is like magic shining, and it is like a stack of immortal rhymes, which is indescribably strange and terrifying.

“It really broke open…”

At this time, all Jianzhong disciples looked at the cracked gap on the Great Wall of Jianqi with shocked expressions, but they couldn’t react for a while.

What is the sword posture, the cultivation base is supreme, and the kendo is prosperous.

But today, this young god emperor completely broke everyone’s understanding of swords.

“how come…”


Ling Tian said indifferently, stretched out his hand to hold the rushing girl jade hand, and walked slowly towards the top of Jianshan Mountain.

Behind him, the middle-aged white-clothed lips trembled lightly, but in the end he didn’t say more, and watched the Jianqi Great Wall reclose.

“Brother Wu…Now I have two swords in the sword mound that can break through the Great Wall of Sword Qi!!”

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