Chapter 930

Thousands of miles are empty, black clouds obscure the sun.

Ling Xiao stood in front of others with his hands, his clothes wavy, out of dust.

Beside him, the nine elders of the Ling clan all showed their appreciation and planned for tens of thousands of years. After all, this young master did not disappoint.

“That Ye Yan ancestor, is he from the Ling clan, right?”

Ling Xiao suddenly turned his head, looked at an old man with a rickety figure and a visible long scar on his face, and smiled indifferently.

Although at this time, he didn’t know what methods the Ling Clan used to make an ancestor of the Ye Clan willing to be his hidden son.

But obviously, this conspiracy must not be calculated in a hundred years.

“The young master is wise.”

The old man’s name is Ling Tu, he is the great elder of the Primordial Ling Clan.

“So, since I haven’t been to the realm, today’s Ye Clan storm is doomed?”

Ling Xiao nodded lightly. From the beginning, he didn’t believe that Shengzhou would continue to be controlled by the Ye Clan by the means of the Ling Clan.

Even if no one knew the identity of his demon, his origin would still be a problem.

From the Holy State, no matter how you look at it, there will be some flaws.

The world master was missing, and he had already seen the secrets of the Immortal Mogu Bell in the Ye Clan’s Half-Holy Soul Consciousness.

I just don’t know whether there is a layout of the Ling clan behind this kind of bizarre thing.

If not, what is the matter with the eight bells?

“Yes, even if the young master does not take the initiative to provoke today, this Ye Yan will also provoke the incident, but in this way, it is not just an ancestor of the Ye clan and Ye Shanhe who will die.”

Ling Tu calmly said, but Ling Xiao had a better understanding of this ancient clan.

If he did not provoke Ye Clan today, I am afraid that Ye Yan will be an abandoned child, and the Ye Clan will completely disappear in the Qing Cang world.

Two-handed preparation is foolproof.

“Who was the one who killed the ancestor of the Ye Clan just now?”

Ling Xiao stared into the sky, but in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, a pillar of heaven-reaching god stood up in the sky, and on it, there seemed to be a divine palace hidden in the sky, magnificent.

There is the main hall of the Azure Cangjie Realm, and it is also the real shrine in the eyes of the thousands of stars and hundreds of millions of living beings.

The strength of the Ling clan is strong in the dark, and strong in mystery.

If it weren’t for today, the Ling clan has the mighty One Ling Zhentian Sovereign, and all the clan forces in this Qing Cang realm would only know that when the Qing Cang realm master conquered ten thousand realms, only let away the Primordial Ling Clan.

Later, the main hall of the world was born, and it never accepted the territory of the Ling clan.

From this, it can be seen that the Green Blue Realm Master was deeply jealous of the Ling Clan, which led to the fact that all forces mentioned the Primordial Ling Clan for 100,000 years with a touch of jealousy on their faces.

But the power of the main hall of the world is strong, but it is strong in the bright place.

Hundreds of millions of living beings worship, and when the world’s gods and guards come, they will either surrender or be destroyed.

For tens of thousands of years, no one has broken this rule.

Even if the realm master has disappeared for more than two hundred years, he still dares not have any power to be an enemy of the realm master’s hall.

“The young master, the clan leader, and the thirteen ancestors are already waiting for you in the clan. They will talk to you about these things.”

Ling Tu bowed his head and smiled, but he didn’t dare to say anything.


Ling Xiao nodded lightly, without a trace of hesitation, and was escorted by the nine elders and three thousand black demon guards towards the territory north of Qingcang.

Along the way are sacred mountains and ancient trees as the sea.

The starfields are densely covered with the heavens and the earth, in which there are large ancient halls standing, and some extremely ancient and terrifying aura hidden in the mountains and forests, looking far away, but dare not make a slight change.

Here, Tianmu Domain, where the Saint State Formation is located.

A group of strong Ye Clan crowded behind Ye Yan, escorting Ye Qingrou to the front of the formation, “Go! My Ye Clan’s defeat will all be caused by your jealousy, cause and effect reincarnation, I hope you can do it for yourself.”

“Four ancestors…”

Ye Qingrou’s eyes were sorrowful and indignant. Although she ended up today, she really took the blame.

But for some reason, Ye Qingrou always felt some conspiracy in it.

How could she compare with Ling Clan only based on her xinxing experience, so this feeling only surfaced in her heart, without a trace of evidence.

“Master Ling Xiao said, you can return to this realm in three hundred years, it depends on your own good fortune.”

Ye Yan held his hand and sighed softly, but there was no trace of sorrow in his eyebrows.


In the end, Ye Qingrou did not dare to say anything, and walked towards the formation channel with his foot raised.


The sky was full of rays of light blooming leisurely, and Ye Qingrou’s figure finally disappeared before everyone’s eyes.

“It’s all gone.”

Ye Yan waved and dismissed everyone, but he stood in front of the ancient formation, seeming to be lost in thought.

“Hey! The Fourth Patriarch still respects love.”

“Yes! Don’t look at the four ancestors acting extremely humble in front of the Ling clan, this is all for me.”

“If there were no four ancestors, today my Ye Clan would be dead.”

“Nor say that, Ye Qingchan is favored by Young Master Ling, and most of them can’t die. I’m afraid you and me…”

“Hey! Whether or not my Ye Clan can regain its glory in the future, I’m afraid it depends on whether Miss Qingchan can win the favor of the young master.”

“In fact, three hundred years ago, I felt that the Fourth Patriarch could make a big deal. He was the only ancestor who favored the side of the tribe.”

“Yes! Anyway, I have decided that I must lick the four ancestors and be loyal to Miss Qingchan.”

A group of strong Ye Clan shook their heads and sighed, whispering.

Looking at the Ye Clan, there are only a few hundred people who truly belong to the Yeshanhe line.

The remaining thousands of children are all collaterals in the eyes of Ye Shanhe and others, no different from Ye Qingchan.

Originally this kind of prejudice, when the ancestor of the Ye Clan was still alive, no one dared to object.

After all, the reason why the Ye Clan was able to gain a foothold in Qing Cang was thanks to the shelter of this heavenly supreme.

But now, with the fall of Ye Shanhe and the great ancestor Qi, the so-called division between the parents has become a long-suppressed resentment in everyone’s hearts.

What’s more, Ye Shanhe just took care of himself and protected his daughter-in-law, which caused today’s disaster.

From this point of view, he is indeed guilty of death?

It wasn’t until everyone walked away that Ye Yan took out something from the Qiankun bag, which was an ancient black tripod, and threw it into the Shengzhou Passage.

“A few of you, keep the formation, but anyone who gets close will kill you without mercy.”

In the void, several figures walked out again, all of them belonged to the Ye Clan, and they were also Ye Yan’s confidant.

The pawn of the chess piece is also the essence of the chess game.

That’s right, this ancient tripod was bestowed by the Ling clan, and it is now placed in the domain channel. Whenever there is a change, the few members of the Ling clan must feel it.

Of course, from the perspective of Qing Cang’s current power, there are very few who can break this tripod, not to mention the barbaric realm that is shackled by the heavens in the holy state.


Several people bowed and watched Ye Yan disappear.


Suddenly there was a black light in the boundary passage, almost shattering time and space.

Ye Qingrou’s expression changed, and when she turned her head to look around, she saw a black spiritual curtain covering the sky and the sun, completely blocking the entire passage.

“Sure enough there is a conspiracy!!”

With Ye’s gentle mind, although he could not think of the key, it was clear that someone deliberately arranged this game and sealed the passage.

Although the Ye Clan’s collateral line is unknown about the things of Shengzhou’s suppression, as the young master of the Ye Clan, she knows well.

“Ye Qingchan!! Wait for me, when I find Luo Yun’s ancestors, I will definitely tell you to die!”

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