Chapter 929

Ling Xiao held his hand and looked at the nine Ling Clan elders and the three thousand demon guards above his head, his eyes were always calm.

Although he also knew before, that the Primordial Ling Clan was powerful and mysterious, and was the true hidden giant of the Azure Realm.

But now it seems that he still underestimated the background of this power.

Obviously, that Ling Clan ancient order was not waved by the nine people in front of him, but someone else.

To be able to wave his hand to Kill Heaven Supreme beyond the billions of mountains and rivers, I don’t know how strong this person’s strength should be.

But in any case, the stronger the Ling clan, the more useful it now seems to Ling Xiao.

Supreme honor! !

Today’s matter will soon spread throughout the Qingcang domain.

The name of Young Master Lingxiao will become a taboo for all ancient sects and immortal dynasties.

The fall of Tian Zhizun, Qing Cang has not appeared for tens of thousands of years.

Today, with the birth of the Young Master of the Ling Clan, the Ye Clan, the vassal of the Fangxian Clan, the only Heavenly Sovereign in the Realm Master Palace Alliance, has fallen.

Ling Xiao raised his head and looked at the old figure that was still standing in the void, but there was no longer a trace of vitality around his body, and there was a sudden flash of evil in his eyes.

A drop of supreme blood can crush a digital earth supreme. If this corpse can be put into the bag and made into a puppet, it might become another trump card in Ling Xiao’s hand.

“Ye Clan, are there still people who oppose Ye Qingrou’s suppression of the Lower Realm?”

Ling Xiao’s gaze swept across the Ye Clan powerhouses, and his tone was extremely calm.

Hearing this, everyone’s expression changed, but no one dared to speak out against it.

even! !

At this time, many Ye Clan experts looked at Ye Qingrou’s sight, all with a touch of resentment and hatred!

If it weren’t for her, how could the Ye Clan suffer this misfortune! !

The Yeshan River fell, the Ye Clan is equivalent to breaking the inheritance from generation to generation.

But the ancestor of the Ye Clan has fallen, this Fang Ancient Clan has just been completely in decline.

Having lost the shelter, who is going to guard the promised Heavenly Wood Territory just by relying on the three Earth Sovereigns of the Ye Clan now?

What’s more, the Ye Clan’s mission here is to guard the land of the Holy State.

But once the Ye Clan is destroyed, who will guard the Nine Heavens’ Peace? !

“Okay! Since there is no objection, let Ye Qingrou suppress the Lower Realm!”

Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, looking at the girl who was desperate on the limp ground, “I am the most moral person. When you framed Girl Qingchan in the lower realm for three hundred years, I will fine you three hundred years! Three hundred years later, you can Back to Qing Cang.”

“Young Master… Righteousness!”

The members of the Ye Clan gritted their teeth fiercely, and finally gave a neatly soft drink, instantly causing Ye Qingrou’s mouth to bleed and fainted on the spot.

“But this matter is resolved, Ye Clan, should we talk about another matter?”

For the control of the land of the Holy State, with the means of the Ling clan, it is impossible to have no arrangement.

Therefore, Ling Xiao didn’t have to worry about the secrets of Shengzhou being exposed.

And hearing what Ling Xiao said, the supreme expressions of the Ye Clan’s supreme expressions suddenly shuddered, and one of the old men with white hair and beard immediately took a step forward, with a humble attitude, “I don’t know what the young master said?”

At this time these few earthly supreme, the panic in my heart can be imagined.

Today, the Black Demon Guards, if the Ye Clan does not want to be annihilated by the entire clan, he must suppress the hatred in his heart and try to figure it out in the future.

Especially now that the world master is missing, there is no power in the entire Qingcang world that can compete with the Ling clan.

only! !

This kind of overbearing race has been seen today.

And since ancient times, forces that are too domineering have either climbed for nine days or are the beginning of their destruction.

This troubled world has slowly unfolded.

I don’t know this time, who will roar the sky in the end, surpassing the sky and the earth?

“The Ye Clan deceived me. If I don’t pay a price, it will be hard to quell my hatred.”

Ling Xiao’s tone was indifferent, but when he came out, countless Ye Clan experts changed their faces.

Ye Clan deceived you?

You and him… My Ye Clan’s ancestors have all been punished, you say I’m the Ye Clan deceiving you?


“Three Elders!!”

For the first place, the white-haired old man shook his head slightly with a calm expression.

At this point, the Ye Clan has no room for bargaining.

With the strength of the nine elders of the Ling clan, wanting to kill them all was just a matter of moments.

“Young Master Ling, there is an immortal treasure in my clan, which is a thing of the immortal clan. It is dedicated to the young master today. Congratulations on the birth of the young master!”


The strong hands of the Ye Clan clenched their hands tightly, and no matter how unwilling they were in their hearts, they did not dare to show any signs of it at this time.

No one in the entire Azure Realm knew about this fairy treasure, and Ling Xiao just said that most of it was directed at this treasure.

“Oh? Xianbao?”

Ling Xiao raised his eyebrows lightly, and the corner of his mouth was smiling, “I don’t know how this senior is called?”

“Ye Clan, Ye Yan.”

The white-haired old man bowed and bowed.

This person is the Ye Clan ancestor who brought Ye Qingchan into the Ye Clan’s ancestral land, and he is also the strongest Ye Clan cultivation base now.

“It turned out to be Senior Ye Yan. Since Senior said, Ling Xiao is reluctant to do so.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and saw Ye Qingchan’s eyebrows lightly clumping, as if hesitated, he just whispered, “Since the Ye Clan storm has subsided, I will return to the Ling Clan first. I hope that Miss Qingchan will send it to Ling personally. Clan! Miss Qingchan and I hit it off as soon as we saw each other, and this magic rune girl is collected. If anyone dares to deceive you in the future, I will not forgive.”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao stepped forward and stood in front of the nine elders.

“Meet Young Master.”

“Let’s go.”

Ling Xiao turned his head, took a deep look at Ye Qingchan, and then lifted his foot towards Yuan Konghang.

Until the crowd walked away, the remaining ancestors of the Ye Clan said with hatred, “Ye Yan! What do you mean?! Ling Clan punishes my ancestor, the clan master, you still want to give it a fairy treasure. ?!”

“I don’t just want to give its fairy treasure…”

The ancestor Ye Yan looked calm, turned his head and glanced at Ye Qingchan, “I still want to establish Qingchan as my young master of the Ye clan.


The expressions of the Ye Clan powerhouses changed drastically, but they seemed to think of something in a flash.

“You mean…”

“Today’s matter, in the final analysis, was caused by Ye Shanhe’s stubborn use and protection of shortcomings. The Ye Clan has no shelter now, and the troubled times have arrived. My Ye Clan is a vassal of the fairy clan, and it is inevitable that I will not be hated by other forces! If the world master is still there, it doesn’t matter, but now…”

Ye Yan sighed lightly, and looked up at the golden pillar in the sky in the distance, “There is a relationship between Qingchan and the young master of the Ling clan. Perhaps this is the only opportunity for my Ye clan.”


“The clan feuds don’t share the sky, but my Ye clan needs to ensure that the inheritance is continuous, so that it is possible to see the sky again.”


“According to my clan order, Ye Qingrou will be beaten into the holy state, not to be summoned, not to return to the clan! I think even if the ancestor Luo Yun knows today’s affairs, he will understand my good intentions.”

In the end, Ye Yan glanced at everyone with a cold look, waved to carry Ye Qingchan, and walked toward the depths of the ancestral land.

Now the Ye Clan has no strong lineage, and Ye Yan is the strongest cultivation base. He is the supreme of the Seventh-Rank Earth. He is responsible for the rise and fall of the clan. Even if some people are not angry, they dare not cause trouble at this juncture.

A storm has come to an end.

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