Chapter 931


Over the holy state, a black cloud suddenly covered an area.

When the thunder punishes the world, there is infinite magic light coming, just like the scene of the end of the world.

Standing on the sacred mountain in a golden robe, Xi’er looked up at the figure falling from the sky, her eyes calm.

Not seen in just a few days, at this time the temperament of the dragon girl seemed to have undergone a great change.

The green shyness on Qiao’s face had long since disappeared. She stood there, in harmony with the heaven and the earth, with the charm of the great avenue in her body.

In particular, the two winding golden horns on the forehead exude golden glory, sacred and noble, just like the gods of this region.

“Is it finally here? The holy state caretaker in my brother’s mouth?”

Xi’er raised his head and looked at a figure in white clothes that suddenly fell in the thundercloud, her beautiful eyes condensed slightly.

At this moment, Ye Qingrou fell from the sky, his whole body was covered with scars, even his face was extremely pale, and the corners of his mouth were dripping with blood, so miserable.

Obviously, she didn’t walk smoothly on this Saint State Passage.

only! !

After feeling the clear and majestic gaze above the sacred mountain, Ye Qingrou still pretended to be calm, and slowly got up, even the temperament of the whole body became high and indifferent.

That’s right, she was exiled by the Ye Clan, but in her bones the noble lineage of the Ye Clan.

One day, she will return to Qing Cang to let everyone know that she, Ye Qingrou, is the fortune of the Ye Clan!

How can a savage domain in the lower realm restrain her fairy way?

“You are Ye Qingchan’s former servant, right?”

In the end, Ye Qing’s gaze rested on Xi’er, and there was a hint of surprise in his beautiful eyes.

Originally, the people of the Ye Clan would be given the Ancient Order of Divine Blood to reach the seal of this realm.

But this time, she was driven down, so she didn’t carry a god order.

And under the shackles of this holy state, her realm was also suppressed at the level of the ninth rank of the god emperor.

only! !

Even so, Ye Qingrou also knew that there was a power in this holy state, who was founded by the first lower realm of the Ye Clan, and was loyal to the Ye Clan for generations.

But why didn’t the young girl in front of her face show a trace of respect, instead she had a slight killing intent?

Also, what’s the breath on her body? Why do people feel unconsciously panic?

“Are you the new guardian of the Ye Clan?”

Xi’eryu stretched out his hand and slowly raised it. The thunderclouds of heaven and earth disappeared instantly, turning the sky into a clear sky, and the sun was hanging high.

Ye Qingrou’s expression was stunned, and a strong panic suddenly flashed in his eyes.

This girl, can control this realm of heaven? !

How can this be? !

“Who are you? Where is my ancestor Ye Luoyun?!”

At this moment, Ye Qingrou suddenly felt enlightened, and she seemed to feel that she had fallen into a deep trap.

Whether it’s what happened in the Ye Clan or the dilemma she is facing now, it seems that it was arranged and carefully designed by someone in advance?

The cold sweat flowed down Ye Qing’s cheeks, and there was a sense of death in my heart.

“Ye Luoyun, dead.”

A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Xi’er’s mouth, pure and bright.

Immediately afterwards, she suddenly shook her jade hand, and the world converged in the void, turning into a thousand-foot divine vortex, crushing it towards Ye Qingrou.

“No! You can’t kill me! I have a soul card left in the upper realm. If you kill me, the Ye Clan will not let you go.”

At this moment, Ye Qingrou’s mind was broken, but she was unable to struggle.

In this holy state, Xi’er is the place of Heaven’s Dao, and the blood of innate creatures can be contended by a Ye Clan child who has no luck and has a broken Dao heart.


In a breath, Ye Qingrou’s body shattered, and even the soul was completely destroyed under the pressure of the heaven and the earth.

In the distance, Ling Tian was dressed in white, standing with his hands holding hands, his eyes calm.

He looked at the blood mist that bloomed all over the sky, and finally turned around and disappeared without saying a word.

There are thousands of creatures kneeling on the ground in the holy state, praying sincerely.

Just now, Ye came to the scene softly, like an evil demon.

But the goddess Wushuang, who broke the magic barrier with one hand, should be praised by the world.

“Brother, wait for me, wait for me to complete the heavenly path of this realm, collect it into the soul sea, and then go to the upper realm to find you.”

Xi’er Qiao had a clear smile on her face, and her eyes seemed to miss.

The dragon soul entered the body, awakening her ancestral dragon’s true veins, and also burdened her with the rules of rebuilding the order of this world.

Otherwise, how could she hesitate and stay in this corner of the Holy State willingly.

After all, her heart has been paid, no matter how hard she is.

Qingtian and him didn’t want to lose.

As for the life card in Ye Qingrou’s mouth…

Xi’er shook his head and chuckled. This world is no longer the barrenness of a thousand years ago.

Even if the Ye Clan descends, it will be shackled by the world.

I will kill as many as I come.

Brother, one day, I will kill all the gods with a sword in your hand!


Green Cang, Ye Clan.

Looking at the broken soul card in his hand, Ye Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

although! !

He didn’t have the slightest doubt about the methods of the Ling clan, but Ye Luoyun was the ancestor of the Ye clan after all, an ancient powerhouse who followed the immortal clan to conquer the world.

Although this person may not be stronger than the Ling clan’s cultivation base, it is always a variable.

Once Ye Qingrou told her what happened to the Ye Clan, it would inevitably not be a lot of trouble.

But now, as Ye Qingrou died, Ye Yan finally let go of all his worries.

It’s time to erase all those Ye Clan’s direct lines.

“Qing Chan.”

Following Ye Yan’s deep voice, he saw a figure in Tsing Yi stepping slowly outside the hall.

“Meet the four ancestors.”

Ye Qingchan bowed and bowed, her brows calm.

Although the Ye Clan is now afraid of the dominance of the Ling Clan and dare not disobey a little bit, for Ye Qingchan, this clan is still a threat.

It’s a pity that her cultivation base has fallen, and her reputation is no longer the same as that of the past.

“This great saint Futian is the immortal destiny of my Ye Clan. It cuts the Buddha and the devil at the top, and cuts the rebellion at the bottom. It inherits the sacred prestige of the heavens and the earth, and the appearance of the immortal clan. It is one of the ten great swords of Qingcang. The clan has long been destroyed, now you personally send it to the Ling clan and hand it over to Young Master Ling Xiao.”

After that, Ye Yan handed a white jade box to Ye Qingchan’s hand, and smiled gently, “Qingchan, you don’t need to worry about it. Soon, the Ye clan should respect you. Now the clan leader has just fallen, a person of the lineage. My mood is hard to calm down, and after a few days, I will tell Tianmuyu that you are my new master of the Ye Clan.”

“Thank you four ancestors.”

Ye Qingchan’s eyes trembled lightly, but without a word, he carried the sword box behind him and turned away.

It wasn’t until her figure walked away that Ye Yan’s face flashed with a deep touch.

I wonder if his choice was right or wrong this time?

Three hundred thousand years ago, the Ye Clan took refuge in the Immortal Clan and gained other shades and achieved unparalleled prestige.

only! !

Such prestige, after the eighteenth ancestors of the Ye Clan died down, and the immortal clan unified for nine days, they became the bondage of the Ye Clan again.

So today, the Ye Clan is unaccompanied and hates everywhere.

The vassals of the immortal clan have finally become an insurmountable gully of hatred between the ancient clan and the human forces.

Fortunately, Ye Yan had a hunch, leaving a way out.

In this way, as long as the Ling clan rises, the Ye clan will recast its glory and achieve eternal success. No matter how bad it is, it is not a generation who sells its clan for glory.

It’s a pity that Ye Yan is far-sighted and scheming. He didn’t expect that this time the Ye Clan’s investment was still not a man, but a…devil!

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