Chapter 928


The endless divine light fell from the sky, the robbery thunder rolled, and the immortal punishment was in the world.

At this time, whether it was the people in the sky wood domain appearance battle, or the countless Ye Clan children on the sacred mountain, there was a strong shocking fear in their eyes.

The majesty of Tian Zhizun, Qing Cang realm has not appeared for thousands of years.

Who could have imagined that someone was provoking the Ye Clan today and provoked the anger of the Ye Clan ancestor.

Although, now this Ye Clan ancestor is already at the end of his life, with his twilight spirit lingering, and his cultivation base is not advancing but retreating, he has already fallen into the category of the second rank Heavenly Sovereign.

But such a supreme divine might, I am afraid that few people can bear it except for the ancestors who have not been born in the ancient immortal sect for a long time.

only! !

The expressions of Ling Xiao and Ling Xiao hadn’t changed much until the god seal came down.

Although the Ye Clan ancestor had imprisoned the two of them, Ling Xiao still had a puppet for death in his hands.

Moreover, now he has a three-body body, although he is not truly immortal, but he will never fall easily.

He was waiting, waiting for Ling Clan to give him an attitude.


At a certain moment, there was a bit of chill in the distance quietly, and the originally angry Ye Clan ancestor suddenly looked awkward, and then looked up at the sky in horror.

I saw the blue sky there, suddenly rippling waves.

A ray of clear light shed from the sky, just like the opening of the heavens and the earth, and the light of creation from the beginning of the Great Meng, instantly shattering the ancient seal.

Then, with an unstoppable killing and attacking momentum, he went through the hole toward the Ye Clan ancestor.

“how come…”

The Ye Clan’s ancestor’s expression changed drastically, and his voice was filled with unconcealed fear, as if he had seen something incredible.

At this moment, he could feel that a ray of air had locked him firmly across thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

This clear light, he can’t avoid it!

Can! !

Who is it that can suppress him dignified and supreme with just a breath?

Was the Primordial Ling Clan really strong enough?

“No!! I don’t believe it!!”

The ancestors of the Ye clan looked up to the sky and sighed, and the supreme divine might suddenly went up and down outside.

The infinite divine glory rushes into the sky brilliantly, and there are colorful fairy clouds stretching for hundreds of millions of miles, evolving into multiple visions, shaking the sky.

Such a movement caused the entire Qing Cang realm to be completely turbulent.

Countless breaths awakened from their deep sleep, looking towards the Ye Clan’s direction, eyes filled with unspeakable shock.

The battle of Tianzhizun, Qingcangjie has not appeared for tens of thousands of years.

After all, at this level, it is not an overnight thing to decide to be born and die.

And the offensives carried out by the two Heavenly Supremes were enough to destroy the heavens and the earth, killing Cangyu in silence, and slaughtering hundreds of millions of creatures and crushing countless realms at every turn.

Therefore, the owner of the realm is in charge of the Qingcang realm and issued a decree prohibiting Tianzhizun from making any moves, and those who violate the order shall be cut!

Unexpectedly, today, such a big battle would break out in the Azure Realm!


Although the Xianxia Shenhui over the Wood Territory that day was vast and endless, it was mixed with an unconcealable sadness.

How ridiculous? !

Nowadays, in the mortal world, the emperor does not appear, and Tianzhizun is already supreme, almost immortal.

Who is it that can force a Heavenly Sovereign general to be a stranger?


In the sky above Ye Clan’s ancestor land, that clear light fell leisurely.

But under the cover of Xia Dao outside the Ye Clan ancestor, this ray of brilliance really seemed weak and pitiful.

But it’s the immortal powers piled upon each other, like waves surging, but they can’t shake it at all.

“Do not!!”

“Tai Xuan Hundred Jade Scriptures, Immortal Jade Divine Seal!!”

The Ye Clan’s ancestors looked desperate, and the jade light outside his body had become substantive, like a crystal battle armor, covering his figure.

The supreme breath revived, shocking Wanyu Yiling.

I saw him stick out a palm, and an ancient seal stretched out, and it had become a hundred meters in size in an instant, blooming with infinite celestial splendor, falling like the sky, and pressing down toward the clear light.

Obviously, at this time, the Ye Clan Heavenly Sovereign had already used the most powerful means.

“Boom boom.”

The entire Ye Clan’s ancestral land suddenly collapsed and collapsed, and a ghost figure flew out, protecting Ling Xiao and Ye Qingchan behind him.

And in the depths of the ancestral land, there are also several powerful ancient auras stepping forward, using their own methods to block the terrifying spirit power fluctuations above the void.

But even so, in the crowd there are still countless young disciples with weak cultivation bases that ooze blood and fall to the ground.

only! !

What is frightening is that at the moment when the immortal ancient seal touched the clear light, it was instantly wiped out and dissipated.

“Impossible! Impossible…”

The Ye Clan’s ancestor looked terrified, and his eyes were full of death.

It’s just that his figure, as if imprisoned by the world, can hardly move at all. He can only watch the clear light pass by, pierce through his eyebrows, and then levitate above the void.

Xianhui was exhausted, and the mist was scattered.

The world was silent, leaving only a touch of clear light leisurely.

Ling Xiao’s eyes were calm, looking up at the place where the clear light was, only to see an ancient copper order slowly emerging, with only one word on it, Ling.


A drop of supreme blood spilled from the eyebrows of the ancestors of the Ye tribe, containing an unspeakable terrifying trend.

Ling Xiao’s eyes trembled, and the power of the domain descended, bringing the ghost and Ye Qingchan into the domain.

It was not until a long while later that the three figures reappeared in the world, and only then did their eyes trembled to see that the originally towering sacred mountain had long been in ruins.

Above the void, the several Ye Clan powerhouses looked sad, their auras wilted, as if they had suffered extremely severe injuries under that drop of supreme blood.

“You! I did it with you!”

And when I saw Ling Xiao, a touch of resentment suddenly appeared on the face of one of the Ye Clan ancestors.

But just as his figure swept out and was about to swoop towards Ling Xiao, the distant void was again rippling with thousands of ripples.

I saw a series of ancient and powerful auras manifesting from the void, and the whole body was rising, shocking the world.

It was actually the three supreme, six powerhouses at the pinnacle of the holy realm!

Behind the nine people, there were thousands of figures wearing heavy armors and holding halberds following them. Each of them had a breath above the realm of nobleness.

The vast and mighty, covering the clouds and obscuring the sun, there is an aura of killing the world rippling in the void.

“Nine elders of the Ling clan, rate three thousand black demon guards, and welcome the young master Hui clan!”

“Welcome the young master Hui!”

A general trend of killing, crashed down.

The blue sky is gloomy, and the sun is dull.

Even Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed with brilliance.

And the many Ye Clan ancestors and strong men who were originally unwilling to look pale suddenly.

The Black Demon Guard is the iron-blooded guard of the Primordial Ling Clan to crusade against the rebellion.

It is said that these three thousand people are all contaminated with the blood of hundreds of millions of dead souls, fearless life and death, killing and decisive.

The black demon guards, the world has no life, and all spirits are crying.

As for the nine Ling clan elders, the cultivation base is even more supreme. This strength alone is enough to easily destroy thousands of star fields and ancient sects.


Among the crowd, Ye Qingrou suddenly weakened her legs and collapsed to the ground. There was nothing else on her pretty face except pale and sluggish.

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