Chapter 927


Thousands of miles are empty, and ancient seals are falling.

Its super clear light blooms, and it is extremely gorgeous, and there are endless Taoist rhymes circulating in the India, and it is desired to suppress the blue sky.

only! !

This seemingly immortal and mighty seal, at the moment it touched the black light, it split from it in an instant, turning into a sky full of jade clouds and dissipating.

Ye Shanhe frowned, but there weren’t many surprises in his eyes.

Now that he knew that the young man in front of him was the young master of the Primordial Ling Clan, how could he not know that the man who came was the supreme and powerful?

In the Qingcang realm today, the supreme powerhouses are almost hidden from the world, and the strongest of the various races is only the ninth stage of the holy realm or the half-step supreme.

But only the top ancient tribes with a long history know that what really determines the upper limit of a party’s power is those in the tribe who have been closed for many years, and even have been buried in the tomb.

Immortality is immortal, the emperor is already the pinnacle of the mortal world.

Korao has been inherited from the Ye clan for tens of thousands of years, and now there is no emperor in the clan.

As for whether there is a great emperor in the Ling clan, Ye Shanhe guessed that most of them are.

After all, it can make the realm master jealous, and it is absolutely impossible to be Heavenly Sovereign.

Moreover, there may be more than one emperor in the Ling clan.


Just as Ye Shanhe held his hand and waited for the Ling Clan supreme to appear, he saw a black light on the sky again.

Ye Shanhe’s expression changed, just about to use his magical powers, but he saw in the depths of the sacred mountain, there was a sudden ups and downs of immortal light.

“Friends, stop.”

A vast and long sigh resounded from the depths of the ancestors of the Ye Clan, misty and melodious, like a fairy chanting, endless.

The sky and the earth buzzed, the mountains and rivers trembled.

Everyone only felt their hearts collapsed, and when they looked up again, they saw a yingying handprint coming from a distance, crushing the black light instantly and disappearing without a trace.

“Is it finally out.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, and his heart was also a little shocked.

Compared to the powerhouses he had seen, the jade-white palm prints just now seemed to contain the real mighty power of heaven.

Even the aura radiating from it was enough to break the blue sky and crush the sun and the moon.

This is the supreme divine power and the real top person in this world.

In the face of such forces, let alone Ling Xiao, even the ghost image did not have the slightest resistance to it.

Heaven is supreme!

Before he killed the Ye Clan’s holy realm, he knew from his soul consciousness that the Ye Clan’s surviving ancestor had a Heavenly Sovereign.

His life span can be traced back to the time of the Fairy Demon War, which is extremely long and far-reaching.

It’s just that this Ye Clan ancestor has never been born easily, and even in the Ye Clan’s holy realm, he has never seen his true face.

Unexpectedly, today, he actually took the initiative to resist the ghost’s second offensive.

Ling Xiao raised his head and looked at the sky above the clouds.

I saw there suddenly a void crack surging, and then, the ghost walked out slowly, fell from the sky, and landed in front of Ling Xiao.

Then, in the depths of the Ye Clan’s ancestral land, a dazzling brilliance suddenly bloomed, and in a short moment, it suddenly flourished with the power of covering the sky, blocking everyone’s sight.

“Meet the ancestors.”

Above the sacred mountain, there were bursts of worship and shouts, Ling Xiao’s eyes shrank slightly, looking towards the place where the fairy light fell.

I saw a thin-faced old man in white clothes who appeared out of thin air, standing above everyone’s heads.

He looked extremely old at his age, and even his whole body was covered with a white mist.

But when he stood there, he made heaven and earth surrender, peaceful forever, and suppressed the mortal world.

“Huh! Mystery.”

only! !

At this moment, a murderous intent suddenly appeared on the ghost’s face, and the figure suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it had reached the land of Zhang Xu in front of Ye Shanhe.

Suddenly, a black light shining from his hands, with the momentum of breaking the ages, with endless killings, directly printed on the heart of Yeshanhe.

The world is gloomy, and the universe is reversed.

Even Ye Shanhe didn’t react at all at this time, and saw that black light penetrated his body and killed several powerful Ye Clan experts behind him.


Ye Shanhe looked at the figure in the black robe that stepped out in front of him with a dull expression, his lips trembled, and he didn’t know what to say.

The moment when the ancestor appeared, he just ended the farce of today, so that his mind was relaxed, and he never thought that this Ling clan supreme dared to attack him in front of the ancestor! !

Remorse in all kinds of things is meaningless so far, and there is only desolation and unwillingness in his eyes.

Who would have thought that the master of the dignified Ye Clan, the powerhouse of the Ninth Stage of the Saint Realm, would end up here because of a sideline tribe?

Seeing this scene, Ling Xiao’s face was always calm.

When the ancestor of the Ye Clan showed up, he didn’t dare to kill the ghost. I’m afraid it is most expensive today.

However, what Ling Xiao wanted was not the Ye Clan’s attitude, but to eliminate the hidden dangers of the Holy State and pave an invincible road for future births.

Therefore, Ye Shanhe must die, so that this storm will be irreversible.

And a Heavenly Sovereign made an angry shot, afraid that the entire Azure Realm would be shaken by it, right?

“Mountains and rivers!!”

Above the void, the Ye Clan’s ancestor looked furious, and the killing intent contained in his tone made this heaven and earth ice down instantly for no reason.

Everyone only felt a ray of chill rising from the soles of their feet, like falling into an ice cellar, and there was a kind of panic that would never be restored.

“Ling Clan! Bullying too much!!”

The ancestor of the Ye clan took a deep breath, and as far as the light of his eyes came, the void was shattered, and there seemed to be Hongmeng Xianhui that penetrated through the ages, and the sun, moon and stars fell abruptly.

In the next instant, he saw the jade shining outside his body, forming a world of its own, and directly confining the ghost and Ling Xiao’s figure in place, making it difficult to move.

At this moment, the Ye Clan ancestor’s face clearly flashed with hesitation, his eyes flashed between the ghost and the sky for a while, and finally fell on the former.

“Kill the elder of my clan leader, even if you are a member of the Ling clan, give me reincarnation today.”

After the words fell, the ancestors of the Ye clan finally stopped hesitating, and under one handprint, there seemed to be hundreds of millions of lines in the palm of the palm, and the vast supreme divine power poured out from the sky, like a Tianhe bursting dike, and the gods fell westward.

The entire Tianmu Territory was trembling at this time, as if it could not bear the anger of a Heavenly Sovereign, and was about to collapse.

It’s just surprising that there was no trace of fear on Ghost Shadow’s face, and even Ling Xiao didn’t have any fear in his eyes.

Only Ye was gentle, staring blankly at the already cold Ye Shanhe in front of him, lost his soul, no longer half arrogant.

She couldn’t figure it out, how could things have evolved to such a degree today?

How could her father, the well-known Ye Clan leader in Qingcang realm, be killed in the Ye Clan’s ancestral land unsuspectingly?

In the final analysis, the reason why Ye Qingchan was in the lower realm at the beginning was not because Ye Qingrou was so talented that he could crush this sideline tribe.

even! !

In the eyes of the ancestors, there is not much difference in the collateral line.

At the time when the immortals and demons fought, all the 18 ancestors of the Ye Clan died in the battle.

And now the so-called direct line is just the inheritance of Ye Luoyun.

It can be placed one hundred thousand years ago. Every branch of this Ye Clan had its ancestors. How could it be distinguished by the ancestors?

The reason why she Ye Qingrou is the Young Master of the Ye Clan is because she has a father of the ninth stage of the Holy Realm.

Ye Qingchan didn’t.

But now, everything seems to have changed.

Ye Qingchan returned from Shengzhou, and the one standing behind him was actually the Taikoo Ling clan! !

How come, why?

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